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Is it detox or time to see a quack

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So since I went nicotine free (for our lovely new hosts [must be brown nose fridee]... i quit smokin 3 mths ago but have been having 1 or 2 NRT 2mg chewies up until last fridee) a week ago I have been feeling so seedy its not funny... its like I have SOLs or carsickness ya know. Not full blown SOLs just the seedy, bilious one where you feel like ya gunna chuck but not really and even if ya wanted to ralph ya don't progress beyond the blurgh feelin. It starts about 30mins after I eat and lasts about 3 hours. 


So my question is .... is this just detoxin the last of the nicotine or is this something i should talk to me quack about... its kinda put me off me tucker which isn't a bad thing cos I got some condition to loose (ya know when someone says, "Oh I've lost weight" well immediately I fucken find it) but it isn't improvin which means the sunburn rule has been exceeded. I haven't done the google doctor thing cos I don't want to catch the plague like me dad but maybe its more than just detoxin... wotta ya reckon??

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No end to the weird things my head and body have been doing since I quit.


There must be a English to Melbourne translator program on this computer somewhere :-)


Hang in there



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Our bodies sure get messed up...your body is adjusting to being nicotine free...

If you are worried about anything health wise ..it's always best to get it checked out.....

Could me dotox..or could be a bug...better to be safe etc.....stay strong Jo...

I'm actually understood this...worrying. Lol....

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I can't help you out on this one. Maybe it is the withdrawal from the gum???

I hate to hear that you are feeling so bad...I know you are a busy gal, no time for this crud!!

Could be a bug with incredible timing - I found that not every symptom is because of the quit.

I'm no help....Feel better soon!!!

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I have had this exact thing happen to me off and on for the last several years. I feel slightly nauseous after any eating I do, and then it goes away after an hour or two. I've always attributed it to some sort of temporary gut imbalance. It always goes away after a week or two.


We all know that rebalancing our bodies after quitting takes some weird tolls on us and can take some weird turns. It's impossible to say if your symptoms are just quit symptoms or maybe a bug you've picked up.


I hope yours goes away and that you feel better soon.

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I could be withdrawal from the gum but it could also be the plague :7_sweat_smile: 

Have you tried a probiotic or something like Activia yogurt? Just something to get things moving to eliminate any toxic waste build up in your gut...good gut flora. I sometimes do a fiber juice fast for a day or two to get things back in order. in another words, you might just need a good poo :4_joy:

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Tough call Jo!


First 5 days of being nicotine free coinciding with first 5 days of being QSMB free coinciding with the onset could sure give a lot of weight to the withdrawal/anxiety (if it looks and walks like a blue booby) side of the coin, but how can you know?


Only thing I can say for sure is that I hope you don't have the plague like your Dad, and that you feel better soon.

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I felt sick for weeks when I quit.  Sick, tired....the list was long.   be it a virus or the detox, it will pass.  


You did say you were feeling sick correct?  I read your post 3 times and I am still not completely sure....:35_thinking::7_sweat_smile:

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Just the body expressing it's discontent for not having it's nicotine.

Withdraw symptoms can be numerous. Most of us I think just have a select few. For me it was feeling real sluggish for a few days.


If you go to the quack about it, they will diagnose some horrible disease and have some super expensive medication (not covered by insurance) for you to take.

It is probably best to give things a few days and they will probably clear up.



OR, you could also request "thoughts and prayers" from friends and family because that always helps matters.

If that doesn't help, maybe they could send "good vibes".



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On 3/3/2018 at 10:04 AM, Giveintowin said:

It's not an Aussie accent. No-one I know talks like that. 


I hope you feel better soon.



Um yeah .. my ex came from the bush (north east Victoria, home to Ned Kelly the bushranger) and trust me he talked like that. Like srsly. When we were in Paris I had to translate his English to English speaking Parisians.

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2 hours ago, Phoebe2 said:



Um yeah .. my ex came from the bush (north east Victoria, home to Ned Kelly the bushranger) and trust me he talked like that. Like srsly. When we were in Paris I had to translate his English to English speaking Parisians.

That's one person. I live in Sydney and have met thousands. I've also travelled to many country areas also. I've spent over 46 years in this country so comparing this to one person doesn't compete. We were also taught in school how to read and write correctly in English. Education is free in Australia until you get to university. Also saying "f&#ck" in every second sentence isn't Australian either. It's not an Aussie accent. An accent in the sound, not what is written. 

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Feelin no better but puttin off visitin the quack cos I like ta be an Ostrich an he's after me to get some test done that i'm avoidin. Thanks for feedback. Will give it another week I think then bite the bullet and go to the docs.



