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My Story.....


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So my story starts 9 years ago, well actually 30 years ago was my first cigarette, 9 years ago was my first stop attempt over the years there have been a few to say the least :13_upside_down:, but i was once told by someone, never give up trying to give up. The longest ive stopped for is 9 months. This stop has been 37 days and 5 hours. 

Here's my issue, which i know many of you will disagree with, i stopped on the 21mg patch, now on the 14mg patch along with occasional 1.5mg loz and a vape. I dont need anyone to tell me im overdosing on nicotine but on my last stop i stopped with the vape and then started smoking again both cigarettes and vape, mental i know. 

The vape is now as bad a habit as the cigarettes were. 

Ive had no cravings on my stop, no surprises there, but i really want to ditch the vape but its become my crutch.

Any advice?

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Hi and welcome....

Can I ask if you have nicotine in your vape.? If you have ,you are certainly over dosing ....

Spend some time time here..read all you can,watch all the videos....

You say you want to ditch the vape..great ,just chuck it in the bin...

Never stick anything in your mouth and puff on it...

There is so much info here ,to help you along...you can do it....believe in yourself...

Looking forward to getting to know you better...

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Hello and welcome to the forum.  Yes I would say the same as Doreen, too much nicotine.  I quit just about 6 weeks ago and I had smoked for 44 years and I went cold turkey.  It was hard but it was not as hard as I thought it would be.  Sometimes the hardest thing about quitting smoking is the "fear" you build up about it.  Once you conquer that fear each day you begin to see that it can be done.  Just do this one day at a time, come here at least once a day and make the "NOPE" pledge (it really does help), do some research, and reach out to others and you will find that it is doable.  Come on along for the ride and you will find that it is one the best journey's you will ever take.  

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oh boy!  First of all Kitkat...welcome to the forum :)

If you want to go another few years of this back and forth with the patches..lozenges...and vaping....with the very strong possibility of a relapse...only to end up right back here maybe 10 years later, well then, you are on the right path.

If you want to be free of the slavery of nicotine addiction...educate yourself.  Read  read read all the educational materials provided by the board...countless videos on all these subjects you talk about.  

Listen....we have all been there where you are.  But frankly....you are playing with fire.

Make the true committment....get through the first day...second day...third day.  Get through the first week.  Come to the board and post your fears, frustrations..anything.  But just don't take a puff.  It really is as simple as that.  Before you know it..you will be well on your glorious smoke free journey.  

Make this the quit that sticks.  No more smoking.  Period


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6 hours ago, kitkat said:

Ive had no cravings on my stop, no surprises there, but i really want to ditch the vape but its become my crutch.

Any advice?


My advice would be same as what everyone has said above.  Quitting nicotine is not always easy but it's always simple.  NOPE!!! 

If there is nicotine in your vape, then of course there are no cravings.  You're still ingesting nicotine at the same or greater level as when you were smoking cigarettes. The same principles that apply to getting off nicotine apply to getting off vaping.  

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There's no easy way to quit smoking. People have tried it all and at some point or other you just need to STOP smoking everything. It's not even just the nicotine issue. The whole mechanical process involved with vaping is so similar to smoking cigarettes that even with zero nicotine in your vaping pen or whatever, you are still reinforcing the smoking motions in your brain every time you pick up that pen to pacify yourself. Sooner or later, you will pick up a cigarette instead of that zero milligram vape pen and within hours or days you'll be back to a pack a day - I guarantee it!!

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The problem with vape is it is a bigger lie than even the cigarette.

Vaping MIGHT be less harmful but whether or not it is less so, they have used cigarettes as a scapegoat.

Both have the same advertising scams. It is sexy, sophisticated, doctors recommend it, etc.


The big problem is that they do not know the long term effects of vaping just yet. So in the meantime, they will act like it is "just water vapor" or "just car antifreeze". People will buy into it.

You will find study after study talking about how vape is not harmful. They are going to tell every lie imaginable while they still can. Do you want to believe that shit? If it were safe, why would they make it addictive? if it were safe, there would be no need to make vape addictive, nor cigarettes, etc.


I remember the first time i heard of vaping, I was like, "if it is just water vapor, why not carry around a spray bottle of water and breathe that instead? It would be way cheaper".


One thing vape and tobacco companies have in common though - They think it is hilarious when people buy into the lies and even die from using their product. Their only regret is that they will not get revenues from their dead customers, which is why they need to recruit new customers.


We all enjoy this forum but there are some who hate, detest it. Guess who. Yep...

Tobacco and vape companies HATE forums like this one and any other place where people encourage each other not to smoke.


So what about you, kitkat? Do you want to be a case study on the long term effects of vaping or do you want to give up that bullshit and switch instead to - breathing FRESH air? Unless you live in L.A. or have like a dozen animals in the house.


Fresh air is free, actually does GOOD things for the lungs, and our crooked-ass GOVT has not found a way to directly charge tax on it YET.

Besides, who wants the hassle of having to work vape into inconvenient time slots like going out in shit weather just to poison themselves?



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12 minutes ago, Jetblack said:

One thing vape and tobacco companies have in common though - They think it is hilarious when people buy into the lies and even die from using their product. Their only regret is that they will not get revenues from their dead customers, which is why they need to recruit new customers.


Increasingly, the vape and tobacco companies are one-in-the-same.  Big tobacco has seen the numbers of smokers on the decline in developed countries while vaping is an emerging market.  The merchants of death have diversified their interests and are purchasing most of the smaller companies that produce vaping products.


Something to keep in mind if still on the fence about vaping.

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I am not on the fence about vaping. For me, no smoking means no replacement habits either.

yeah some turn to NRT, weed, vape, whatever. That is not quitting though, it is just a lateral move.

If I were going to keep up a bad habit, it would be cigarettes. No point in having multiple addictions.


Would it be funny though if someone -

smoked weed, cigarettes, cigars, vaped, chewed, dipped, use the patch, gum, and chantix all at the same time?

Plus they drank moonshine, used heroin, crack, meth, LSD, ecstasy, huffed paint, AND, AND... were on a sugar high from drinking a gallon of pepsi?

All while being addicted to watching porn on their cell phone while trying to drive on a busy street?


thing is that sounds kind of like some of my old friends. Could not even stand up straight but then try to drive.

I do not screw around with chemicals. I watch dumb asses in action and think, "I do not want that to be me".



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19 minutes ago, Jetblack said:

I am not on the fence about vaping. For me, no smoking means no replacement habits either.


I didn't think that you specifically might be on the fence.  I was just putting it out there for others who may read this.


A friendly reminder that the same people producing most of the vape pens are the same folks who brought us the "safe cigarette" and reminded us which brand of smokes nine-out-of-ten doctors enjoyed.

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39 minutes ago, Jetblack said:

Boo, it was about as damn silly as a commercial saying, "What exercise routine do you employ, Roseanne Barr?"

Or asking a hipster what brand of razor he uses.



 Oh dear Lord.


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I tried vaping for a few days while I was a smoker and actually found it WAY harsher on my throat than smoking cigarettes so gave it up right away and just continued to smoke cigarettes. Don't really know if it's safer than smoking cigs or not but my sense of it is that people are eager to try anything that will allow them to continue to feed their nicotine addiction in a "safer" manner?

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