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Our Boo has 11 brilliant months today !!!


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Well boo..you are...nearly there ...the lido deck is on the horizon...

Get your binoculars ...you will see it....

I'm so happy for you ..feel very proud today...you are up there..one of my fav peeps..

Ok..have I praised you enough ,for you to let me win the trophy back..

Only kiddin...you keep it...for now...

Big hug buddy xxxx

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I was getting ready to write a long rambling diatribe about all the benefits and rewards I've encountered since quitting smoking.  Then I thought: do these people really want to read 28 paragraphs about everything I've been doing over the last eleven-months?


So a brief summation...At age 42, I'm in better shape now than I was at twenty-two.  The weight lifting is going strong (bad pun) and I've recently added boxing and trail running to my physical regiment.  It's amazing how much the body can produce when you stop intermittently poisoning yourself everyday.  Mentally, there is a clarity that exists that I never had while smoking.  Quitting forced me to evaluate my self-destructive thinking patterns and get out of the rut I was in.  The process of quitting has produced positive changes that have bled over into every facet of my life.


The process lives.  Long live the process.


A big thanks to the Quit Train and the fine folks who ride her.  Back in March, I came stumbling in here ass-backwards with good intentions but with a good deal of doubt and hesitation.  In spite of the fact that y'all didn't know me from Adam's housecat, I was welcomed in and immediately received all the support and encouragement a foggy-headed newbie could ask for.  Thanks for that.

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