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Need Facebook replacement


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Between all the annoying and dividing political posts from both sides of the aisle and all the ads, I'm totally over Facebook.


Looking for a fun, positive replacement.  A place like our awesome Quit Train where there is a community.  A place full of positivity, humor, fun, lightness.  No heavy BS.


Any recommendations???



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Or do like me ignore the crap about politics and complaints...... There are some Facebook quit smoking boards they seem to not get involved in the nonsense.  I visit them sometimes but not really sure what else is out there. I am waiting to see what everyone else responds.

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go through your facebook friends list and UNFOLLOW all the negativity....problem solved.  You are still friends but just not following them so they don't end up on newsfeeds.  They won't know you unfollowed.


PLUS...you always have the quit train


I am right there with you regarding politics.  I was better off ignorantly blissful.  lol

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I suspended my Facebook account almost a year ago just because I got tired of all the nonsense that kept coming up all the time. The current political climate just adds fuel to that fire. Sites like this one tend to focus on something that we all have in common so politics and the like never enter into the discussion. That's probably a good thing :P

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Sites like this one tend to focus on something that we all have in common so politics and the like never enter into the discussion. That's probably a good thing :P


Everyone knows how discussions of politics and religion on the internet end up.  A lot of dogmatic fervor and ad hominem attacks.  And now we can add diet and nutrition to the list of topics that it is increasingly difficult to have a reasonable discussion about.  There are many camps in the discussion: Paleo, Keto, IIFYM, Vegetarian, Vegan, those people that eat 50 bananas a-day...the list goes on.


It's frustrating and fascinating at the same time.  People have allowed the diet they follow to become a part of their identity.  And now we have people who are furious at others due to the fact that they eat differently.


This is what about 95% of the internet looks like to me...


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I don't even want to get talking bout my diet - lol.

It's not a good story but, I'm still alive and kicking and not overweight so, all's good as far as I'm concerned :)

Right now, just no smoking,  The rest you can sort, later!

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I don't even want to get talking bout my diet - lol.

It's not a good story but, I'm still alive and kicking and not overweight so, all's good as far as I'm concerned :)


As important as diet and exercise are, quitting smoking is the single best thing any smoker can do for themselves.  You've already done that, so...good going.


The internet can be a weird...but this is a safe place....


I have no aversion to the weirdness.  It's the perpetual bickering that annoys me.  Let the weird times roll.

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Everyone knows how discussions of politics and religion on the internet end up.  A lot of dogmatic fervor and ad hominem attacks.  And now we can add diet and nutrition to the list of topics that it is increasingly difficult to have a reasonable discussion about.  There are many camps in the discussion: Paleo, Keto, IIFYM, Vegetarian, Vegan, those people that eat 50 bananas a-day...the list goes on.


It's frustrating and fascinating at the same time.  People have allowed the diet they follow to become a part of their identity.  And now we have people who are furious at others due to the fact that they eat differently.


This is what about 95% of the internet looks like to me...


That stuff drives me crazy too!!  You end up feeling guilty for eating a steak and potato!  (Not me though, we raise our own beef and sometimes, we grow our own potatoes.)   


Heard a conversation on the plane the other day - girl was all, "I just love eating healthy food, vegan gluten free..."  Guy next to her was like, "Yea, eating healthy is great, but they put a bunch of chemicals in gluten free food to try to make up for the gluten....."


UGH!  I just want to feed myself and my family food that is good.  


Now, I'm heading over to the Healthy Eating forum to tell you all about a 30 day Clean Eating Challenge I'm gonna try on my family. :)    

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  Heard a conversation on the plane the other day - girl was all, "I just love eating healthy food, vegan gluten free..."  Guy next to her was like, "Yea, eating healthy is great, but they put a bunch of chemicals in gluten free food to try to make up for the gluten....."


The one-upsmanship never stops.  A rule of thumb that works for me is: steer clear of talking about nutrition with anyone who spends a lot of time posting photos of everything they eat on Facebook and/or Instagram.  They've gone all in on some trendy diet and there's not a damn thing you can do for them at this point.

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The one-upsmanship never stops.  A rule of thumb that works for me is: steer clear of talking about nutrition with anyone who spends a lot of time posting photos of everything they eat on Facebook and/or Instagram.  They've gone all in on some trendy diet and there's not a damn thing you can do for them at this point.

Uh-Oh.  Posted my dinner on FB just last night.  No nutrition talk though.  I was just super happy cuz my friend brought me some bread, and it went perfectly with the rest of our meal.  (Not the most appetizing food pic, but I was in a hurry. )   


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Uh-Oh.  Posted my dinner on FB just last night.  No nutrition talk though.  I was just super happy cuz my friend brought me some bread, and it went perfectly with the rest of our meal.  (Not the most appetizing food pic, but I was in a hurry. )   


The occasional photo of a proper meal is one thing.  It's the folks who post photos of themselves eating pop-tarts and cupcakes then bragging that it fits their macronutrient profile that are the real problem.  It's not my place to tell people what to eat, but I really wish they would stop trying to rationalize their terrible relationship with food via social media.

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