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side effects of quitting


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Now in my 5th day of quitting. Feeling lots of side effects. Extremely tired, no energy, depressed, bad heartburn, diarrhea, very angry, anxious, jittery...

Going through these withdrawals has made me realise just how powerful this horrible drug, nicotine is!!!

I don't ever want it in my system again!!

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It's all temporary... Keep marching..soon things will settle down...

This is the worst it can get ..

I smoked 52 years..oh my ..my body went berserk...but I came here and listened..to all the advice...

Soon enough ,things started to improve.

Now..never felt so good ..smoking makes you feel your under a black cloud ,pressing you down..

Freedom means ...your are truly free...no clouds...

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I remember the side effects as well, but this too shall pass! As Doreen said, it's only temporary. Nicotine is a very powerful, extremely dangerous drug!


Congrats on your 5th (6th) day BTW. :D

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Just get through it, and its worth while, i guarantee that. For the first few weeks of my quit i was romancing the smoking and had to mentally get over that. Now I also liked a cigar once in a while, and now i just need to get over that hurdle. (PS not had a cigar since i started the quit)

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I'm in day 6 now. Feeling a little calmer today.

The heartburn is still here, yuk, hope that stops soon

Some of the symptoms you may be having could last a while but don't fret, they won't last forever. Different stuff arises for all of us and lasts for different lengths of time but eventually, your body will get back to normal - no; BETTER than normal, or at least what you thought was normal when you smoked :)


Push forward HN. You're doing great in establishing your quit. And yes, it's a bit of a bumpy ride for the first while but everything will smooth out gradually as your quit grows. The good news is, you'll never have to do this again if you just stick with it :)

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It does get better...more better times than bad times......in time...Truly one step at a time.

I am nearly two months! Happy yes! There are tough times but there are so many rewards! Time, taste, smells, more time and cookbook much freedom!

Hang in there and come to this site all the time!

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Good for you, Help! It having been so hard your first 8 days can work to your advantage: you'll remember how tough it's been and you won't ever want to have to go through the last 8 days again. The only way to never go through it again is to keep that precious quit! You can do it!!! We're all on your side and understand what you're feeling. KTQ!!!

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I almost feel guilty.,  I am reading what some of you are having as side effects and honestly other than the mood swings and anxiousness it wasn't really horrible. I am naturally a hyper happy person so other than the moods and a bit of anxiety it wasn't horrible. The first time I quit years ago seemed much worse I think this time though, after watching Mom with Cancer and my old smoking partner now with stage 4 maybe for me it just put it all in perspective. Sorry some of you are having such terrible side effects but the alternatives are much worse if we all keep smoking.

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Okay so smoking = bad. Quitting = good. Go see a doctor, tell them you feel weird, lousy,whatever, let them check you for everything under the sun.1 of 2 things will happen.

1. You will find out that there is some kind of not great issue, that you have to deal with for now, but likely will be ok with time.

2. You have nothing physically wrong with you, just never ever ever smoke again and you will be way better off for it.

Either way, NOT smoking has never killed anyone that I'm aware of, so quitting is most certainly NOT BAD FOR YOU!!!

Now, I have anxiety, and unlimited data on a superb network on a device that fits in my pocket. I am a 3:30 a.m. Google induced paranoid wreck, that hasn't smoked in 416 hours and 34 minutes (but who's counting) so, you can do it too

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9 days smoke free & side effects of quitting are still here & the symptoms I'm feeling just seem to be getting worse. Vomiting, constant painful heartburn, diarrhea, bloating,gas. Its really bringing me down :( I've been doing a lot of reading on the issue & it seems it happens to quitters who have smoked heavy for many, many years. Some of these people suffer with the same symptoms that I have for many months! Maybe I should have used a nicotine replacement such as gum or patches & weaned off it slower rather than 'cold turkey'

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I used the NRT, being patches. made no difference tothe symptoms you are having like heartburn dihorrear, bloating, gas etc. The only thing it did was help the craving.  I think the rest i your body having a clean out of all the toxins. Which is good. The nicoteen in the system does no harm to you at all. It gives you the craving and the want for more, but the way we get our nicoteen is through the cigarettes, which of course have all the other toxins and crap in them, which your body is now trying to get rid of. 

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9 days smoke free & side effects of quitting are still here & the symptoms I'm feeling just seem to be getting worse. Vomiting, constant painful heartburn, diarrhea, bloating,gas. Its really bringing me down :( I've been doing a lot of reading on the issue & it seems it happens to quitters who have smoked heavy for many, many years. Some of these people suffer with the same symptoms that I have for many months! Maybe I should have used a nicotine replacement such as gum or patches & weaned off it slower rather than 'cold turkey'

Maybe a trip to the doc..would,nt hurt... Maybe it's a bug thing..don't believe all you read on the net..

I smoked 5 decades..yes my body went a little besek for a while but certainly not for many months..

So before you go drastic and put nicotine back in your body..have a word with your doctor..x

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Ditto what Doreen said! It sounds like something else could be going on. I would not believe what I read on the net either. Some people (even some I know personally) like to inflate how much they suffered and in some cases continue to suffer from quitting. IMHO, for that kind of stuff to go on for months, there's something else going on or it's a mindset problem. I would be on guard against "junkie thinking" creeping in. I've fallen prey to that one often enough. The trick is to recognize it for what it is before you take a step you will regret. KTQ! Rooting for you and hoping you feel better soon! I know there's a Joel Spitzer video on this topic.

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Anyway, I'm in my 10th day of not smoking. For me, I know I should have used nicotine patches as I quit and did it all slower.

The heartburn has developed into acid reflux & I can't eat much. I will keep plodding along and won't undo any of the hard work I've done over the past 10 days

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