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I feel like I would so smoke a cigarette right now. I HATE THESE PEOPLE. And I have to pretend like oh no big deal. Be an ass and it's all good with me. I know it doesn't help anything. I know it would do nothing of beneficial value to this stress. I know I should do that breathing shit. But like I know I shouldn't say this but quitting was easy for me and all I can think is oh I can do it again. How ******* stupid of me. But Jesus I just would smoke one and there's so many people who would gladly give me one right now..so call me stupid or ignorant or whatever you want to. I've never posted one of these I don't even know if this is an SOS as I probably won't smoke I'll just get pissed the **** off and go on about my shit. Sorry but FUCKK.

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RACHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!! oh no you dont you do not throw away your beautiful quit on the a holes dang it - and then they get to ruin that aswell 


I will be on again in a minute now you go to the bathroom and wash your face, shout hell flush head down pan if thats what it takes but YOU DO NOT THROW THE TOWEL IN!!!



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Rachael!  Stop right this second and listen up!!  You will not smoke....those jerks are not worth it...and it would not do a thing for you but make you feel crappier.  You have been on this board long enough to see people who said "last time I quit it was so easy...why am I so miserable this time?"  Or even sadder..."I was just going to have one, and all of a sudden I've been smoking for 15 more years..."  So you have to work with imbeciles...your smoking is not going to make them one bit smarter or nicer.  It will just make you hate yourself as well as them.  You are way stronger than this!!

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Hey, you are saying what I have been feeling for the last hour! lol!



Yep. Sometimes being a non smoker just sucks. sucks. sucks. sucks.


And, then, it doesn't.


Wait for the doesn't again. It will come around again. Has so far, anyway.


And, sometimes there are hateful people that just need to go away. Or, I do. hehehe!


If I had compared my "quits" too much more than I did, I would have been smoking on day 11 of this one. And, getting 7 weeks now doesn't mean I can do it again or will get the opportunity. Which cigarette causes that cancer cell to explode?


Deep breaths. Just for now.

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 12:07 AM



you know you don't really want a cigarette and you know it won't fix sh**...so suck it up and deal with it.  


oh and P.S. if you need to punch someone in the face because they are being a DB... then do it  :) you'll feel tons better than if you had smoked and you can make someone's nose bleed!



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^^^ wish I was clever and could do that copy paste thing, but this is what you said. Just don't. What's got you riled up, can we go deck someone instead??  I'm remote, bugger, can we give someone hell via the airwaves. None for you cheating, I love how you write, it inspires me!!  Can you smack someone instead? 

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Vent and get it all out....


Just don't smoke as I'm sure you won't.


No doubt your pissed because you found it easy and this thought has annoyed the lifebout of you, it happens to the best of em Rachel. Once you've calmed down do will do the truthful, honest self talk.


Vent...then be calm to self talk.

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Rachael, your six month anniversary is right around the corner. I know just how excited and proud of yourself you are about that... Now you absolutely will not let these people be the reason for you to smoke. You will not let them beat you. You are far stronger than that.


There is no such thing as 'just one' and you know it... Please do not let that thought into your brain...

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^^^ wish I was clever and could do that copy paste thing, but this is what you said. Just don't. What's got you riled up, can we go deck someone instead??  I'm remote, bugger, can we give someone hell via the airwaves. None for you cheating, I love how you write, it inspires me!!  Can you smack someone instead? 

Got it for you, Marti:



you know you don't really want a cigarette and you know it won't fix sh**...so suck it up and deal with it.  


oh and P.S. if you need to punch someone in the face because they are being a DB... then do it  :) you'll feel tons better than if you had smoked and you can make someone's nose bleed!

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It I there I would you offer you a twizzler and some chocolate- you know in your heart that you don't want to smoke and

it is not always easy saying no just remember you are not smoking for you- nobody else.  You can get through this.

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rachael keep posting go to my FFFFFFF thread work it out you can get through this - I know I have been right where you are you just have to vent vent it will pass 


now lets pillow fight and get rid of that anger 

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rachael keep posting go to my FFFFFFF thread work it out you can get through this - I know I have been right where you are you just have to vent vent it will pass 


now lets pillow fight and get rid of that anger 

there you go getting Bakon all worked up....

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Rachael if you won't listen to me, you have to listen to your self. Here is your own response to yourself in just such a situation:




you know you don't really want a cigarette and you know it won't fix sh**...so suck it up and deal with it.


oh and P.S. if you need to punch someone in the face because they are being a DB... then do it you'll feel tons better than if you had smoked and you can make someone's nose bleed!

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The "Fukitol" feeling is my most personal dangerous place to be........when I throw my hands up and just dont give a $hit anymore.

But it passes. It always does. ALWAYS.

A cigarette doesnt speed up or slow down the process.

It just ruins a quit.


Dont do it Rach. 

Let this feeling pass. Just ride it out. Go to your car and scream if you have to. 

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Don't you dare and throw your quit away......THEY are not worth it. Your quit was easy as well.....like mine. I think we won't get that lucky another time. I am not going to risk it and neither will you!


I know you won't smoke, you don't really have cravings...you are just very angry right now. Go out tonight, do something special. Don't let people get to you! Treat yourself nice...celebrate your quit with something special and tell Smokey to F*** off.



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hopefully you are coming down off the roof now rachael - deep breaths hun a big glass of water and keep reading and posting 


bring back Rachael in one piece - quit in tact


I will round up the quit posse from here and we will go and beat them mongrels who upset our rachael 

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I hope you're doing well, Rachael.  Please don't let the jerks of the world or the stressors in life control your quit, much less ruin it for you.  I can tell you from experiennce that not only is it not worth it, but you won't feel any better.  It's okay to say **** it about the people or situations, but never, ever about your quit.  Hold onto your quit like it's the most precious gift you've ever received.  In many ways, it is.


Please let us know how you're doing.  :)

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If you smoke you will hate those people even more cos you would blame them for your smoking so lets remove smoking from the equation cos it's not going to happen, sort out whatever the problem is with a cuppa or a nice cappuccino and cake or a glass of wine, go have a cry just don't smoke, get a punch bag, you know you don't want to go back to day 1 or reset your ticker, maybe postpone going on the date for now just to be on the safe side,

Rachael please don't do it, try go to bed early, or get out for a walk, tomorrow will be a better day and you will be soo happy when you wake up in the morning still smoke free, how bad would you feel if you woke up a smoker again, is that what you want???

Chin up, keep calm and carry on xxxxx

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