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I'm in a little distress. Tomorrow my patch goes of. This is WHERE I usually RELAPSE. Again, NOW I'm craving a cig badly. Only one patch left for tomorrow so gotta get through this crave without refreshing my patch. I'm taking it off when my friend is with me :)


Junkie thinking like 1 cig and do it cold turkey, bla bla bla + the distress and discomfort of my new medication


So that's why I post a SOS, to prevent it like last time. 

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Don't smoke Evelyn. You can do this! We're here for you, every step of the way. I'm so glad you posted this SOS.


When is your friend coming? That will be a great distraction.


In the meantime, just keep yourself busy. Keep reading and replying to the posts on here, listen to music.


Deep breaths. You've got this!

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Hi Evelyn,


One day at a time- you are worrying about tomorrow.  Please Evelyn get through today - don't smoke today

You cannot do anything tomorrow it is not here yet.


One day at a time friend  Not One Puff Ever

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I'm in a little distress. Tomorrow my patch goes of. This is WHERE I usually RELAPSE. Again, NOW I'm craving a cig badly. Only one patch left for tomorrow so gotta get through this crave without refreshing my patch. I'm taking it off when my friend is with me :)


Junkie thinking like 1 cig and do it cold turkey, bla bla bla + the distress and discomfort of my new medication


So that's why I post a SOS, to prevent it like last time. 


If you think you might Relapse...then you might relapse.

If you keep telling yourself you will fail...then chances are you will.

If you believe craves to be intense....intense will be the ride.


If you want to be an ex-smoker, your mind has yet to heal. Get a positive mindset and a positive outlook:



I will stick to my quit...and you will!

The craves are easy to handle....and the ride will be easy!

Wow....only one more patch ...and I am free yipppie!



Give it a try!

I put it in my signature line "The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective"!

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Evelyn, keep a plastic straw cut cig-size with you starting right now... you crave a cig?  Smoke that straw because you will only be getting fresh air into your lungs but you will get the ritual of smoking, and that is what we miss more than anything.  Seriously, do that... over the years, I have had so many people send me PM's thanking me because they had read my little "trick" and it got them thru the bad times.


You can do this!  I think your problem is that you expect you will relapse because you did before, so change your behavior, do what I said above... you will come out a winner! :)

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Try not going into it with the thought of failure. Or that you usually fail of are going to. Don't think that way. That is setting yourself up for failure.


I really believe that quote "whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right"



And you really do have to want to quit more than you want to smoke

And you have to believe whole heartedly that having one will do NOTHING for you.


It seems you think cigarettes still have something to offer you.

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I relapsed. Bloody trap. 


Evelyn, how long have you been "trying" to quit?  I'm sorry, I don't know you so I have no idea, but I'm getting the feeling that you are yo-yo relapsing.  As long as you continue to believe you will relapse, guess what?  You will.  You need to get an attitude that will not allow for any reason to smoke, none at all.  It sounds hard, but it's not as hard as you think... each time you say NOOOOOOOO to a crave, the next time becomes just a little bit easier, but you need to put in the work.


I hope you choose to become a non-smoker because it's really awesome to be free.


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Evelyn, let's try not to worry about tomorrow until tomorrow. You've still got the patch today, so no smoking allowed today !


Then tomorrow you will be with your friend and we will still be here for you as well.


I just know you have what it takes Evelyn - I believe In You!!!

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Looks like you relapsed Evelyn.


Unless I misunderstood?


I know that you face challenges beyond any that I have faced. I have enormous respect for your attitude and determination.


Because I have such respect for you I will say this.


Between SOS and relapse you lasted 30 minutes. That is not good enough. You are tougher than that.


I would like to see from you Evelyn a well thought out and documented quit plan. Write it down for me. Why you are going to quit. How you are going to quit. What input you have from your Doctor. What support you need from us.


Evelyn. I know that you can do this.


When you are tired, we will hold you up. When you are sad we will make you smile. When you are craving, we will distract you.


But it is YOU that will do this.


Let's see the plan Evelyn. Perhaps a new thread?

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Looks like you relapsed Evelyn.


Unless I misunderstood?


I know that you face challenges beyond any that I have faced. I have enormous respect for your attitude and determination.


Because I have such respect for you I will say this.


Between SOS and relapse you lasted 30 minutes. That is not good enough. You are tougher than that.


I would like to see from you Evelyn a well thought out and documented quit plan. Write it down for me. Why you are going to quit. How you are going to quit. What input you have from your Doctor. What support you need from us.


Evelyn. I know that you can do this.


When you are tired, we will hold you up. When you are sad we will make you smile. When you are craving, we will distract you.


But it is YOU that will do this.


Let's see the plan Evelyn. Perhaps a new thread?

Great Idea El Bandito...I second that

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I third that idea but am not smart enough to do the copy/paste thing, nicely said.  


Evelyn the reason I am agreeing there needs to be a new plan is blooming heck, this is so so hard, doing day 1 over and over is my idea of a nightmare - massive props to you that you can do that. You need to get past it so you can get to some easier bits though, you're just putting yourself through hell week on repeat, why?!


I also don't know why ditching the patch scares you so? You have insider knowledge (all of us) that nothing bad happens when you walk away from nicotine and only good things and strength come from climbing over the nico demon hill. I want this quit for you soo badly - the reason is the self esteem you're going to carry once you talk yourself into doing it will be a real powerful tool for you. 


Please, try. xx

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Hi Evelyn you are allowing yourself to relapse because you have done in the past, try approachng this with a different perspective, tell yourself "this time I will not relapse, this time will be my quit that I am going to keep," throw away your cigarettes, lighters, anything that reminds you of smoking, do not allow yourself any space to relapse, you've really got to want to quit Evelyn sweetheart, just saying it will not make it happen unfortunately it is hard and it is difficult and you have to want it more than anything otherwise you will keep going round in circles. we are here and we will support you all we can but we cannot make you stay quit, that is up to you and do you know something I think you can, and so do you.  

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