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Quitting is VERY HARD


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You´re doing fine Jewel. Keep marching one day at a time. It takes months to quit the smokes for good, you wont be indifferent to smoking in one month or two, but keep marching and youll eventually get there trust me.

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Good evening! That's so true, life & many things have changed! Finally the anxiety is bearable most times!


I've stopped the horribly habit of smoking & picked up a few other habits. I'm trying not to let them bother me until I get a gripe on my smoking recovery.


I hope everyone has had a great day & get a good night rest! The best has yet to come...

This process IS very slow Jewel, much slower than we would all like but, as others said, you're closer to the good parts than you are to the really bad parts so just push forward, like we all have had to do. Things are slowly improving for you and that will continue. I am still not 100% comfortable in my non-smoking life even after almost 7 months. Don't let that scare you though because, my days (every day) are so much easier than they were even 3 months ago let alone 6 months ago. The good things gradually come to you and the really hard things fade away. It's that way for all of us so just carry on & all that will come to you as well :)

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Good evening! Totally Nicotine Free! WOW! Yes, I can definitely say: i see & know this is an addiction & doesn't happen overnight!


Quitting the lozenges, that ugly nic monster has held on, tried to claw his way back, been deceptive & tried every way possible could to stay active in my life! It's been quite an ordeal! I really want others to quit, but this is brutal! Really in truly brutal!


Another day down, no nicotine, no smoking & no one injured physical &/or mentally! Its been a good day! I truly know what nicotine fits are & I'm so glad I wont be having many more, I hope!


Blessings & good night!

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You are right on track Jewel to making this your permanent quit :) Everything you said above is pretty much right on for almost 2 months quit so just keep doing what you are doing now and take it a day at a time. It is a slow process but I'm sure you can see the difference between week one and now - right? That's how is goes - slowly but, the progress IS there and there is no denying that. Just wait till you are at 3 months, then 4 months ..... it gets better and easier all the time. You just need to put in the hard work consistently and before you know it; you will not even be able to imagine yourself as a smoker. Such pride in your accomplishment and in your ability to free yourself from this horrible addiction. Something to celebrate for so many reasons :)

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Good day! I'm not having a good day! Cravings up, anxiety up & in much pain!


We are having storms & having it rough!


Cravings are very high, very strong & convincing.


This too shall pass...

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It's been a pretty rough day, many strong craving! Mind trying to negotiation, make deals &/or trick me into using nicotine in any form. It's crazy! This should be over soon, not soon enough but soon. Plus indigestion, heartburn was terrible! I'm unsure where, when or what to do next. I've stop smoking & hopefully all these other things are part of withdrawals & will be gone as soon as nicotine is out of system.

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I had some symptoms from quitting that lasted for months but eventually went away so yes, your body will adjust at some point. If you are concerned about anything, speak to your Dr. about it. In terms of the strong cravings, I know that I was still getting cravings to smoke in my 2nd month of quitting. I think it was almost 3 months before cravings turned into mere thoughts about smoking. I still think about it probably daily but it's just a thought - not a craving to light up a smoke. In fact, at this point, I find it hard to imagine myself as a smoker. I sometimes think; Gee, it would be really nice to have a smoke right now. Then, I really think about it and I absolutely know that if I ever lit up a smoke, I would be VERY disappointed after I smoked the one cigarette - I just know this would be the result so I completely dismiss the thought and that's that :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! How are are ya'll doing? I'm doing the non smoking thing, hour by hour, day by day, week by week & month by month! I can't believe it! I'm scared to brag or take for granted, this was extremely difficult for me & seriously I don't ever want to lose it! I realize it can be gone much easier & faster than how I got to where I'm at today! Each day, it was like being dragged behind a car on by a rope tied to only to 1 leg.... Crazy!


Very excited, I'll be celebrating 3 months very soon! You can do it too! Only requirement: no matter what don't light that cig & you'll be a non smoker too!

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Jewel you have a great quit going and you are absolutely right about how easy it would be to lose it just by being over confident or letting down your guard even just for a minute. I think about that every time a thought of smoking comes to mind, which isn't very often now days :) It would be devastating to me to lose my quit after this long and this much hard work for months and months. But, the great part for me is that when I think about myself as a smoker now days, I really can't see it in my mind. It just seems so not me anymore! Keep holding on to that great quit Jewel and extend it even further, Things will get even better in the months to come :)

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