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Vegetarian recipes

Devil Doll

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  • 4 months later...

Cauliflower Twofer Soup (vegan)


1 head of cauliflower, chopped

2 large carrots, peeled and chopped

2 large spuds, peeled and chopped

2 large granny smith apples, peeled and chopped

2 large onions, peeled and chopped

2 cloved of garlic peeled and crushed (or 2 teaspoons of the stuff outta the jar)

1 cup roasted cashews

curry powder (ie clive of india) to taste (I just get to do a big pinch with the sooky kid but if its me I go heavy)

  **The original recipe had tarragon to taste here but the kid can't stand it so I switched up to curry powder which I can get away with.

tbl spn olive oil

salt and pepper to taste (usually with salt, if a use a salted stock I don't add any at cooking time but might add some when its served)

1 litre of vegetable stock, or similar... or enough to cover everything.


Step 1 - heat oil in bottom of large soup saucepan, add onion and clarify, add garlic and toss for about 1 min, add curry powder and cook off for another minute.

Step 2 - add all other veggies, stock and cashews and bring to boil, reduce to simmer, and cook until all veggies are soft.. carrots should disolve if pushed against the side of the pot... top up water if you need to make sure covered.

Step 3 - With a hand blender (barmix) mix until all ingredients are pureed... this should look like a creamy yellow colour...and the nuts will make it seem as if there is milk in there.


serve with hot crusty rolls or cut french stick.


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  • 2 months later...

Vegan Nachos - High Iron Boost




So I have been having this lately because my iron levels are barely registering and I can't have iron meds because they all interact with other meds I am on.... so luckily I don't mind red meat but I love me veg too.....



Sweet potato chips

1-1.5kg sweet potato, sliced thinly (use a mandolin if available, I use the long flat blade section on my greater)

1-1.5 tbsp sweet paprika

1-1.5 tbsp ground cumin

2 tbsp olive oil

Black beans Chilli mix

2 x 400g tins cooked black beans, rinsed and drained (You can use kidney beans but black beans are higher in iron)

1 red capsicum, seeded and chopped into 1cm cubes (I think in the USA capsicum is called Bell Peppers)

1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes

1 onion, chopped

1-2 garlic cloves, finely chopped (I use 2 decent teaspoons of the crushed stuff out of the jar)

3 tbsp olive oil

1-2 tbsp cumin (to your liking)

1-2 tbsp of sweet paprika (to your liking)

Sprinkle of chilli powder to taste


1/2 small red onion, finely chopped

1/2 bunch coriander leaves, finely chopped (I tihnk in the USA coriander is called Cilantro... I know lots of people don't like this because they are genetically adverse to it... so just substitute baby spinach leaves or kale)

sea salt ( I still need to watch iodine levels so the pink Himalayan rock salt has the least iodine so I use that), freshly ground pepper ... to taste

2 ripe avocados

juice of 1 lime

1 punnet cherry tomatoes, halved



Preheat oven to 200C°. Line 2 or more large baking trays with greaseproof paper. Place sliced sweet potato in a large bowl, toss with olive oil to coat. Add paprika and cumin, toss to coat. This is best done in 2 lots to allow for more even coating. Arrange potato pieces flat over the tray, then cook in oven for 40-60 minutes, turning halfway through (note: the chips do not crisp up entirely like a corn chip).


Meanwhile, heat a frypan on medium heat, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, onion and garlic and sauté for a few minutes. Add capsicum, cook for a few minutes until soft. Add spices, stir to combine for one minute. Add a little of the chopped tomatoes, stir, then add remaining chopped tomatoes and combine. Add beans, combine and simmer, with lid on, for 30 minutes. Optional: mash the beans with a fork if you prefer a more ‘refried beans’ texture.


To make the guacamole: Place chopped onion and coriander leaves in a large mortar with a generous amount of sea salt. Grind with a pestle for a few minutes until you have a rough paste. Peel, stone and halve the avocados and add to the mortar, pounding until they start to mash. Add lime juice and a good grind of pepper, fold through. Add cherry tomatoes and fold through gently. This may seem to make a large quantity, but I happily eat some of the guacamole. Leftover guacamole can be used the following day.


To serve:

Place sweet potato pieces on individual plates, topped with bean mix, then guacamole. Sprinkle coriander leaves over the top and add jalapeños if desired. If you want you can add sour cream and cheese but the calcium will affect your iron absorption and you wont get as much from the meal.


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  • 1 year later...

