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I'm coming back.....


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I'm doing ok. 


 And I'm still smoke free.


Just a tough day. Tomorrow will be better


See you tomorrow, Tiff.  So glad you checked in and stayed Free.


Remember Cristobal's message,

You--->Your Quit--->Your Life


You may need to remove yourself from the presence of smokers to protect your quit.

I did and now, I just can't bear the toxicity of it. 

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I just wanted to say that except for a few instances in the first weeks of quitting smoking,  

when I was definitely foggy, spacey and feeling disconnected during nicotine withdrawal,

my mind is a lot more focused since I quit smoking.


I attribute this to the unadulterated oxygen entering my bloodstream

and to the habit I acquired early in my quit,  to take frequent breaks with a handful of deep conscious breaths.

This helps to direct my focus and keeps me alert to the task at hand.


Of course, being over 60, lists are extremely important ;)

but, this breathing technique continues to be an invaluable tool.

It also made quick work of defying craves.

Sadly mine it the complete opposite, my IBS-C doesn't help. Not that it would mean I would go back to smoking to get my bowels and mind again of course. Just that the other crap that was in cig smoke must have been keeping my body ticking over. I'd rather be not as sharp mentally than still hooked on smoking...any day of the week.

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It is true, Sharon, that smoking masks underlying health issues and I am so sorry you are experiencing this.

That sucks.

When I grow up to rule the Universe, there'll be some changes made.  :)

But, you are so right about choosing freedom over addiction.

The burden of being an addict is untenable.

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It is true, Sharon, that smoking masks underlying health issues and I am so sorry you are experiencing this.

That sucks.

When I grow up to rule the Universe, there'll be some changes made.  :)

But, you are so right about choosing freedom over addiction.

The burden of being an addict is untenable.

Lol.. thank you.


I'd rather not be having all this carry on, however, a small price to pay to be free. I will say though...I might well have solved the problem myself (fingers crossed) gone Low Fiber and already seeing improvements...so keep your fingers crossed.


Hope your day is easier today Tiff.

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You may need to remove yourself from the presence of smokers to protect your quit

I did just that. This neighbor will smack dab talk herself into a coma. And I had picked up some Dr. Peppers for her (she has 3 babies under the age of 4 so it's much easier for me to get her something from the store instead of her) and when she came walking up to my car, the first words out of my mouth were "Don't you bring that cigarette over here." She threw it off then.


Girl, I'm not letting anything mess this up for me. Not ever again.

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I can't wait to reach the other side.... Where all of this is behind me.


That will be the BESTEST day in the world !!!!



You will get there, as long as you never put nicotine in your body again.....but the interesting thing about getting to that "special place on the other side", is that you will not ever know it when you arrive.


Bits and pieces of you will arrive there first, and other bits and pieces later, but with enough time all of you will finally be there.


Believe it or not, some of those bits and pieces of you have already arrived there, you just have not realized it yet.


  :) :) :)




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Thinking of you and really happy you are celebrating a month of freedom from smoking.

Things really improved for me at a month, a month and change.  Time is your friend.

Remember to reward yourself and be prepared for that random strong crave out of nowhere,

don't let it discourage you, be aware H.A.L.T  (Hungry, Angry, Lonesome, Tired)


Also, I really appreciate your posts, Tiff. Your struggle and success is of great benefit to other quitters. 

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Thank you.  


And yes, at 2:30 today, I will be one month.  It's calming down ALOT !!!  I was actually gonna post yesterday evening how good yesterday was.  For the first time, I actually FELT like a non smoker.  It was nice.  


And then I came home.  And my son made me so angry.  We got into a battle.  I swear sometimes teenagers and chores don't go in the same sentence.  And I wanted to go have a smoke.  It was so stupid.  My thinking was "why am I even fighting this ?"   I turned this one argument over chores into a decision to NOT save my own life.  It's amazing how much our brain tries to trick us any way it can.  I kinda picture it like a predator..... waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.  


But I didn't go smoke.  The rug rat and I made up.  Well, only cause he almost got grounded.  And then we went to bed.  And all was good this morning.  


It does help seeing Sandi's posts..... you keep going Sandi.  You're doing awesome !!!  It helps me affirm that I made the absolute best decision of my life.  I remember those days so well...... and I never ever want to go back there.  


Bring on MONTH 2 !!!!

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And then I came home.  And my son made me so angry.  We got into a battle.  I swear sometimes teenagers and chores don't go in the same sentence.  And I wanted to go have a smoke.  It was so stupid.  My thinking was "why am I even fighting this ?"   I turned this one argument over chores into a decision to NOT save my own life.  It's amazing how much our brain tries to trick us any way it can.  I kinda picture it like a predator..... waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack.




Now you know what part of your brain nicotine uses.  Always let your higher level thinking decide about smoking;  hint: it will vote no.  :) 

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Given time, when cross with teenagers, you will not even be on automatic pilot to reach for a cig. If somebody had said that to me I'd have though..yeah right...couldn't believe it to be true. Wonderful that you recognised the trigger, but didn't act, and just trust why I say in time that there isn't even a trigger.

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I did.  


I tell ya..... one of the biggest triggers is lack of sleep.  


Barreled through yesterday and still smoke free today !!!


I still find it amazing how the brain still tries to convince me to throw a quit away.  It's little whispers now but still there.... you just have to ignore it.    


This is where I am doing it different from the last failed attempts..... I used to get the whisper and then I would think about it until I caved.  


This time..... I think about it and then question what I'm thinking.  And then before I know it...... I'm thinking of something else.  


Still heading to Rome.

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That's a good move..shutting the noise down. I can't put my finger on it but I really do believe you've got it this time, your final time. So pleased for you and I really do look forward to checking your updates. Even though I don't know you really I'm enjoying seeing you embracing your forever quit...it's actually very exciting.

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Tiffany I'm just back too and I hate smoking as much as you do. I WILL win this battle & so will you! It takes guts to do this girl but I've done it once before & I WILL do it again. It hurts. It sucks. It's hard. But We CAN & WILL do it. You're on your way girl. I'm Day 1. You're ahead of me. Keep it together. Congratulations on your one month! And best of luck.

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