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Huge achievement today


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The Hunstman Spider ....


sitting having a coffee with my daughter this afternoon, suddenly her eyes grow to the size of dinner plates, I immediately know we have an unwanted visitor and that daughter is going to be no help whatsoever  with the eviction of our univited guest ... 


These spiders are enormous, now I'm a huge animal lover, but hate spiders with a passion, I'm terrified of them, but I don't like to kill them,  usually there will be someone here to help but today just two teriffied females ... anyone with a phobia will understand this, my heart rate would have doubled, I swear I could hear it beating, I had to practice deep breathing just to work out how I was going to catch it (usually I would have picked up a smoke at this stage, 5 mins of smoking and coming up with a plan) I've now got my large plastic container daughter is looking for a suitable piece of cardboard to slip between the wall and the container. Once I'd trapped it I had to take a minute or two before moving onto the next stage, which is slipping in the cardboard, all the time the spider is running around the plastic tub, cardboard done, move onto the next stage which is getting the whole lot outside, once I got to the back door I just threw the whole lot and shut the door, daughter is supervising and screaming all this time, which did nothing for my nerves.


I think in the past a spider episode would have taken at least three ciggies to get over it, the one before, and then at least two after to help calm me down, possibly even more. But today I did all of this without a ciggie ... I was truly amazed at myself, I was so scared I was shaking like a leaf afterwards but I didn't smoke. Even re-living this has increased my heartrate again, but I'm so proud of myself I had to tell you all ...  


I know this isn't eveyones idea of a stressful moment but for me it was enormous !


Sue x 





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Yay Sue, so happy for you that you faced your fear without reaching for those cigs! Very very well done my friend :)


I like your style, not wanting to kill the little guy, and I LOL'd at the part where you just said you chucked everything - I can just see it now!!


Well done - I'm really really proud of you :)

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Yay Sue, so happy for you that you faced your fear without reaching for those cigs! Very very well done my friend :)


I like your style, not wanting to kill the little guy, and I LOL'd at the part where you just said you chucked everything - I can just see it now!!


Well done - I'm really really proud of you :)

The cardboard and plastic pot are still out there ... daughter asked me why I slammed the door, did I think it was going to run back in, the door was shut before my spider hit the ground lol

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You kept your quit and saved a spider!


Nice job on both accounts Soozie.


But you know sooner or later you are going to have to go back out there and .............!


Congrats on facing your fears too!

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You kept your quit and saved a spider!


Nice job on both accounts Soozie.


But you know sooner or later you are going to have to go back out there and .............!


Congrats on facing your fears too!

Thanks REZ, the only thing that daughter was good for was watching, according to her our spider took off like the clappers ... possibly trying to avoid the plastic pot above him ... lol 

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Well done soozie you are a lot braver than me i would of ran out the house.


I'm going to oz in december and i can't stop worrying about the spiders lol


massive well done on not having a ciggy xx

usually I would have run out the house, but my spider would have still been there ... had no choice but to deal with it ... you'll be fine in December, they only start to come inside when it cools off, this is the first one I've seen inside for months and months ... where abouts in OZ are you heading for ? 

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Urgh horrible things like snakes urgh how can you live there, I wouod have a heart attack if I came in contact with a snake and would not be happy with those arachnaphobia(sp?) Spiders, good girl for getting rid and with screaming child and not smoking, massive proud moments but would you not have made sure you chcked it further away from the house so couldn't come back in lol

Congrats x

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Urgh horrible things like snakes urgh how can you live there, I wouod have a heart attack if I came in contact with a snake and would not be happy with those arachnaphobia(sp?) Spiders, good girl for getting rid and with screaming child and not smoking, massive proud moments but would you not have made sure you chcked it further away from the house so couldn't come back in lol

Congrats x

You're so funny SueBeDoo,


strangely enough I have no problem with snakes, I could count on 1 hand how many times I've seen them in the wild and that's after living here for 26 years, but when I have seen them they don't scare me.


Yes, I agree with how far can you chuck them, when I'm instructing someone else how to relocate a spider it usually involves a lot more than what I did today, I've even had friends take them in their car's to a park or somewhere nice, yes I really have done that ...  


Mmmmmm, that screaming child is 22 years old and was smoking all the time I was trying to protect us lol ... 


Sue x 

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The biatchhhh how dare she scream and smoke, knew she was a grown adult, kids useless huh ;)

Oh I do that when anyone is removing an illegal habitant from my home, I keep shouting further and further away, chuck it over the wall lol I do be like a lunatic and that is even with the worms aswell urgh dont get me started, I need to get hypnotised or something to get over me fears, I have my 4 and nearly 3 year old terrified of worms it's rediculous!

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The biatchhhh how dare she scream and smoke, knew she was a grown adult, kids useless huh ;)

Oh I do that when anyone is removing an illegal habitant from my home, I keep shouting further and further away, chuck it over the wall lol I do be like a lunatic and that is even with the worms aswell urgh dont get me started, I need to get hypnotised or something to get over me fears, I have my 4 and nearly 3 year old terrified of worms it's rediculous!

lol SueBeDoo, yep they're good for nothin ... all my kids are scared of creepies (thanks to mummy)...even my boys, my eldest is now 30, trys to put on a brave face in a crisis, to help mummy, but you should see his face, poor bugger shakes like a leaf when he has to remove an uninvited guest with more than 4 legs  ... lol

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That's one of the biggest tests I've ever heard because I'm terrified of big spiders too (thank God they don't live around here!!!)


Here's some advice for in the future: keep a can of hair spray... when you see a scary spider, spray it... they can't move with the hair spray on em. :)


Anyway, good job!!!

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Please don't hate me! lol



Couldn't watch it, once he got the plastic pot out and started getting close to it I had to switch it off ... if I'm completely honest I may have slightly exaggerated the size of my spider, it was a baby compared to that one hahaha ... if I had one like that in my house I would have to call the emergency services lol  is that true about the hairspray ?

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Ugh, creepy..


I would have locked myself in a room without the spider and waited until my partner rescues me. If there is one thing I'm terrified of it's spiders, even the tiny teeny ones. They say that killing a spider is bad luck, but we usually take our chances.


You are brave, lol!

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Ugh, creepy..


I would have locked myself in a room without the spider and waited until my partner rescues me. If there is one thing I'm terrified of it's spiders, even the tiny teeny ones. They say that killing a spider is bad luck, but we usually take our chances.


You are brave, lol!

I would have had a bloody long wait, he doesn't get back from work until May 6th lol 

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I don't like spiders and they never actually scared me until I spent six months in Sydney and encountered an Australian Funnel Web spider at our company rented house.


Funnel web spiders are one of the deadliest spiders on the face of this earth and that scared the hell out of me.

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I don't like spiders and they never actually scared me until I spent six months in Sydney and encountered an Australian Funnel Web spider at our company rented house.


Funnel web spiders are one of the deadliest spiders on the face of this earth and that scared the hell out of me.

did you watch the video that Rain Forest put on here ? I had to switch it off lol .... and thankfully we don't have funnel webs in WA, that's one of the reasons we came here and not the east coast !

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