Chocolate Cupcakes (vegan)


So I hacked my go to chocolate cupcake recipe so I could cook it for a friend who is vegan. I have put the original recipe ingredients in (brackets) where I have done a switch out, I have used { } to indicate a us/UK translation if know. We just call shit different things, live with it 😘. The kid, who isn't really a cake person loved these normally but had a vegan one and asked if I changed the recipe cos this was better.


Cups in Australia hold 250ml



2 cups plain flour {all purpose flour}

1 cup white sugar

1/4 cup good quality unsweatened cocoa powder 

2 teaspoons bicarb soda {baking soda, soda bicarbonate}

1 cup water (milk)

1 cup vegan mayonnaise (whole egg mayo)

1/4 cup apple sauce 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. (Malt vinegar.....but I've always used apple cider vinegar, malt vinegar is just for corned beef)



Preheat oven to 180c {350f....sorry dunno the Brit equivalent gas level something...wait the Google B1tch tells me it's gas mark 4}

1. In a bowl sieve all the dry ingredients and mix until combined.

2. In a larger bowl add all wet ingredients and using a hand mixer/beaters mix on high until well blended.

3. Add dry ingredients to wet mix in 3 batches, beating between each addition and scraping down the sides. If mix seems too dry (it should be think not runny) you can add a few extra tablespoons of water.

4. You could cook as 1 cake but I line 2 cupcake tins with patty pans (those cup cake paper things) and fill 1/2 way. Pop in the oven for 15-20mins or until the skewer comes out clean.


Once cool decorate with either a buttercream icing (I use a coconut oil marg to keep the vegan going) or a chocolate ganache when vegan doesn't matter.


Edited by notsmokinjo
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  • 6 months later...

Vegan ANZAC Biscuits


(These are crispy on the edge and chewy in the middle...and should never, ever be called cookies...biscuits or bickie's yes, cookies NO.)


1 cup SR flour

1 cup desiccated coconut

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup sugar

60g dairy free melted butter

(If you want a thin crisp biscuit you should use 125g of butter..but they spread heaps when cooking and the dough will be sloppy)

2 TBL spoons golden syrup*

4 TBL spoon boiling water

1 teaspoon bi-carb soda**


Preheat oven to 160 C.


A. Mix first 4 ingredients together on bowl, make a well in the centre.


B. Mix melted butter an golden syrup in a seperate bowl (or the saucepan you melted the butter in) until golden syrup blends. Add boiling water, mix, add bicarb..mix.


C. Add wet mix to flour mix, stir with wooden spoon until combined.


D. Spoon dough onto baking sheets and bake for 10mins.

(These can spread so I usually only do 6-8 per tray at a time)


Will harden as they cool.


* Golden syrup is not easily available in the US....it's like a cousin to mollases except it tastes nice, kinda like caramel and about the consistency of honey. You could use honey but the taste won't be the same. Apparently you can get Lyle's brand online or at World Traders or Trader Joe's. Golden Eagle syrup is NOT the same.

**I think the US call this baking soda.

Edited by notsmokinjo
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  • 4 months later...

Still living a virtual vegan diet due to health issues and the frickin thyroid... had a yummy win tonight...it is virtually fat free too.


'Creamy' Mushroom and Tomato Pasta


2-3 cloves of crushed garlic

300g sliced mushrooms (white button, or Portobello, or Swiss brown or a mix even)

300g cherry tomatoes, halted.

1.5 cups water

100g fresh baby spinach leaves

Fresh basil leaves to taste 

Crack of pepper

2 table spoons brewers yeast (nutritional yeast powder.

Olives (I like kalamata)

Dried oregano to taste.


1. In a fry pan ad 1/2 cup water and the garlic. Cook for 2 minutes on high allowing adding a little water if needed.

2. Add mushies and cook for 4 minutes or so stirring occasionally. Add oregano.

3. Add tomatoes and 1 cup water. Cook down so that water evaporates and thickens. 

4. In a separate container, mix yeast with water to form a paste. Add this paste to the sauce. This will thicken it more and make it creamy. 

5. Add spinach and olives and toss. Let spinach wilt. Add chopped fresh basil leaves.

6. Toss through pasta. (I used chickpea pasta spirals because I am allowed to eat them) and serve with a crack of pepper or a sprinkle of chili flakes or some nutmeg. If you can have dairy do the parmessan thing, if ypu are d asiry free sprinkle with nutrition yeast flakes for a flavour and protien hit.


I put the pasta on about the same time I added the mushies and the whole meal was done within 10 minutes. Confession: I used pre sliced mushrooms which cut the prep time.


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  • 2 years later...

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