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Amy, you have a number of things in your favor, you are brave, you are strong, and you have us.


When you are researching the elements of quitting smoking, make mental notes or written notes of the things that make the most sense to you. I am fond of a passage I read about keeping your guard, of something MQ said about not really enjoying cigarettes as much as many other things, and a number of wise posts by Jonny5 and other educated veterans.


It can be about choices if you let it, choose to quit in your mind with zero doubts, choose the appropriate tools to quit, and choose to seek help when you are feeling weak.

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Ok Amy,


When I smoked I loved the taste after a meal and what I found now is I love the taste of the meal lots more than the taste of a smoke.


The addiction does not care one bit about you at all, it wants you to smoke untill you can not breath anymore.


One thing to change about you is, you do not like to smoke, your addiction likes for you to smoke because it does not have any hands!


Seriously, you know you can do it, you did it for 2 weeks and know what it is like to be a non smoker.


Please give it a honest try from you heart and I will help you any way I can!

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Amy...once you remove all the lies....once you truly believe that smoking does nothing for you...the process of quitting becomes extremely doable. I did get "restless" at times...but I knew that it would do absolutely nothing for me. You've been brainwashed. Allen Carr helped undo all that. Never quit quitting!

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I am back,, Aine asked why do I want to quit.. I think this is my problem I don't want to quit- I like to smoke.  I want to be healthy, I don't want to have to live on oxygen, I don't want to die of lung cancer this is why I have to quit I have no choice


Nobody gets here looking for a roast beef recipe. Well. . .it could happen. Maybe. Probably not. lol!


So, when I clicked on the link to this place, some part of me "wanted" to quit. I agree, Amy; most of me still doesn't want to quit. I NEVER want to quit. I just can't figure out how to smoke like I smoke and be healthy, content, and free. So, today I do not smoke. 


Recognizing that line of unresolvable conflicts and stepping across it is the big step I think.


I keep reminding myself why I quit. Those reasons remain solid ones even when the monkey is calling. . .

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Hi Julie,


For some reason when I press the quote button it does not work..anyway you have already helped me tremendously with all of your posts and blog.  I feel like you are this strong person that I want to be.  Keep on posting and I will keep on reading. I am not quitting my quit.

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Quit Buddy, I am right here with you. I fell off the train, and you know that. Now, you fell off the train. Grab my hand and I'll pull you back onboard.


You know as well as I do, it's much nicer on the train than off of it.


It does get so hard to keep saying no, No, N O, NO G.D. CIGARETTES! They are ubiquitous. They are EVERYWHERE. All it takes is one little moment when we don't say no.


So, pick yourself off, dust off your pants, put your hat back on, hold your head high, and GET BACK ON THIS TRAIN. You need not explain yourself to anybody. You already feel terrible. Now, just put out your last smoke and climb aboard. I'm saving your seat whenever you are ready to sit down again.



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Hi Julie,


For some reason when I press the quote button it does not work..anyway you have already helped me tremendously with all of your posts and blog.  I feel like you are this strong person that I want to be.  Keep on posting and I will keep on reading. I am not quitting my quit.


Hi Julie,


For some reason when I press the quote button it does not work..anyway you have already helped me tremendously with all of your posts and blog.  I feel like you are this strong person that I want to be.  Keep on posting and I will keep on reading. I am not quitting my quit.

Amy, when I was using IE, I could not quote or copy and paste.  When I changed to Google Chrome...everything worked great!  It worked for Rain, too...

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I am addicted to smoking and I cannot quit by myself.

Anyone can.


You must learn to believe in yourself. It's great to have a support network to cheer you along, but the quit you had, and the one that you will now build is all your work. You should give yourself credit and start believing :-)


You only relapsed because you panicked at the permanence of quitting and got scared by your own success. You know that smoking is not a part of being quit.


The fact you are here means you want to quit. So stop tormenting yourself and set yourself free :-) we will all be here :-)

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Hi Julie,


For some reason when I press the quote button it does not work..anyway you have already helped me tremendously with all of your posts and blog. I feel like you are this strong person that I want to be. Keep on posting and I will keep on reading. I am not quitting my quit.

Amy, you just keep taking steps forward and we will all keep walking with you.

