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I am posting because I just left home on foot and bought one loose cigarette to smoke, I did not smoke it and threw it away after crushing it with my hand. Regardless, I wanted to smoke, I still want to smoke. My 19 month old daughter has been screetching and screaming lately and its driving me mad! Life is getting to me, Ive picked up weight, feeling fat and old! And I keep thinking that having a smoke will help me feel better.


So instead of smoking I thought I would give this SOS a try and see what happens. I havent smoked for 3 months and all I wanna do is smoke. F@!k

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I understand where you are coming from but ask you what do you think 1 smoke will do for you?  Just keep walking and taking deep breaths and this will pass!  I'm sure you don't want to do the last 3 months again! 

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Listen...this will pass! Smoking will not help at all. My 2 year old drives me FRIIGGIN NUTS but sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches...take a deep breath...


Keep your quit. This is the single most important thing you can do for the long term success of yourself and family.


It's ok to vent...just don't smoke!

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I understand what you're going through and you beat that monster off your back like a boss!


This is pass, I promise.  Focus on the fact that you never really enjoyed smoking and got nothing of benefit from it.  It may not seem like it right now, but it's this truth that will set you free forever from this addiction.


How are you right now?

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I can tell you what will happen afterwards...you will feel worse...nothing will change.. but on top of everything you will feel guilty because you smoked and angry because you threw out quit.


I am at home in my workroom ....do you want to chat?


Do  me a favor.....think about your daughter in a few years...do you want her to see you smoke? Do you want her to grow up to become a smoker herself.


You are beautiful young Lady....don't you dare say otherwise! I can see you picture!

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Life got to me too and I decided to throw a nice quit away to smoke.  What a mistake as I got nothing from it.  Didn't calm me down, didn't do anything but bring me down.


I have 3 kids home this week on spring break.  Nuff said! hahahaha  Kids can drive you bananas.  As much as we love them, even little ones can test our patience.  You're only human.


I was working with some Marines a few years back and one of them said "There is no reason why a parent should ever get upset at a little child and want to yell or scream at it and need to go in another room to get some silence".  This other Marine said "Obviously, you don't have kids." hahahahaha  Very funny.


Again, I have 3 lovely children but I'll be the first to admit how they can at times just get on your nerves.


I'm sorry, Mom & Dad. :) lol

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Hey Rowley, do you know what I wouldn't give to have a 19 month old daughter screeching at me nonstop?! I don't think that is a great excuse to smoke...


You are truly blessed my friend and you need to realise that smoking will do nothing for you. Smoking will not make problems go away... It will create more problems! I am glad you screwed that smoke up and threw it in the trash, but that was a close call. No more buying cigarettes - instead spend the money in something nice like a ice cream or some chocolate.


You can do this Rowley, I know it!

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oh hun, I'm so pleased you threw it! Smoking will not do anything except make you feel worse now.


I feel for you on the screaming child front. There are some days I literally cried with them, it's tough and magical...depends on the moment. Maybe put an ipod on whilst calming her, I found music calmed me if that helps to know? 


Maybe both go out for a walk, walking and air may help you both. It will pass, just keep going until it's left you. xx

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Smoking will not make the screeching go away, nor will it "help calm your nerves." It's all lies! Don't listen to that junkie BS. 


3 months... that's a long time. That's one hell of a quit! Keep with it. You can do this. Hold on tightly and don't let that quit go. Smoking will achieve nothing... you will be back to square one and will have to go through Hell Week yet again.

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Fantastic work! Crushing the smoke is gutsy.


That screeching baby girl is the most important thing on the planet to you bud.


So, you fat old Git, unless you want that little girl to be standing at your bedside as you cough your final cough crying because you thought a cigarette was more important than being there for her; Tough it out.


You have this Rowly.


Three months is fantastic. All of the good stuff about education etc is massively important, but some times, all I have left is brute force and ignorance. It works too.


It will pass buddy!

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Rowly, I'm sorry you are having a hard time!

Yes, kids can be really hard! However, smoking ultimately will only make things worse.

You will feel like crap.

Hang in there, take deep breaths, step away (as you did but not to get smokes), eat something, do some stretches.

MQ had me do pushups at one point. It helps.

Just remember It Will Pass.

Also, 3 months a hard time for me. Just sayin'.


Check in too. How are you?!


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Hey Rowly, How are you now?  I don't want to diminish your feelings, but the screaming days will be gone long before you realize it.  Next time your daughter screaming frustrates you and you feel as if you want to smoke...Turn on the music, pick her up and dance with her.  You won't be able to smoke, and the both of you will most likely feel better.  Keep us updated on how you are doing.  Glad you didn't smoke!

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Kids push us to our limits at times that is for sure.  There are days when mine are so horrible I question my decision to become a parent in the first place.  They'll grow up and challenge you in other way as will life.  Smoking won't change it.  It won't make anything less annoying or painful.  Take a break and try to think of reasons to not smoke instead of reasons why you do.  That's what I used to do when I craved a cigarette.  It's your addiction talking.  Don't listen.

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Aw rowly.....that was close my friend......sooo glad you crushed it......

If you had smoked it.....Your little angel would still be crying......with a blink of a eye....they have grown up and gone.....

My grown up kids have to watch their dad on oxygen all day.......

Naaaaa you don't wanna smoke.......

Stay strong.....

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Hope you are doing okay Rowly.


Please don't smoke.  Please know the feeling will pass.  It may not feel like that now but it will.  I promise.


Great job on crushing that single, don't buy anymore.  Buy an ice cream instead.  Come back here.


Please let us know how you are doing.  

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Sorry i'm late getting here Rowly...but you getting rid of that smoke was the second best thing you could have done... (the best thing being  to not have  it in the first place).... yes little one's (as much as we love them) can drive you bonkers!!  I know... but.. you want your little one to grow up NOT seeing you smoke... remember that. hun. Stay strong you can do this !!

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Hi RowlyD just logged on to see your SOS, how are you doing now?  You did the right thing in crushing the cigarette, craves are nasty litte s@@ts when they come but its only a thought remember and if you give that thought space it will grow and grow don't let, do exactly the same thing that you did to the cigarette CRUSH IT.

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Rowlyd, well done on not smoking.


While you feel strong, write your self a pre response in the thread named Pre respond to your own SOS.


You already know what to say, it was the same inner monologue that made you crush that smoke today :-)

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Thank you for your support everyone. Higher Powered stuff this. Got sore knees, but I suppose my knees are a good place to be when I am battling....


ps: I am definitely not a beautiful lady.... lol. Not now, not ever...

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Oh, Rowly, so glad to hear that you are feeling better.  For whatever reason, some people struggle around the 3 month mark...just put your head down and keep marching, and your little girl will never remember a smoking Daddy.

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