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Need some advice

Nik Rebello

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Todays Day of quit was hell of a day

When i added the patch i was sensing severe itching and scrated so hard that the patch fell out i got freaked out and tried reading the patch and things were normal

Todays day was not what i had expected we have a useless co worker trying to provoke me to loose my composure

The place where i work deals with IT solutions for a client where in one guy loggs a report for the downtime and then assigns it to another guy to work on it

This time it was my time to work on incidents but this prick didn't make incidents so i ended up making the incident and working on it alone leading to freaking insane stress levels he did not do his job instead i was doing the job for both of us made me feel irritated and frustrated with this dude he is picking on arguments with me thinking i will break and loose my cool and say or do something which is not supposed to be done but i have dealt with pricks like this normally in situations like this i would go and smoke up 1-2 cigs to calm my self but surprisingly this patch has worked and not given me the urge to go for a puff which is amazing feeling better than the gums

I will stick to my quit i am not sure if can deal with more of these ppl who try provoking me please guide me if i am wrong in any way

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Good Morning Nik!  First, a huge congrats is in order for not smoking under stress like that.  As you know or will soon learn, smoking DOES NOT help you deal with stress as it raises your blood pressure, increases your heart rate and sends adrenaline coursing through your body.  Smoking actually puts your body into the fight or flight mode of survival. 


The patch seems to be working for you, for now.  The goal should be to get rid of nicotine swiftly and completely.  As long as you're still feeding your nicotine addiction with the same drug you're trying to kick, you're still going in and out of withdrawals which in and of itself is "stress".


You're doing a great job and keep going!!!  Creating this thread is one way to ensure that you'll never take another puff.


The Law Of Addiction (Updated Video)

"Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance."



Keeping Cigarettes To Deal With Stress

Video explains the importance of getting rid of your stashes of cigarettes when you quit smoking.


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Good Morning Nik!  First, a huge congrats is in order for not smoking under stress like that.  As you know or will soon learn, smoking DOES NOT help you deal with stress as it raises your blood pressure, increases your heart rate and sends adrenaline coursing through your body.  Smoking actually puts your body into the fight or flight mode of survival. 


The patch seems to be working for you, for now.  The goal should be to get rid of nicotine swiftly and completely.  As long as you're still feeding your nicotine addiction with the same drug you're trying to kick, you're still going in and out of withdrawals which in and of itself is "stress".


You're doing a great job and keep going!!!  Creating this thread is one way to ensure that you'll never take another puff.


The Law Of Addiction (Updated Video)

"Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance."[/size]



Keeping Cigarettes To Deal With Stress

Video explains the importance of getting rid of your stashes of cigarettes when you quit smoking.


Thank you

I will watch both the vids

I hope i am not troubling anyone with these post im sorry if i have i was just feeling so low

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Thank you

I will watch both the vids

I hope i am not troubling anyone with these post im sorry if i have i was just feeling so low


What trouble??  This is why we're here!!!!  This is why we exist.  Post as often as you need and please know that we're committed to helping you succeed and stay off of nicotine forever.  :)

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Aww hi Nik the stick..our worlds are full of idiots..who rub us up the wrong way..

Never smokers too..have had to put up with the odd numpty...

Deep breaths my friend...

Your very early in your quit..as others have said ..it does get easier to deal with life's challenges..

I had a punching pillow at the beginning..I draw a certain face with permanent marker..

Oh did I love punching hell out of it..flying it across the room..I am normally the most laid back person..

It really does get better..

Post ...post as much as you like ..I was here 24 hrs a day..when I first quit...

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Way to hand in there Nik the Stick!


In the beginning, people may irritate you more for sure.  Tell them to f/o (to yourself, of course) and take the high road.  Know that others around you probably know that the other guy is being a prick and see how you are going above and beyond to cover his ass.   Take the extra work as a distraction to keep you from having to go run out and smoke - no time for that if you're busy working.  


And you are in no way troubling us!!!!!  We love giving back!  We were all in those early days and posting often and reading all the replies was a huge part of our success.  We want to help you succeed!


Also, regarding the patch, I agree with MQ, they are keeping the nicotine in your system and prolonging withdrawal.  Cold turkey is an awesome way to go and gets that nicotine quicker.  Your cravings might be a little more intense for a few days, but as the good ole Sarge would say, "Embrace the Suck."


Post again soon!

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Way to go Nik!  Sticking it out through the tough times should prove to yourself you can do it no matter what comes your way!  You got this!!!!!  It helps me to post here when I have a really bad day, a really bad craving or just to celebrate the little steps with the folks here.


I am also on the patch and it is really working for me.  However, I cannot wait to be nicotine free so I don't have those withdraw symptoms without the patch on.  


Keep at it! :)

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You will have stressors and jackasses in you life with, or without cigarettes.


They are independent of, and orthogonal to, your status as a non-smoker.


Don't use them as an excuse.


They are not an excuse.





Easy Peasy.

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I will stick to my quit i am not sure if can deal with more of these ppl who try provoking me please guide me if i am wrong in any way


Jackwagons, dunderheads, slapnuts, wankstains, and your garden variety A-holes...They're all out there.  Don't take anything they do personally and remember that while you can't control the actions of others, you have total control of your reaction to them.


Keep a steady hand on the wheel and drive on.

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You're not wrong and I always want you to come and find this board because we all get it!


Idiots, they are everywhere! You'll live buddy, deep breath, march this foot forward, that foot forward. Curse excessively under your breath and don't smoke. Simple. You own your freedom, it's a choice and one you shouldn't gie away cause people are numpties. sending strength and a solid sneaky right hook maybe :) x

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Hi NIK..

Good to hear you OK..and are still smoke free..brilliant news..

Every crave you win..is a battle towards winning your war..

Keep reading all you can here..come play the games...look at the cat and dogs...tell is a joke or two..

Whatever it takes..we have all been where you are..

As for posting..main board..socializing.. Anywhere ..you want to post..we will find you..

Keep climbing ..

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