3 hours ago, Giveintowin said:

.... We were also taught in school how to read and write correctly in English. Education is free in Australia until you get to university....


Mate, of course we were taught how to speak, read and write correct English and I am perfectly able to do so, if I choose. I spend 10 hours a day doing it for work (unless I'm talkin to the techies or warehouse guys). I even have to speak it with a freaking toffee accent when I'm in my mum's presence because the scars from childhood were fantastic conditioning. However, when I'm at home or with me mates I talk pretty much exactly as I type, well maybe I swear less when the kids are around... predominantly it started because I knew how much it pissed my mum off but its me, and I just type as the little voice (internal monologue narrator). In addition, I have a very tech savvy 12 year old, who while profoundly dyslexic can hack most of my passwords and then use one of her voice to text programs to translate what I am saying... So my typing total gobbledegook is 4 things, 1 its the inner fuckin monologue voice that runs my thoughts and not bothering to filter or translate them, 2 its because it limits the ability of my child to 'read' what I am saying thus making me feel freer to say what I want, even if it is random weirdness,  3 its a sign that I am in a comfortable environment in which I feel I have some friends around who take me as I am and don't particularly give a shit how much of a nutcase I am and 4. its the little girl sitting at her kitchen table, verbally conjugating verbs until some ungodly hour of the morning because she sounds "to common" with nice little physical incentives to stay awake and get it right given a big "Fvck You" to her mum because she's too gutless to do it in real life.


So of course I can write correct and appropriate English but in all honesty unless I'm pissed off or really serious about something chances are you wont see me write like that. If it is too much for your delicate Sydney sensibilities to take please don't bother ready my posts because its no skin off my nose if you don't. 





Edited by notsmokinjo
forgot to close the parentheses
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Hi Jo.

Sorry to hear your still feeling crook...I get it.!!!.....its a big effort to go the doc,s sometimes....when are lives are busy...we forget to take care of ourselves,as much as we should.

Please go soon....if the tests are important ...more reason...xx

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1 hour ago, notsmokinjo said:

Feelin no better but puttin off visitin the quack cos I like ta be an Ostrich an he's after me to get some test done that i'm avoidin. Thanks for feedback. Will give it another week I think then bite the bullet and go to the docs.




Mate, of course we were taught how to speak, read and write correct English and I am perfectly able to do so, if I choose. I spend 10 hours a day doing it for work (unless I'm talkin to the techies or warehouse guys). I even have to speak it with a freaking toffee accent when I'm in my mum's presence because the scars from childhood were fantastic conditioning. However, when I'm at home or with me mates I talk pretty much exactly as I type, well maybe I swear less when the kids are around... predominantly it started because I knew how much it pissed my mum off but its me, and I just type as the little voice (internal monologue narrator). In addition, I have a very tech savvy 12 year old, who while profoundly dyslexic can hack most of my passwords and then use one of her voice to text programs to translate what I am saying... So my typing total gobbledegook is 4 things, 1 its the inner fuckin monologue voice that runs my thoughts and not bothering to filter or translate them, 2 its because it limits the ability of my child to 'read' what I am saying thus making me feel freer to say what I want, even if it is random weirdness,  3 its a sign that I am in a comfortable environment in which I feel I have some friends around who take me as I am and don't particularly give a shit how much of a nutcase I am and 4. its the little girl sitting at her kitchen table, verbally conjugating verbs until some ungodly hour of the morning because she sounds "to common" with nice little physical incentives to stay awake and get it right given a big "Fvck You" to her mum because she's too gutless to do it in real life.


So of course I can write correct and appropriate English but in all honesty unless I'm pissed off or really serious about something chances are you wont see me write like that. If it is too much for your delicate Sydney sensibilities to take please don't bother ready my posts because its no skin off my nose if you don't. 





I guess I can see that you interpreted that I had an issue with the way you spoke, but I actually don't. I just don't think it's actually "Aussie accent like". It's uniquely you so this was what I was trying to say. No need to take offence and I honestly hope you don't ban me from writing on your posts. Cheers :)

Edited by Giveintowin
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23 minutes ago, Giveintowin said:

I guess I can see that you interpreted that I had an issue with the way you spoke, but I actually don't. I just don't think it's actually "Aussie accent like". It's uniquely you so this was what I was trying to say. No need to take offence and I honestly hope you don't ban me from writing on your posts. Cheers :)

Post away, was havin a presciuos moment and the nerves were pretty raw, you happened ta hit a few.... all good now.

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21 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:

Post away, was havin a presciuos moment and the nerves were pretty raw, you happened ta hit a few.... all good now.

Ok, I'm sorry about that. I know what those moments can be like. And things don't always come across well when they are written. Take good care. Apologies again. 

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