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Today I'm Thankful I Don't Smoke because ........

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It's blowing a gale in the Ole Pool....

Trying to light up would be a major task...ash blowing in my eye..blinding me ...nooooo....I don't have to do that today !!!!

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Thankful to be alive Thankful to be able to take a nice deep breath, thankful for all my quit train friends, thankful for the support.

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Today specifically I am glad I do not smoke because i am sick as a dog. We all know just how wonderful cigarettes make us feel. Have not had one for several weeks. Come on body, what more do you want?

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27 minutes ago, Jetblack said:

Today specifically I am glad I do not smoke because i am sick as a dog. We all know just how wonderful cigarettes make us feel. Have not had one for several weeks. Come on body, what more do you want?

Can imagine how sicker you would feel ,if you took a long drag of all those chemicals...your throat would burn...you would be so dizzy...

You will get better much quicker..not smoking...

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Doreen, yeah that is one thing wish I had known a long time ago is how things clear up and feel better after quitting. Right now I feel like I am on death's bed but yeah honesty -

Most of the time when the thought of smoking enters it is like, "Naw, I don't need it, not after six weeks" but today the thought of smoking almost makes me cry in pain cause gyod it is disgusting!

Of course like BKP said, it is nice to not have to think about "how soon can i go smoke?"


That's why I quit in January. Was just tired of being so sick for the entire month so in retrospect, that one was a blessing :) I've had a cold once since then and it didn't last as long as they usually do. Hope you feel better soon :)


If someone is wishy washy about a quit time but really wants to, I would say a decent time to establish a quit is when one is sick. Of course if someone doesn't get sick much then that day may take a while. However, I guess it is like "strike while the iron is hot".

Because i know someone will say it, yes you are right, NOW is the best time. I was just one of those "cheat my way out of the habit" types. When that little nicodemon had it's back turned, I ran like hell.


I hadn't honestly really thought seriously about quitting until I had been sick for a month with horrible bronchitis, went to the grocery store to do some shopping then was coughing my ass off as I returned to my car in the parking lot but still I immediately lit up a smoke upon reaching my car. I guess that was maybe just my "I get it now moment"? I decided right then to quit the next morning and I did at 8:00 AM Sunday Jan. 29, 2017. By the way, the bronchitis cleared up pretty soon after that, although I think I didn't really notice it because I was pretty out of it with my early quit symptoms.

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