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Giving the Finger to


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Post here your fed up with anything or just miss the way something was. Give the finger to change, time, work, fudgenuts or just an observation of someone else standing up or fighting the system


The rebel post or just a sick of kids....


Political Incorrectness given extra credit.



Like the way Pink Floyd sounded so thought provoking and now you don't have time to sit through one song without playing with a phone to check social media.

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Post #1. Guy at work being as polite as possible with a junkie at 3:30 in morning. She doesn't have a good license but proud of her "kept that in my glovebox because I thought I might need it someday"

What was the item? Prescription for suboxine (junkie drug in her case with no reason to use it).

So idiot thanks him for ticket and drives off after being told not to drive....Just honks horn and waves as she pulls away. Window lickers didn't call someone else to drive, wait till we left, nothing.

So I ask "she was suspended right?"

Officer Politically Incorrect says "Yeah but she's a retard". He has an autistic son and daughter.

Did I laugh? Think I even peed a little.

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Post 2


What ever happened to my niceness? Told often enough that I might be curt. Really. This is me trying very hard not to be mean. I would

Love to ram your car when doing something stupid. Or push you out of line when doing something rude. We got away with ramming bikes and pushing in grade school. And it worked. Kids learned not to be so selfish. Nobody teaches adults.


Heard Alice cooper No more mr nice guy earlier.


Like to tell some people I am trying hard to be nice but your about to see me not be so nice. Not everyone. Just that one asswipe we all deal with. Going to Walmart. Always one there. I am grabbing a bike off the rack and ramming their cart or just knocking them down when they walk aimlessly in front of me.

See you when I get out of detention

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giving the finger to...........


Mean people...and not the mean you refer to Bakon...that's for a reason


I mean miserable people who are miserable in their own skin and instead of working on that.....they want to spread their negativity and misery


be gone muther fuc53rs!

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giving the finger to...........


Mean people...and not the mean you refer to Bakon...that's for a reason


I mean miserable people who are miserable in their own skin and instead of working on that.....they want to spread their negativity and misery


be gone muther fuc53rs!


The world is full of bad people, there are few good people on this earth. You cant be too good either or they screw you. Reminds me of the lyrics from "In human form" by death:


People of the earth beware,

It is here in human form

An atrocity laced with greed.

Filled with evil intentions.

Ready to attack

[Lead: Andy]


Look to the air for stories to choose,

Who will be your next victim

Profitting on visions of others,

dark emotions run through its veins

Its motives are false its mind is insane

A distant planet with no signs of life

To become a home for this alien breed.

Scientists of the world unite,

your services are more than needed

This creature in human form is out of control

[Lead: Chuck]


Looks can be deceiving, see beyond the shell

Flesh and eyes mean nothing.

The truth, time it will tell

Before you think you fool the world.

What comes around goes around.

Shown for what you are, a waste of life

[Lead: Andy]

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My only regret is that I have but two middle fingers to give.


This guy, I'll call him chucklenuts to protect his anonymity, got his feelings hurt because I declined his invitation to the Super Bowl party him and his wife are hosting.  I politely declined, but he persisted with a line of stupid questioning.  So I had to explain that I don't enjoy Super Bowl parties.  I like football and want to watch the game not the commercials.  Besides that, I'm not a fan of forced merriment.  Long story short, he's all huffy now and thinks I'm a jerk.  A middle finger for that guy.


All of these people who are apoplectic about the current state of politics and won't shut up about it.  Look, I get it...I disagree with a lot of stuff the government does and I'm not a fan of the Democrats or Republicans.  The thing is, I don't interject my opinions into every conversation and demand that people listen to my grievances when they've got other things on their mind.  And I certainly don't block traffic standing in the middle of the road regurgitating some stupid chant.  Who has time for that shit?  A big middle finger to the whole lot of 'em.


I would also like to extend a middle finger to this computer.  Updates.  Notices.  I need to restart the computer.  Would you like to shut the computer down now?  No...would you like me to remind you later?  Leave me alone computer, I've had about enough of your nagging.

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