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I'm feeling like I just want to have one more cigarette. I'm not sure why my brain is telling me that I should just have one more, when I know full well, that if I have one I become a smoker again... help please! 



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Oh no please don't Holly you know it is a lie take a couple deep breaths and if you have to use this game I used to play. I would say wait until your lunch break then if you really want you can go get them. That would settle me down and distract me. Then lunch would pass and if the urge came back I would say ok if you still feel that way on the way home you can stop and by then I would have the craving under control. Maybe keep some lollipops handy that also helped.

 For me I just look at the picture of my mom with no hair from her battle with lung cancer and that also helps. 

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Don't do it!!  There is no such thing as just one more!  The addiction is trying to fool you.  Get up and walk around, scream, cry, do anything but smoke.  Remember, the crave will pass if you smoke, and it will pass if you do not smoke.  So don't  smoke!

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You have to fight..you against the nico monster.. It's a addiction...no such thing as one...

Before you know ,you will be back to where you where at the beginning..hating it all...

How disappointed you will feel..when you smoke and then wonder why the hell you had to lose your quit...

Have you read Allen Carr the Easy Way...a great book.it has helped millions ,and most of us..

Read it on line..don't smoke...read...

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Holly we have the same quit date. I am having the same thoughts as you as the morning without that cigarette is killing me. But I came here posted and got up and turned on some music and started moving. It helped. Lets do this together. Drinking ice water seems to help me also. Don't throw away the time you have already invested. Make a reward list and read it. It keeps me focused on getting through another hour. When I got three days I am going to go out and have a nice meal at a restaurant. Pull out tour reasons to stay quit. We can do this.

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Sorry I was late to see this. Hope you found a way to ignore that voice inside your head Holly! Let us know please how you're doing.

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Quit partners holly and Bernadette.. Perfect...help each other along your joiurney,s..

Holly don't fall at the first fence..keep galloping...

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Holly....whether you smoke or don't smoke....this craving will pass


but if you were to smoke...you would be doomed for a lifetime of craves...every 20 min


Not one puff and it loses it's power


you got this

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Holly...in 1 hour it will be 24 hours since your last smoke...you are already a non smoker....

the nicodemon is dying and trying to trick you...you are smarter than that

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What is the one cigarette going to do for you?  Relive withdrawal for 20, maybe 30, minutes?  Then what?  The addiction starts knocking again and the cycle continues.  Over, and over, and over...


"Just one more" is the biggest lie addiction tells.  You want the one, but do you want the thousands that follow?


Break the cycle Holly.  Your life is worth way more than a temporary nicotine fix.

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Hey guys - I am doing okay. I have about 15 notes that I wrote to myself today. Re-read some of Allan Carr's book. I want to be a cheerful person all the time, but realistically that is not possible. 

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I'm so glad you kept your quit Holly. The initial days are tough, no doubt about it but yes, attitude DOES make a difference. Get through these initial days any way you can and things will slowly get easier for you. The benefits of getting there are too many to mention :)

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Good job Holly! Those junky thoughts creep up pretty frequently in the beginning. "Just one more then I'll REALLY quit." Keep referring to your notes and Carr to counter those bad thoughts with the good that's just now taking root.


SoberJulie wrote this:


You don't have to be #1 at anything today.

You don't have to figure things out, or understand, or make sure everyone (or Someone) understands you.

You don't have to remember everything, or get all organized and start making lists.
You don't have to solve every -- or any -- problem you have today (or solve someone else's problems today either).

You don't have to figure out what will make you happy, or what you should do with your life.

Those are good things to do of course, and come with a measure of reward or satisfaction or comfort. That's very true. I'm not saying those things are completely unimportant.

But you don't have to do any of those things today.

All you have to do today is not pick up that first cigarette.

One hour at a time.

One five minutes at a time.

Until your head hits the pillow.

And if you do that,

you win.

That's it.
And the rest of that s*** will just have to work itself out or wait its turn.

Smoke free first.

The rest second.

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