I'm just a girl Amy, just like you. No better, no worse, just doing the best I can everyday. Some days I mess up terribly (lol, you did read the Home Depot story, yes?)

I hid in the bathtub and cried through some days of my quit. I ranted and threatened homicide. I ate myself stupid. I crawled into bed at 4 in the afternoon if I needed to. ;)

I did whatever was necessary (besides homicide) to get through and not smoke.

You can do this Amy. You can.

Let your quit buddies have enough faith in you until you have enough faith in yourself. It'll carry you until you are strong enough to say "This is do-able"


Stay close with your peeps. We are here for you.

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Quit Buddy, I am right here with you. I fell off the train, and you know that. Now, you fell off the train. Grab my hand and I'll pull you back onboard.


You know as well as I do, it's much nicer on the train than off of it.


It does get so hard to keep saying no, No, N O, NO G.D. CIGARETTES! They are ubiquitous. They are EVERYWHERE. All it takes is one little moment when we don't say no.


So, pick yourself off, dust off your pants, put your hat back on, hold your head high, and GET BACK ON THIS TRAIN. You need not explain yourself to anybody. You already feel terrible. Now, just put out your last smoke and climb aboard. I'm saving your seat whenever you are ready to sit down again.



I fell off big time- I feel broken.  I was able to talk to LB and Colleen in chat and this helped.  I still am so disappointed in myself.  I asked you when you fell off where was your SOS.. I did not even bother although I could have.  I am not leaving.  I signed up for a new quit day tomorrow.  Only thing is I cannot keep on doing this. This has to be my final destination.  I am tired and this so far has not been easy- it is like I am running to catch the train as fast as I can before I miss it.  I am going to read Alan Carrs book my quit day is tomorrow.  I am going to be joining you on the train and I hope to find you well.

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Sure quitting when YOU Don't want too will just lead to you having to fight an inner struggle for months or longer. Fives yrs ago this month I had a heart attack & all the damn drs did was harp you have to quit or else-nice huh. I too like most here thought smoking helped us to deal with life when in realty its a smoke screen to hide your real life. PLEASE get back on the quit train & change your mindset about "loving" smoking.

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Amy - So sorry.  Sometimes it takes a couple of "tries" to get our sticky quit.  We are addicts.  But it is possible for all of us to remain smoke free. 


I would also recommend Allen Carr's book.  You can even smoke while you are reading it.  It really helps with putting our minds in the right spot. 


Thanks for coming back to tell us.  Never give up! Okay???  We are all here to help each other stay quit.  :)

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Oh Amy, I feel heartbroken for you. No judgement here, I promise! Been there, been through a relapse before. They suck and I know how difficult it is to restart. But I encourage you to do so! No matter how bad you feel right now or in the coming months, the feeling of being a non-smoker is indescribable. I have every bit of faith that you can and will succeed. Your attitude really speaks volumes. It doesn't matter what happened. All that matters is you quit right away. 


It doesn't matter how many attempts you have to make. Remember, we're always here for you, regardless of what happens. Big hugs. 

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Great practice quit!


Loads of good advice above. I am an Allen Carr fan. He will help you understand whether you 'want' to smoke. I am sure relapsing made you feel terrible. The trick now is to start again - and do the things that you didn't do last time. Write that contract, keep a list of reasons, pledge to SOS before smoking, read the book etc...


Don't give up quitting Amy. 

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Amy - so sorry you smoked but admire you getting back on the board and posting - you have already received great advice - so I will just reiterate that we are here to support you when you jump back on the train !

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Good morning hon... sorry you fell off, but SOOO proud you owned up and are still here willing to get back on the quit train!!.. We are here for you... so come on sweetie, lets do this - lets get you a sticky quit!... what'a ya say??  :)

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Amy, oh man, I am so gutted for you. I've been there and if smoking came with no consequences than that would be lovely, but it doesn't. Can we get the quit date set? Can we agree to post an sos. I think the reason you believe it wouldn't have worked is you'd set yourself up for this for over a day, if you feel like this again put an sos the moment that junkie thinking starts to take hold, let us help you beat it back so getting through is easier. 


The further you get along your journey, the more you realize you WANT this non smoking life. In the early days here your addiction is still strong and raw and fighting to drag you back in. I will hold your hand if you want, talk daily, post often but please get back on the train. xx

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