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Hello Everyone, 

I recently stopped smoking cigarettes after I developed sinus problems and a cough that would not stop.   I know that I have already damaged my lungs tremendously because I have smoked for the past 18 years (Benson & Hedges).   I just hope I can continue the road to quitting, so I can feel better.    I need to find something else to occupy my time when I would normally be holding a cigarette.  

Edited by Thik4Sho
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Hello and welcome to our family of quitters Thik4Sho :) Having a community of people who are going through or have already gone through exactly what you are going through is a really great tool to help you stay quit. I found that out myself when I joined up here. This is a small community but we all get to know each other pretty well and help each other along the way. Please read all the "pinned" threads that you will see at the top of each page. Very helpful information and along with the support you receive here, education about this addiction is KEY in quitting and remaining quit. Smoking is an addiction and you (and all of us) are nicotine addicts. Understanding the addiction will help you outsmart it.

In the early part of your quit, distract yourself in what ever way you can. Come here and read, read read. then, read it all again. Binge watch TV or videos or whatever you need to do to take your mind off the unpleasant symptoms of quitting. You CAN do it but you have to want it more than you want to go back to smoking and ruining your health even further.  Most of us here were smokers for 4 or 5 decades and have successfully quit so, it CAN be done. You will get a lot more helpful information from other board members as well. Take it all in because these will be people who have already gone through exactly what you are experiencing now. Embrace the process because this is the very best thing you will ever do for yourself :)


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I forgot to mention to you about the daily NOPE pledge. That stands for: Not One Puff Ever (NOPE). There is a special page on the forum dedicated to this daily pledge that you make firstly to yourself and as well to the rest of the community. You will not smoke just for today. That the other important bit in the early stages of your quit. Take things a day at a time. Don't look too far ahead. Only today matters. Don't worry about tomorrow until it comes around!

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I think pig lover made a good summary. Look, there is only one way to do it i believe. Read all the information, it will be your most important ammo for the fight. Then find the nerves and NOPE daily. It is really a simple process, you dont put a cigarrete in your mouth, and then you repeat it the next day. Lady justice will bring you confort eventually.

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Hi and welcome ,aboard this fabulous train..

Read all you can here and then some.!!!!

Knowledge will be your weapon ,to fight this demon.....

Staying close to this family, posting everyday, taking the daily NOPE..these are the start to achieving your sticky quit..

We can  get you to freedom...you jjust need to want it bad enough...

Looking forward to getting to know you better !!!

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Hello Everyone, 

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement.  It has been day 5 and I have not smoked one cigarette although I feel anxious, deprived, depressed, lonely and a host of other psychological triggers that would normally make me want to grab a cigarette.    I never tried to quit smoking before now, but I knew it wasn't going to be an easy journey since I have smoked everyday of my life for the past 18 years.  I will continue to read the forum post and I will make the NOPE pledge.    Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to take this journey one day at a time.   


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2 hours ago, PeaceTrain said:

T4S, you may not feel the best right now but you are really doing great!  Congratulations on your first 5 days!  Hang onto that quit with all your might!

Rooting 4 you

Thank you so much for your words on encouragement!   I know this is only a test and I'm determine to pass!!!  :)

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On 11/4/2017 at 9:46 AM, Thik4Sho said:

Hello Everyone, 

I recently stopped smoking cigarettes after I developed sinus problems and a cough that would not stop.   I know that I have already damaged my lungs tremendously because I have smoked for the past 18 years (Benson & Hedges).   I just hope I can continue the road to quitting, so I can feel better.    I need to find something else to occupy my time when I would normally be holding a cigarette.  

Youn can do this!!  One moment at a time....just make up your mind that there is no circumstance in which it is okay to smoke.  None.  You can do this!!

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1 hour ago, Nancy said:

Youn can do this!!  One moment at a time....just make up your mind that there is no circumstance in which it is okay to smoke.  None.  You can do this!!

Thank you so much Nancy!!   When I think about it smoking cigarettes is one of the worst habits one can pick up.   I have seen so many people on oxygen because they have smoked for so many years and I'm determined not to let smoking take me out.    Thank you so much for your encouragement and support.  

