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In 2 weeks we’re going to a Smoker’s Paradise a.k.a. RENO :(

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Hey guys! I have a bit of a dilemma. It wasn’t a dilemma until I spoke with my friend about it. So I wanted to get your opinion.


My husband and I are saving up for a big move that will hopefully be happening this September.  As a result, we don’t have much money left over for splurges these days. We wanted to do a little SOMETHING for our 12 year wedding anniversary coming up. We decided on a super cheap weekend mini-getaway from San Francisco.


We just wanted to getaway for 2 nights to somewhere a little warmer than San Francisco. A resort with a swimming pool and a nice big plush king bed in the hotel room. We thought about Palm Springs but all of the hotels are super expensive and the airfare costs an arm and a leg. We thought about Carmel, Monterey, Napa Valley but all the hotels were $150 + a night and most of them didn’t have a pool.


Finding an Anniversary getaway on a super strict budget is NOT an easy task… I almost threw in the towel.


Then we stumbled on a Groupon special . There it was… a resort with 2 heated pools and a Jacuzzi in the bedroom and tons of restaurants and a bottle of champagne brought to your SUITE! Only 55$ a night with the Groupon coupon. There it was! That’s what we were looking for!


The Catch… This lovely resort is in RENO.


Reno is just a 3 and a half hour drive from SF and for a price that good, we figured “Heck! Why not?” It’ll be fun, affordable and it’ll get us out of the city for a bit. We’ve never been to Reno. So we booked it.


Then I talked to my friend about our plans and she made a face. “Reno?! I thought you quit smoking!”


I looked at her in confusion “Yeah, I did. What are you getting at?

Reno is a Smoker’s paradise. That’s ALL they do is smoke. Smoking is allowed EVERYWHERE in Reno. As soon as you enter every casino and every resort you’re hit with a thick cloud of cigarette smoke. Bam! Straight in the face.  Last time I went my room reeked like an ashtray. It’s not like here in San Francisco. Temptation will be everywhere. Why would you put yourself in that situation? Why would you put your husband in that situation?? It doesn’t sound smart to me. It’s also really dirty there. You don’t want to go to Reno. TRUST me. I hightailed out of that city as soon as I could and I would NEVER go back


Suddenly I had this flashback to a bachelorette party trip to Las Vegas a couple years back. I remembered loving the smoky casino, I sat with a cigarette dangling out of my mouth and pulling on the handle of the quarter slot machines. A lady brought endless drinks to me and my friends as we watched the wheels spin. I remember chain smoking one after the other with my friends… I remember the ash tray filling up and the waitress replacing it with a clean one. It’s all a hazy memory that involved countless packs of Camel lights, a lot of vodka tonics, a very sore throat and a throbbing skull the next morning. I had a nasty phlegm-rattling cough for about a week after that trip.  


Of course Reno is going to be like Vegas… probably worse. Vegas is starting to introduce smoke free casino lounge rooms but Reno is the gritty little step sister.


I’m wondering if my friend is right. Maybe Reno is not a good idea. Maybe I should listen to her. On the flip side, We’re almost at 6 months quit and we’re secure in our quit. The only time I even flirt with the thought of a cigarette (in a very abstract memory instinct kind of way) is when I’ve had one too many glasses of wine. I can recognize the urge for what it is and I never succumb to it. I see cigarettes as death sticks. I don’t want anything to do with them anymore. The chapter of my life that involved inhaling poison into my lungs has ended for good.  (I remember how hard it was in the beginning to quit so It feels really good to say that now!) It’s just a little weekend getaway. We’ll probably spend most of the time at the pool and in the suite. I’m not a big gambler. The most I’ll do is stick $20 in a quarter machine. That’s more than enough gambling for me.


I really don’t like the smell of cigarettes though and I don’t want to subject myself to second hand smoke any more than I need to. I was walking down the street behind a women that was smoking last week. I had to stop and let her walk further ahead of me because the smoke blowing directly into my face made me nauseous. It’s really weird that I have this reaction now.  I used to be entirely unaware of the stench of the smoke I was blowing into everyone’s faces when I was a smoker. How things have changed...


So what do you guys think? Is Reno a bad idea? Has anyone been to Las Vegas or Reno since they quit smoking. What was the experience like for you? 

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Hmm, I like Las Vegas and used to smoke up a storm in the casinos,....i don't think you will be tempted to smoke. Instead I wonder if you will be able to stand the stinky smell.....these days most people do not smoke so I think most people will not be smoking. It will just smell that way in the casino. You can do a better weekend hanging out in the pools and in your romantic room and eating well. Maybe get a massage if you can in the sweet smelling spa. And be glad you are not one of those people sucking down drinks, smoking, feeding money into the machines all day long.

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WYE - I know right? :(


Thanks Leahcar ;)  - Unfortunately everywhere else within that distance in California is a lot more pricey with fewer amenities. 


Ava - That's what I wonder too. Las Vegas & Reno seem to cater to smokers, heavy drinkers and gamblers. I don't fit into any of those groups.


The hotel looks REALLY nice though... It's been months since I've swam in a swimming pool... and a jacuzzi in the hotel room... Champagne... oh so tempting...


Beacon - Yeah, the stench of smoke part is what I'm not looking forward to. Even if I stick to the pool and suite, I'm probably going to have to walk through the smoky casinos to get to the restaurants and such. There IS a nice spa there and the massage packages are pretty affordable. That's a nice idea!


