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day 3 update


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Hey guys - just an update to let you all know I'm doing Ok.

I have found today the hardest so far but I think I am panicking about going out tomorrow evening which involves alcohol :-/

anyway I am still working this site out as I'm on my phone it takes a little longer lol

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Hey Laura, So pleased you posted!!  Wow going out out, on day 4, thought only I was brave enough to do that :)  


Just tell yourself you got this, you do not want to smoke. Where do you live, if england I can give you a mobile on pm to offer help if needed. xx

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Laura, I am glad to hear from you.  Ususually the beginning is the hardest of course but as you go along it becomes easier.  I am not sure where you are going?  Maybe you do not need to have a drink or just have one .  If it gets to be too much, leave? I tried to be careful about drinking in the beginning so that the monster did not come out and smoke before I had put him away completely.  :)


What do you think?

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Hi Laura


Glad that you're doing ok :)


With regards to tomorrow, 2 choices.


Will going threaten your quit? Do you think being around alchohol will weaken your resolve, do you trust yourself? If not reconsider going as it would be a real shame to put yourself in a position that could jeopardise your quit.


OR....if you are of the solid mindest that life goes on, nothing will jeopardise this quitbthen go with a plan of how you will deal being in that environment and not smoking.


Only you know you and which choice guarantees success. :)

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Hi Laura great to hear from you, you are doing so fantastic


my advise dont get too drunk, drink plenty of water and take time out breaks, stay away from smokers as much as possible and leave early if getting to hard


but in between all that try and relax and enjoy yourself 


have a get out plan before you go

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Hi, Laura!  Yes, the third day can be a bear...but you are getting through it, and that is what is important!  Remember that you never have to relive these past three days...as long as you don't smoke.  As far as tomorrow night, as Sharon says, you will have to be the judge whether it is "safe" for you.  I never gave up my wine...because I figured I was already giving up enough by not smoking.  I know others, however, who did not drink for several weeks after they quit smoking.  The most important thing is to protect your quit.  So, if you decide to go, make a plan about how you are going to handle the situation....visualize what might happen and what you will do.  You are doing great!

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Thanks guys for your support, tomorrow is a night i can not avoid our best friends are emigrating to oz from the UK so it's very important, I do feel I should of waited untill it was out the way but a bit late now.

I keep telling my self smoking is the one thing there is no pay back on, at least if I have a couple of glasses of wine I get something bk a little tipsy haha with nicotine you get nothing and as I don't ever really drink a couple will be Ok I will just have to take it easy.

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Hi Laura good to see you and thanks for the update, your doing great, I stopped drinking way before I attempted to stop smoking, as I know myself when drink is involved I would smoke, keep the mindset that you do not smoke, you are a non smoker, do not be tempted to have just one puff as you know where that will go, go out enjoy yourself and wake up the next day still a non smoker  :D

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Hi Laura,


I'm so glad that you decided to join up :-)  I hope that the experience of having all these wonderful people around to share the journey with will help you through :-)


It's much nicer being part of a community than doing it alone.


like I said on FB in January before you joined up, Allen Carr helps you to dispel the myths, but you ignore this information when you choose to smoke, and it is always a choice.


these good people will help you see that.... you always have a choice :-)


PS. Thanks everyone for giving my friend so much warmth and support, much appreciated :-)

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Hey Laura! Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you're doing well. :)


The 3rd done is hard for a lot of people. I actually felt like I had the flu on the 3rd day! But you did it and that's all that counts. :) Good for you!


Tracey's right. Try not to get too drunk and leave if it gets too rough. Drinking tends to lead to heavy smoking and you don't need to be around that at the moment!

You're doing fantastic -- keep up the great work. :D 

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Ok so I have made a conscious decision that I am not going to drink tonight, I am working untill 7 so I'm unable to get out untill 8 and as tomorrow is my only day off I don't really want a hangover.

so my excuse is going to be my beautiful daughter I am going to take her with me. I know I shouldn't make excuses but to be honest I am not ready to go out partying yet but at least I am still going to go :-)

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Thanks jon for always being there. I'm very determined to make this work this time.

i feel i have prepared myself so much this time around and feel quite relaxed today.

i have lots to look forward to, i am going back to college next week to do a councelling course which i am very excited about and also starting yoga and meditation.

i am going to be 40 this year and i hear life starts at 40 i am going to make this happen for me weather it's a myth or not.

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Good girl, well done you are doing soo well, keep your guard up tonight if you're having a few drinks,keep your phone near you and post here if you need us and we will come running, congrats xx

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Yep best thing to do now is not drink til you are a little bit sronger in your quit, you should be very proud of yourself, your life will really begin at 40, you will look like a 20 year old in college with your non smoking babys bum skin;) and you will smell yummy sitting in lectures, very well done to you for going to college, this is the start of your better brand new life, fun times ahead x

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So happy you are here with us Laura.  This is the best place to quit smoking. 


Agree regarding being careful with drinking right now.  It can def lead to bad decision making and has ruined many a quit.  Better to wait until you are stronger imo.


You are doing wonderfully!

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hey Laura, savvy to not get drunk i think. maybe do the social thing and leave as soon as reasonable :)  That said you may be surprised how many non smokers are in your group, i also think telling people is a good idea. Gives yourfriends a chance to look after you. Pm'd my number too, just in cases. Above all try and still enjoy your night, life's worth living :) x

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