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Welcome aboard T4S.

9 hours ago, Thik4Sho said:

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement.  It has been day 5 and I have not smoked one cigarette although I feel anxious, deprived, depressed, lonely and a host of other psychological triggers that would normally make me want to grab a cigarette.    I never tried to quit smoking before now, but I knew it wasn't going to be an easy journey since I have smoked everyday of my life for the past 18 years.     

A temporary period of change that feels a bit uncomfortable at times for a lifetime of freedom...it's a good trade.

Stay true to the process and the process will reward you many times over.

Congratulations on taking your life back.

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Great work T4S!! 5 days is really good and some of the toughest battles you will face in this process of quitting. Keep your determination strong and after each battle you win with the craving, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Each battle you win makes YOU stronger and the addiction weaker. It does take time and in the beginning it feels like time is standing still but all you need to do is keep on the path of not smoking and you will end up victorious :) Stay close to the board here and let us help you through by supporting you and providing information to you as well. You CAN do this!

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16 hours ago, Boo said:

Welcome aboard T4S.

A temporary period of change that feels a bit uncomfortable at times for a lifetime of freedom...it's a good trade.

Stay true to the process and the process will reward you many times over.

Congratulations on taking your life back.

Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your encouragement!  

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8 hours ago, BKP said:

Keep it up T4S!  5 days is really something to be proud of (or are you on to 6 days now?).  Soon you'll have an entire week!


Today is my 6th day being smoke-free.   I can't believe it myself.   Thank you so much for your kind words, BKP!!

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Yes, congrats on reaching Day 7 T4S!! It is a huge accomplishment. Those first days are a real eye opener but they can be handled by just doing whatever you need to do to distract yourself from the cravings and the uncomfortable symptoms of quitting. Those are all temporary but the reward of better health once your quit is secured will be permanent.


Good Job - now keep climbing :) We're routing for ya!

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I know - Great work T4S!! 1St week (Hell week) is done. Keep climbing and you will get to where you want to be.

Yes,  taste and smell changes as all that "crap" left on your taste buds and in your nasal passages starts to disappear. You will get used to the new "more acute" senses as time goes on. Maybe try some different foods or drinks that you didn't drink before. That way, there's no comparison in your brain :) It will all seem normal to you in the coming weeks.

I Got This, on this board, stopped drinking alcohol because once she quit smoking, the drinks she was used to were no longer enjoyable to her so yes, things do change temporarily. They will eventually become normal to you again though in pretty short order. You may in fact discover some new things you really like in the process :)

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2 hours ago, reciprocity said:

I know - Great work T4S!! 1St week (Hell week) is done. Keep climbing and you will get to where you want to be.

Yes,  taste and smell changes as all that "crap" left on your taste buds and in your nasal passages starts to disappear. You will get used to the new "more acute" senses as time goes on. Maybe try some different foods or drinks that you didn't drink before. That way, there's no comparison in your brain :) It will all seem normal to you in the coming weeks.

I Got This, on this board, stopped drinking alcohol because once she quit smoking, the drinks she was used to were no longer enjoyable to her so yes, things do change temporarily. They will eventually become normal to you again though in pretty short order. You may in fact discover some new things you really like in the process :)

Thank you so much Reciprocity!  

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One week is hard work. Plan a reward? They are important. You earned it and nobody is going to do it for you. Reward yourself with a small item you would normally pass. A magazine or a hair clip.  Shoes for two weeks. A dinner. You decide  but something

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18 hours ago, Thik4Sho said:

I have a question though, I have noticed that foods and beverages taste funny to me.  Is this normal?  

Your sense of taste and smell are returning to normal.  The cigarettes clouded everything for so long that normal now seems new.

Good work on one-week, Congratulations!

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On 11/8/2017 at 12:38 PM, Boo said:

Your sense of taste and smell are returning to normal.  The cigarettes clouded everything for so long that normal now seems new.

Good work on one-week, Congratulations!

Hello and thank you for the information.  Eighteen years of smoking must have done a number on my sense of taste and my sense of smells.   I continue to have a weird taste in my mouth, so I will be glad when things get back to normal.   

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