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It was a rough one....

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I had a really rough night at work. We were very very busy. I had a couple of craves,but nothing too bad. But my mood swings... They are rough. I cried 4 times... One time I went into the walk in fridge and just bawled my eyes out... I find myself getting irritated less and less, but I'm super sensitive. I hope it passes soon, no one wants the bar tender to hand them their screwdriver with tears running down her face

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Sorry you had a toughy...

I know you have heard it before..but it's true.this soon will pass ..it's all temporary...

Look at it in a positive way..your body is adjusting to being poison free..

Before you know it..you will suddenly reolize you went through a day with any upsets...

I smoked 52 years..my mood swings were off the scale..you have nothing but calm to look forward too..x

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The increased anxiety we feel in the early part of our quit has our emotions on edge and it doesn't take much to push us over. Unfortunately, your job is bound to put extra pressure on your emotions. As Doreen said, it will pass as you get more comfortable living your life as a non smoker. Until then, try doing some deep breathing when you feel your emotions getting the better of you. It can help settle your anxiety and give you a mental focus point until your emotions settle down a bit.

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Couple of suggestions you seem to be doing well and I have watched five years of postings. Those who post a bunch...do well. But maybe a couple tweaks. Change your name and avatar. Do it before your locked into the name and if you change to "kitty katlover13" we won't know you. Inspirational name you got will seem like a reminder of a struggle later. Better to just be something simple the entire time. Don't pick breakfast items either. Ham or sausage lover might be taken wrong by the moron sticks. As for the picture \ avatar. Selfies work. Naked selfies work. Cats don't. other than that anything goes but again try to mellow yourself. Relax and enjoy your quit. It's hard but not impossible and no need to add picture of sonic to see every time you check your posts. Enjoy life. You made it.

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