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I had to yet again reset my timer. I am thankful to you guys for allowing me to do that. I woke up and somewhat changed my morning routine. I took a shower, fed the dog, made coffee, took the dog out without having a cig. I did, however, have a fog around me. It's like I'm watching myself do things... not all with it. I plan on reading more about blood sugar levels today, as I have a feeling that could be part of my issue. I am confident I will never take another puff. This fog will go away, right? I know it will. I wonder if I should start a blog to express more about how I am feeling.

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Dust yourself down..learn by this mistake..put some tool in your tool box ,so it doesn't,t happen again..

A blog is a great idea..I was always sorry I didn't do one..its great way of seeing ,just how far you have come...

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Yes, the fog will go away, and yes, a blog is a great idea.  Let's make this time your forever quit!

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I had the "fog" for the 1st month of my quit. Some days worse than others and particularly at the start of my quit so yes, it is pretty common. I have heard that drinking fruit juice can help with that which speaks to the blood-sugar thing you mentioned. I was just too lazy to do anything about it when I was having it. It did eventually go away for me but yeah, it was a pain while I was experiencing it because it really affected my productivity for getting almost anything done.


Yes, a blog or a daily journal is a great idea. Would love to review my early days about now. I can remember the generalities but the specifics of just how miserable I was at times during my first week or so quickly fades as you progress.

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The "fog" goes and you will be all that much sharper for not fighting the fog and worry of when your next fix comes.


Your current fog is an illusion, masking the actual fog you've been in for years due to addiction.



Easy Peasy

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