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Glad you are feeling better, I would put you on the couch in a snuggley throw, bring you a cup or tea or chicken noodle soup.


In reality you would be on the couch with a throw, 2 snuggley dogs and I would bring you a warm brownie with ice cream.  It is the best way to feel better I promise!


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1 minute ago, Kris said:

Glad you are feeling better, I would put you on the couch in a snuggley throw, bring you a cup or tea or chicken noodle soup.


In reality you would be on the couch with a throw, 2 snuggley dogs and I would bring you a warm brownie with ice cream.  It is the best way to feel better I promise!


Thanks @Kris the brownie sounds great and the dogs too! My dog was happy to see me when I got home!!

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@BATI got the Moderna booster since my other two shots were that. I wasn't chancing mixing the different brands even if they do say its safe...

As far as side effects, my arms are sore and a headache. I also got a flu shot in the other arm so that's why both arms are sore.

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@Doreensfree, I had planned on getting a flu shot at my Dr appt last week and then the booster in December but my Dr didn't have any left so since I was overdue for it just decided to chance it lol. So far no extra limbs are growing so I think I'll be fine 😄

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Sorry to hear most of all that you have a headache, if you have them put ice packs on your forehead and the back of your neck, it helps me with migraine.  The sore arms will feel better in a day of two.  I got shingles and flu in the same arm. I will be happy when they can give us everything in just one jab!

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@Linda Are you feeling better this morning or afternoon? I just got up, days and nights are upside down right now. Do you have someone nearby to come spoil you a little? I don't know anything about Afib but I know enough to know you went thru a scare.  



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4 minutes ago, Kris said:

@Linda Are you feeling better this morning or afternoon? I just got up, days and nights are upside down right now. Do you have someone nearby to come spoil you a little? I don't know anything about Afib but I know enough to know you went thru a scare.  



@Kris Yes I am doing better today, thanks for asking. Yes it can be scary but I have dealt with it for

awhile. Its been under control for along time just rears it ugly head once in a while.I'm pretty good at spoiling myself. Lol

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@Bat, I do have a great couch, only because I put people that don't feel well on there and proceed to spoil them rotten.  It is the only thing I am good at.  When you feel bad you just need someone to cook good food, keep you comfortable, entertain with things you enjoy (must say I hate football but I have watched a lot of it).  I am searching for a new couch now, must be good leather since I have dogs, will tolerate spills of beer and drinks, be overstuffed, have a deep seat depth and sit high. I have learned all this is important for entertaining and caregiving. It is liking hunting a unicorn!


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7 hours ago, jillar said:

@BATI got the Moderna booster since my other two shots were that. I wasn't chancing mixing the different brands even if they do say its safe...

As far as side effects, my arms are sore and a headache. I also got a flu shot in the other arm so that's why both arms are sore.

I don’t have the courage to get the booster and flu shots at the same time. I’m not sure I even want the booster, but my man thinks we should get them. I always get my flu shot, but haven’t yet. 

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I am going thru insurance info online for open season selections I have as a widow in federal coverage.  It is such a pain in the a** comparing everything.  I have not changed since he died but the monthly premiums just keep going up.  They now have more choices so I have to compare everything, see if my doctors are on the plan yada yada.  It will be even harder when I qualify for medicare.


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@Katgirl you know better than that, get your booster and your flu shot.  I got the flu and my first shingles at the end of August at the same time, no problems.   Just had the shingles booster.  Will be trying to find out when I can get the third Covid.  You are a professional in medical care.  You have more knowledge than most of us. You know what you and your guy need to do.  Why the delay...are both of you trying to get sick so you can quarintine?  Heck someone just move in somewhere together and be safe, not sorry together.


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5 hours ago, Kris said:

@Katgirl you know better than that, get your booster and your flu shot.  I got the flu and my first shingles at the end of August at the same time, no problems.   Just had the shingles booster.  Will be trying to find out when I can get the third Covid.  You are a professional in medical care.  You have more knowledge than most of us. You know what you and your guy need to do.  Why the delay...are both of you trying to get sick so you can quarintine?  Heck someone just move in somewhere together and be safe, not sorry together.


That’s a whole other can of worms. I still have not made the commitment to give up my place and move in permanently. I can’t explain it, except to say it’s my safety net, having my own home, just in case. It’s ridiculous, because I am hardly ever there. As for the immunizations, I will most likely get them. Part of me wonders if we are being scammed by the pharmaceutical industry into getting boosters we don’t need. And as for the shingles vac, I got them, and I have never been so sick, as I was after getting both doses. I was down for 3 days, both times. It was awful. Hopefully I am immune. I will definitely get my flu shot next week.

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I would go by the advice of your doctors and ultimately the decision is yours. There is no right or wrong decision as some claim there is. If your doctor's advice sets off red flags, question him or her and if they don't provide real answers and instead quickly recite CDC talking points, find another doctor. My point - if a doctor cannot answer questions which you have the right to know and simply rely on the same information that you can get from the CDC/FDA/NIH websites (their information leads to many questions), you might as well use Google for medical advice. Not a good idea and neither is taking medical advice from a CDC mouthpiece who is afraid of losing his/her medical license. 


As far as shingles, I've had it twice. Both times I was denied a vaccine for it because I wasn't old enough (have to be at least 50-yrs old). I'm glad that I didn't take it when I was eligible because my doctor told me that each time somebody gets shingles, it's a much milder form than the previous infection. In my case, this was true. I'm sure this isn't the same experience for everybody; nothing ever is. 


As far as big pharma, CDC and the FDA is concerned, I used to trust them completely. Once I started digging into the big tobacco lawsuits and watching and reading the junk science our own government was purposely putting out, I grew skeptical of these institutions and what motivated them. They did not have the health and well-being of society as their main motive. Heck, it wasn't even a motive at all, during those times. Money was. Politics was. Greed was. It still goes on today as big tobacco has spun a wide web into third world countries to capture young children. It's a disgusting, evil thing to watch and yet only concerned citizens ever voice opposition. Where is the CDC/FDA and our elected officials to reign this in? That's a rhetorical question.


Fast forward to January 2020 to present day. I gave the NIH, CDC and the FDA the benefit of the doubt but watched their messaging very closely. It wasn't adding up early on and is even worse today. It reminds me so much of big tobacco and the junk science that harmed so many. I do not trust anything coming out of our medical institutions right now and they will need to be gutted for me ever to consider trusting anything coming out of them.


COVID-19 is real. I had it and survived it. Over 1.5 yrs later, I'm still dealing with its effects. Thankfully, I live in a part of the country where I have access to some very good doctors who actually practice medicine and science. They're not afraid to dissent from the MSM narrative and help patients. They tell you the truth - the good, the bad, the ugly and even tell you when they don't have an answer. They treat patients and do not tell them to go home until you can't breathe and then go to the ER, like my former doctor did. Unacceptable. Demand better. No settling allowed.


While we live through these very difficult times in which our elected and appointed officials alike, have undermined basic trust in what is supposed to be the foundation of medicine in this country, it's ever-important to listen to all arguments with an open mind, play devil's advocate with yourself and see if your own conclusions still hold water. Or, has your bucket of knowledge sprung a leak or two? We owe it to ourselves and loved ones. We have to be an assertive participant in our own healthcare, even if that means offending arrogant physicians. The good ones, don't mind patients asking questions, even challenging questions and in fact, they expect it and they will give you their honest opinions. 

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