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Looks like our house got tagged!


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Ever since I stopped smoking I am a real energizer bunny. I sleep for 4 hours and  I am up again..running around doing all kind of things when other people sleep. I just don't need so much sleep anymore...might be an age thing!


I love to work in the middle of the night. The phone is quiet, no emails and I can work for hours on a project without being disturbed.  We have big dogs and I let them out last night before I went to bed. My husband is out of town for 3 days and it's just me and the dogs. One of them started growling, not loud, but stood in front of the gate and growled at something outside there. I learned a long time ago to trust my dogs, even though I don’t see or hear anything. I called the “protector” on my side, he is the oldest dog and is always where I am, and we went outside toward the front. There was a car sitting on the the other side of the street, some teenagers were in it, they might just have come home.



I went to bed and as usual woke up around 3 am. I got up, made coffee and went to my workroom, I had the “protector” with me as usual and he started growling again. WTF…it’s in the middle of the night, what is he growling at. Again…I left the yard and walked toward our drive way, the dog was still growling. I didn't see anything, no cars, no people…nothing..everything was quit. I went back toward the yard and then I saw a pair of old tennis shoes on the hood of my truck. It didn't make any sense, so I grabbed them and put them on the curb. Teenagers sighhhh?


I worked as usual and didn't think about it any more. Why would you think about a pair of tennis shoes on your truck?


An hour ago I went for a walk with my dogs and the Sheriff pulled up beside me. We live in a small community; everybody knows almost everybody and we look out for each other. He asked me, if I noticed anything unusual today…I said “no” and we talked for a while. All of a sudden I remember the “tennishoes” and I told him.


He asked a few more questions and said he would come by later. “Why?” What's the big deal? Well, because the way it looks like our house has been tagged for a break in, that's what he said. Really? First of all…why would somebody want to break into our house? But most importantly ..we have big dogs..I mean really big dogs and two of them are trained to “protect”. Anybody who tries to break into our house has to be severely suicidal.


We live in a safe neighborhood….what is going on? Well let’s see what the Sheriff will have to say!


It upset me and 10 weeks ago I would have smoked a pack of cigarettes and would have had 1 Gallon of coffee!


It's stunning...I did the 1 Gallon of coffee..but smoking is just not on my mind!

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Wow ladybug that is scary- specially since your husband is out of time.  I am happy you have your protectors I am sure they would give plenty of advance warning if anything were to happen.  At least since the Sherriff stopped by you know and can be on alert

for anything strange.  Stay Safe my friend.  Shoot first and ask questions later.

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Well the Sheriff came by, he is a sweet guy! They are not sure if our house got tagged, or if teenagers are just playing pranks! We haven't had break-ins in the area lately. But he got a couple of calls yesterday about some odd things going on, basically he said to be more alert and call him if anything would happen. Although they will patrol our street more than usual.


I will be more alert that's for sure, but not overly scared.....this Ladybug is packed!

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Hell, Bakon,


They will knock on door first to see if anyone answers unless they KNOW you and know your at work.



Hell, Bakon, 'round here they'll do it WHILE you're home.


They'll tag-team it. Someone goes to the front door with some BS sales pitch that keeps you busy for 10 minutes trying to get away, while partner(s) in crime sneak in the side door / back window / cellar / garage / <whatever> ... knowing you're busy at the front door.


Easy Peasy

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I believe sheriff is moron. Break ins happen during day 99 percent of time while people are at work. They will knock on door first to see if anyone answers unless they KNOW you and know your at work. Either way next step is a door in back or second choice is a window on ground level. Kick or break or pry and in. No safe cracking. Usually not large items however new thin light TV sets are popular now.

Dogs usually don't necessarily scare them off but will avoid them 95 percent of time unless the KNOW the dog.

Why Capitol KNOW? 50 percent of burglaries are done by drug addicts under 30 years old by person KNOWN by victim. Grandchild. Neighbor nephew or friend of your kids from 10 years ago. And 25 percent of actors bring girl along as helper or stand outside with cell phone as look out


Three teenagers are more likely high or drunk or having sex, even gay sex together at midnight to three am. Shoes are clue of taking off pants, not a tag to mark your house as target. No need to mark or target for later.


Sheriff needlessly got you worried. Idiot.

24 years as bakon

that's what I am thinking too...I think  my workshop is more interesting IF somebody plans to break-in in the night. The most people know I am always around...so it doesn't make any sense. But I will go to Home Depot and buy some "beware of dog(s)" signs for front and back. I am not sure about all of this...we'll see!

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The Sober Chick is happy she lives in a place where most people leave their doors unlocked.


And we're Canadian, eh! So most of us don't have a gun either.

If I heard something go 'bump' in the night I'd assume Calvin my neighbor was drunk and wandered into the wrong house :p

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putinn- the prez of Russia?


butter farts/ we call them "wet ones" and change our underwear or in your husbands case, pants.

Bakon. Holy sheet.....I'm sitting in the pediatrician office waiting for daughter and baby to finish their appointment.

Everyone is staring at me, because I'm laughing at my phone.


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