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Where is Evelyn....


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As some on facebook, I screwed up. I was too ashamed to tell. I'm being stalked, no excuse. I have an infection my jaw. Still no excuse. But I found out. I'm done quit smoking for others. i have to do it for myself. I deactivated my facebook account. I'm tired of people threatening my to 'come visit me', all the shitty messages thru messenger. So that's the score. MQ knows, about the stalking. I'm done living for others, by others, chased by others.

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Evelyn..sorry you have been having a tough time..

The internet can be a good place and also a bad place...you should pick your friends wisely...

Stay with the nice people..get rid of all the negative people in your life..

Quitting smoking has to be for you..no one else..it's your life your saving...

Facebook isn't for everyone..it can be intrusive..

Get your head in the right place..and join the newbies..who will miss you...

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You'll be fine without Facebook.  If something that is unnecessary is causing you grief, get rid of it.


And in the spirit of getting rid of things...'bout time to snuff out those cigarettes once and for all.

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Ok. I am going to best this addiction. I need to stick with NOPE. I do use nrt patches but as said elsewhere it's about quit smoking and stick with NOPE. Im not going to sugarcoat I feel like crap but I want to do this for myself. Not to impress any of you. I want to be free of smokes and nicotine. And I have to pull it off but I appreciate it if some have my back.

I'm not going to bluff or blow myself up like I said... Stewie I feel like crap still its no excuse. I'm done. No applause needed. This will be tough, simply because of my mood swings.

But I'm not 1 day quit. So NOPE

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I wish you well my friend. It's a very tough thing to do. You gotta keep trying though until you find a way to remain quit. I know this will get easier the longer I refuse to give into the seduction of lighting up again. And yes; you are doing this for you and no one else - be selfish in your quit. Do this for you before you worry about anybody else. Don't mean to preach cuz I don't know anything about all this quitting stuff. Only know what I have been through and the thoughts I've had the past couple of weeks. I will be pulling for you to make this a permanent quit !

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We are here to support you when you are ready to commit fully to quitting. As you already know, you have to do the heavy lifting. We can only be there to cheer you on and encourage you to achieve this important goal. We all have it within us to do this; just gotta want it badly  ;)

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Hello Evelyn - check in with us and let us know how you are doing and what you're feeling. We are here for you no matter what. We understand what our positions are here. We can only support you. You are the one that needs to be ready to commit fully to your quit. We are here for you when you are ready to begin your new life as a non-smoker :) 

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In three years of you quitting I have not tried to be nice or baby you. I refuse to allow attention seeking behavior and make you respect your own power to quit.


You need spanked more than told how well you are doing.

Reason- you have done far better and know it.

You know the saying, the methods, the reasoning and anything else. You should be the expert. Someday.

But I give you a cheer only when the whole group is celebrating the year. That was the next one in line when you fell along time ago. Days away from a year. Yes I remember

And this may sting... but your excuses and come backs are repeating more frequently each time.

When your ready to be serious, you will do it. I have told you to quit the pity party and will repeat that, because you have all the tools, power and reasons Just need for You to show yourself

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I'll take the dare.

But not now. I would do it FOR you not ME!

I need to do this for me.

I'll do this and when I do it I'll do it right: FOR ME and no one else


Excuses piled upon excuses after yet more excuses.


Sarge no longer believes a word you say about quitting.




Easy Peasy

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