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I no longer think quitting smoking was the hardest thing I ever did!

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I have always said that quitting smoking was the hardest thing that I had ever done. I must change that now. Paying the consequences of smoking with my ongoing progressive emphysema, chronic bronchitis, etc., and a recent scare when a nodule showed up on my lung and the doc feared could be lung cancer! Which at this point is not, thank God. But I will always be at even higher risk for lung cancer now. These things are so much harder than the very worst of the craves I had when I quit. I don't post this for pity, I post for encouragement for smokers to quit or those trying to quit, to KEEP your quit. And for me I had to turn it over to God...God quit for me. I always prayed for him to help me...HELP ME! That was a laugh! I was hopeless, so I started praying for him to do it for me and he did. Smoke free for 7 and half years. But I did not quit soon enough. Believe me, the worst crave in the world is a piece of cake compared to not being able to breath!!! And it is heartbreaking to know that my kids have to watch me suffer a horrific death unless the Good Lord decides to take me home another way! :) (No, I'm not suicidel :) ) I know this is hard nosed, but this IS what it becomes! You will be surprised at actually how much easier it is to quit than we fear! And the rewards are wonderful and start happening early in the quit. I love you all. I am available anytime to be a quit buddy and share support information also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 You will be surprised at actually how much easier it is to quit than we fear!


Hello Patoolla, great post !!!



I agree completely that F.E.A.R. (False.Expectations.Appearing.Real) of quitting smoking is what keeps many smokers from quitting.


We hear constantly that it is almost impossible to quit, but the reality of smokers quitting smoking is that over half of smokers have now quit, and most have quit without any support or education.


They just make a commitment to never smoke again......and that is it.



The people who have arrive to this board, have a big advantage: not only do they have the support of people who have quit before them, but there is a fantastic amount of education about quitting smoking that is also available for any person who wants it.



At this moment, I cannot think of a good answer to the question of what is the hardest thing I have done in my life.....but quitting smoking is definetly not it!!!





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