I have a friend that is mormon. She doesn't drink alcohol, coffee, gamble or smoke. She loves Vegas. She goes for the shows and the food. Although I'm not sure how Reno stacks up to Vegas in that regard. ;)

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I guess Daisy it depends on how strong you feel with your quit.


You seem to be very solid with your quit so go for it but if you have any doubts maybe do it at a later time.


RENO is not going anywhere.


Just saying.

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You don't like to gamble and you don't smoke, I guess that means you won't be in the casino's. It's your anniversary....have a romantic get away! Make it your own....don't do what everybody else does...do what you two want to do! 


Anniversary - Jacuzzi in the bedroom - champagne.....who  needs cigarettes and gambling :-)

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It will be a chance to witness how all those smokers 'have to smoke' and you don't.


Take an air freshner in case the room is stale and create your own little haven with hubby away from the casinos.


I'm sure that you can still have an amazing time together :-)


Congratulations by the way. Me and Mrs 5 are just a year behind you :-)

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DaisyJane go and enjoy, put all thoughts of anything smoke related to the back of your mind, because its only a thought, take some scented candles with you for your room, it will also add to the romance, I would imagine that the smell if its as bad as your friend says will be enough to make you gag at the thought of smoking,  Your going on a well deserved celebration with your lovely husband of 12 years, there is nothing else you need.   Have a fabulous time  :) xx

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I think you sound secure in your quit and are looking more for the relaxing side of events than the casino side, I mean if the casino smells bad and you're not that bothered about going go back to the room and champs/jacuzzi... sounds good to me. At the end of the day though I'm quite used to the smell of 2nd hand smoke so maybe a bigger issue if you're not, only you know what's right for you guys. x

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Thanks guys for your feedback! We’re going to go ahead and celebrate our anniversary in Reno in 2 weeks. We’re both secure in our quit so we don’t have anything to worry about. We’ll be spending most of the time in the suite and at the pool area. It doesn’t matter where we go, we always manage to have a good time. No amount of cigarette smokers can take that away from us. I will take your advice and bring scented candles just in case.


My friend is concerned and she means well. She doesn’t fully believe I’m capable of keeping my quit. She feels Reno will be too tempting but I know myself.  When it comes to quitting smoking, I’ve encountered two different groups of people in my every day life.


1.       There are those that UNDERestimate how difficult it is to quit smoking. These are almost always non-smokers. They’ve never touched a cigarette in their lives and they have no concept of nicotine addiction. They see smoking as a dirty habit similar to biting your nails. They pat you on the back when you quit “Good. It’s about time. Congratulations” and then they don’t want to hear about it again. As far as they are concerned, stopping smoking is as easy as tossing out a ratty old shirt from your closet. They expect you to just immediately get over it and move on.  If you ever bring it up in conversation they’re like “Um, Didn’t you quit smoking like forever ago? Why are we still talking about this?”


2.       Then there are those that OVERestimate how difficult it is to quit smoking.  These are almost always current smokers. They want to quit, but they just can’t because they believe it’s WAY too hard. They tell horror stories about withdrawal symptoms akin to Leonardo DiCaprio trying to get off heroin in the “Basketball diaries”. (This was ME only 6 months ago) When I tell them that it’s not nearly THAT bad and that anyone can do it. You just need to want to quit more than you want to smoke. It’s mind over matter. It’s hard at first but  over time it becomes your new normal. They shake their heads and tell me “I’m not as strong as you. I’m more addicted. It’s different with me. I can’t stop. This is my one vice. If it kills me… so be it.”


Then there are the non-smokers that have a smoking friend/family member that they witnessed firsthand pass away from a smoking related disease or struggle with a smoking related illness. They’ve seen friends or family members try to quit over and over. This is my friend. My friend’s father passed away from lung cancer and she’s struggling to get her mom to quit smoking. Anytime her mother is around other smokers, she immediately relapses. As a result she assumes the same will happen to me in Reno and she’s trying to warn me. I understand that and I appreciate her concern. My heart breaks when I think about how she lost her father so young. He was only 54. It’s also terrible that her mother is still smoking despite that and won’t quit.


Quitting smoking isn’t easy. Okay, Maybe for some people it is easy but I believe it’s really a different experience for everyone. I went through a difficult time the first few months, but I feel confident now in my quit. I know I should never let my guard down but I also know it’s NOT something that I ever want in my life anymore. A smoky casino will only remind me of how disgusting cigarettes are and cement my quit even further. It won’t ruin our trip though. I’m sure we’ll have a good time.


Thanks guys!! :D

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I live thirty minutes from Reno and it is not as bad there as you might think. The ONLY places people are allowed to smoke are in casinos and bars that don't serve food. Also there are smoke free lounges and a few smoke free Casinos/hotels in Reno, Tahoe, and Carson City where I live.


Check the Internet for "smoke free casinos" in the area and make an effort to visit some of them. Also, the hotel you stay in should have smoke free rooms. Especially John Ascquaga's or the Peppermill.


Let me know if you need any help, things have changed dramatically in the last five years regarding smoking in Nevada.

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The Peppermill has some of the best food in Reno and most people I know like it better than any other casino in Reno. I've been to at least a half dozen Christmas parties there.


Great Choice, I'm certain you'll like it, just be certain to reserve a non smoking room in advance.


Also, you might want to request a room in the new wing.

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One other thing about Reno resorts, if you deposit 10,000 dollars or more in their gambler's bank, they'll comp your room.


You don't actually have to gamble it, but it sure beats paying for room and food. And you won't get that kind of interest on you money at a bank LOL

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