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Hospital Appointment


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So I've had a cough for what seems like forever.  I'd never developed a smokers cough in all my time as a smoker.  And now here I am, 7 weeks with a cough I just can't shift.  Been to the doctors already and tomorrow is my trip to the hospital for whatever they want to check for... so I've been waiting for this for about a week and I wasn't really worried until doc said I have to go to the hospital... never been to the hospital for ' tests' before and there is this advert (commercial) on the tv which keeps saying to get checked if it's longer than 6 weeks... ok so now I'm a little worried :(


OK so it's probably nothing but I just wanted to share in case anyone has any words of encouragement or wisdom to share (I sure could use them right now lol).  Got to be there at silly o'clock in the am too, so I'd better get some sleep :(


And to make matters worse I am also scheduled to have a trip to the dentist in the PM where I suspect that he is going to want to rip one of my teeth out (even though it's his fault for some shoddy work last time I was there).


And my boss doesn't know about either appointment yet and its the first day back after a long weekend, so tomorrow is just going to suck big time...  I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!





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Before any tests its always a worry Ross - hopefully they will be able to tell you straight away if there is something to be concerned about if you let them know its worrying you and hopefully the dentist wont pull out a tooth :(


best of luck let us know how it goes asap ((hugs))) now go get some sleep xx

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There is no sure way to know what it could be.  A suggestion:  Stay away from the likes of Web MD.  They will diagnose you with everything under the sun.  Healthy thoughts to both you and Julie :)

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It is normal to feel anxious before testing.  People have these tests all the time- smokers and non-smokers. Sending positive thoughts  your way. 


As for the dentist- be glad you are getting it over with. On the positive side, you don't have to go back for six months. :)

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(((((Ross))))))  that's a lot to deal with :(  I agree with Colleen, stay away from searching your symptoms online.  I have had myself dying more than once doing that.  There is no way to know what the results will be but I can tell you that we have your back buddy.  I'll be sending prayers up for you.  I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight.  Whatever it is, we'll handle it together.  xoxo

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Oh, Ross, please try not to worry...lots of thoughts and prayers coming your way.  Love you to the moon and back!


Julie, I promise you will not have pancake boobs....(unless you already do?)  Love you, too!

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action, whatever you do, listen to Colleen: do not go to WebMD or google searches... all they do is scare the hell out of you and 99.9% of the time you don't have what they say... trust me, I used to do this all the time.


I have a feeling you're gonna be just fine... hang tough... and if the dentist pulls a tooth: get painkillers, they'll make you a little happier about the situation for a while. :P


Anyway, best of luck to you, well wishes headed your way.



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Yes, no searching of symptoms for sure. Action, like I said I think it will be ok God willing. Just make it through the day and hopefully have a beer at the end with your wife. If you can check in and let us know. I am thinking about you.



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Oh Ross,


I am so glad you are getting tests done. Getting tests done in the hospital is always a good idea, because everything is in one building and they don't have send "stuff" around from a to z! 


Do I have words of wisdom...No I don't....yes....... wait I do



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Hey Action, I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending good vibes your way. It's always good to get checked out. I agree with everyone that told you to avoid WEBMD, I agree with them. I've gone done that rabbit hole one too many times. Now my husband has banned WEBMD from our computer. lol.

Please let us know how it goes with both the doctor's appointment (hope everything checks out and your mind is put at ease) and your dentist. (hope you don't have a painful procedure!). 

Best wishes from me and the hubby here

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Action......I know it's easier said than done...but please try not to worry. Fear of the unknown is the worst!  Glad you are getting checked.


 sending you ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) and positive thoughts your way!!

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 has any words of encouragement or wisdom to share


The last time The Sarge had tests in a hospital - he was sure he was gonna die ... Turns out he only lost his right nut. [1]



Easy Peasy



[1] That didn't really help, did it? :P 

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