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REZ last won the day on December 25 2016

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  1. I agree with Sunshine! As long as you can stop sticking paper and tobacco in your mouth and lighting it on fire your on the right road. I quit using the gum a long time ago, did it for about 2 or 3 months before gradually switching to regular gum then none. I am not discounting how other members did their quit at all because everybody knows everybody's quit is different. The way things are today with the corona virus, I would chew my dogs poop if it would help me quit. Just saying
  2. REZ checking in! Long time no see all! Long time quitter! 5+ years but that as high as I can count! Left doctor when sick long time ago, Quit that night and haven't looked back! Got a new to me house and truck, 3 dogs, new job that still sucks, and my wife that I met on here (Actually on another quit site) and going on 4 years! Tracey and I are doing great! Been across the pond a few times, Punta Cana, Canada, Florida, Arizona, Carolina's and more. We have been exercising a lot (Weights & Running). Eating healthy thanks to Tracey. Learning on how to drink wine without falling over, but JD still my favorite! All this since we quit, pretty much a new life! Planning this years vacations. Might go skiing this weekend if we can find some snow! Waiting for the summer, sun, pool, fun, and bike! Still like running around outside buck naked in the morning! Getting to be an old fart and thinking about retirement in a couple of years, might move down south next to Bakon! No pictures to share because of new work computer. Good memories of this site, keep up the awesome work newbies and oldies! REZ Out!
  3. REZ

    chicks or sticks

    -12 days of Christmas
  4. A little late but congrats Joe! Any beer left?????
  5. I will say NOPE for today!
  6. How are you doing?
  7. Good job Latoya! Putting a patch on your arm is a lot better then sticking a piece of paper in your mouth with cancer causing crap in it and lighting it on fire!!! Keep with the patch for a couple of days and then try a day without it.
  8. REZ

    chicks or sticks

  9. I've changed it a little to a 4 X 6. The squats are the hardest so far. The knees are what they used to be. I'm sure as the weight increases everything else will be hard too!
  10. That just isn't normal!
  11. Noping all the way!
  12. Happy B day D
  13. Tracey and I are differently in to this fitness thing for the last few months. I just started a Stronglifts 5X5 workout program and a high protein diet. We will see where this goes! PS - I love donuts!
  14. REZ

    Rez has Four

    Ooops! Thanks guys, time flies when your having fun. Been busy taking care of my sick mom lately so not having much fun. You all need to consintrate on the newbe's and less on us old farts! From the dirty egg steeling biker!
  15. So here's the party Bakon tied up in that yellow police tape to a chair in the middle of the room The ladies of the train are dancing around him Batman hanging from the ceiling, Stewart and reciprocity are taking notes Pearlie is wrestling with Stewie and sonic, Frez and runfree have traded shoes, Doreen has got her whip out, Colleen says I get first first crack at him, Boo says boooo,# beacon is looking for a place to live, Paul is hung over the fence, babs pasted out in the back seat, MQ is overseeing it all. Only the best for the Bakon! Congratulations! Keep marching!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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