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Jennet - new to quit train


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I'm Jennet, just turned 60 and had been smoking since I was 12 up until March this year, when I watched two whole days of Joel's video's and read everything I could about giving up smoking.   I did give up, and was supported by some wonderful people, however, I started smoking again just a few days ago.


I could go into the whole thing, but will not waste others time... suffice to say that I am deeply distressed presently and find it really hard to stop crying more or less continuously.  I watched my mother die a couple of years ago, having to make the decision to up her meds and let her slip peacefully away.  I did not really comprehend at the time, how much this had hurt me, even though I cried rivers at the time.


Anyhow... that's me, and I am in here and on another site fairly constantly now, trying to take one breath at a time, and come to terms with the loss of someone I loved deeply as well as give up smoking the abominable weed she hated so much.


I KNOW I will get through this, it's just that I am a little shaky right now.


Thanks for being here and providing such a wonderful shelter for those in need....   J

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Hi Jannet and welcome to our family :)


I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds to me like your mother was lucky to have you there to make decisions for her that she could not at the time. And, I'm sure she would be very proud to know you are taking on this challenge to improve you own life! This is without question the best decision you could possibly make for YOU going forward. Rest assured, we are all here to support you as you find your way to freedom.


Please feel free to come here and ask anything you want or just vent if that's what you feel like. We know exactly what you are going through as you quit smoking and we are here to support you in your journey. Understanding why you chose to smoke again and having a plan to avoid that happening again will be a key to your success going forward. This addiction we all share is a monster and will attack us at our weakest moments trying to draw us back into it's deadly clutches. Fight it Jannet! Fight it will all you have! Education about this addiction and your unwavering commitment are what is needed to find your freedom. NOPE is the only thing you need to do each and every day (Not One Puff Ever). Participating with other quitters is an important element in our quits I believe so please hang around and get to know us :)

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Welcome to the train, Jennett. Every quit is different as most of us here have made more than one attempt to quit and can speak from that experience. You can too and you’ll also know that since you quit before for some months you are capable of doing it. Learn what you need to to hold onto your quit- that’s the main thing.  


You KNOW you’re not going to smoke the rest of your life. It’s obvious from how upset you are about going back to smoking.  Get  right down to business now and never take another puff. Stick with us,

Jennett. We’ve all been at some not very far version from where you are now. 



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Hi and Welcome...

I'm always happy ,when I see a newbie has found this wonderful place..

I too am sorry for your loss...

Read all you can.... Watch all Joel's clips...they are so helpful...

We will support you,every step of your journey..

Looking forward to getting to know you better..

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Welcome Janet?

I am about  2 weeks in with my quit. I'll be 40 in 2 days and been smoking for half of those years. This is my first time ever making my quit past 2 days and i feel wonderful and blessed to make a decision to quit. I learned from Quit Train that you take 1 day at a time starting with Nope not today. I look forward to chatting with you when we both may need it. Good luck!!!


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Thank you all so very much for such a warm welcome....    :18_kissing_heart:  :1_grinning:  :13_upside_down:  


Cigarettes were never the anchors in our lives that hold us steady....  they were the ropes that kept us tied to the dock while life sailed by! - jwg

It is not because you quit...it is because you smoked.  It will pass! -  Nancy

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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