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I went on a trip to Texas recently for work and brought a co-worker with me.  She smokes.  We agreed to meet at a local mall and then drive together to the airport.  When I got there to pick her up she was pacing back and forth outside the vehicle, in the rain, getting those last puffs in.  At the airport she tried to find a time to smoke but things moved too quickly and she was not able to before we boarded.  Everywhere we went the next few days were HELL for her because she couldn't smoke.  


Meanwhile, I had a great time!  It still amazes me when I travel how easy it is now.  No stressing to find a place to smoke.  No withdrawl...just a relaxing time.  :)



Life after quitting is so much better.  For anyone on the fence or in the early days of your quit keep going!  It gets so much easier.  Don't live your life desperately searching for the smoking area.  There's nothing for you there.

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Exactly!!  And no more missing out on dinner time converstions with family or friends because I had to get my fix!

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No more going into those horrible smoking rooms airports have...so gross..

Even as a smoker I couldn't stay in there for long..now I've quit..I know how bad that stink is..my clothes must have smelt really bad..yuk yuk !!!

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It just occurred to me reading this post, I'm flying next week and I've had no need to assess my cigarette situation.  That used to be a major ordeal.  Chain smoke on the way to the airport.  Find that dank smoking area with its stained walls and overbearing stench, smoke a couple more there.  And I started carrying nicotine gum to chew on the plane.  Not because I was quitting, just getting my fix by any means necessary.


Along with all the other reasons to quit...smoking is time consuming and a persistent source of stress.

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I'm flying out today for work! First time since this quit started. Gonna be so nice not to have to worry about squeezing in smoke time. It'll be just me and my beer and not a worry in the world.

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