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Just a shout out to officer Bakon!


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Just wanted to say thanks to Bakon and all police officers out there for the job they do!


All the crap in the news lately pisses me off! The news media is stirring up the crazy's out there and trying to take us back in to the 60's all over again! There is enough trouble here and in the world without the news sensationalizing some low life a-holes. The news is making it harder for the good guys to do their job and is empowering the bad guys to be bad! I would think that when a police officer tells you to do something, you do it! I learned that when I was a little trouble maker myself and you if do not like it, then get a lawyer afterwards if you are Innocent. Why do people think that they are above the law anyways?. Laws are not always perfect but they are better then no laws at all. Sure their might be a couple cops out there that should not be cops for one reason or another but 99.999999% of them are do their job as best as they can and are just trying to keep us safe while putting their life in danger! Thanks again to Bakon and his fellow officers for a sometimes thankless job well done!


Not happy with Ohio's open carry gun law especially when a lot of crazies and wacko's will be at the NRC here next week. A lot of hate groups, most hating each other will be there and some will be carrying firearms! Kooks will be walking around with hand guns and rifles strapped to their backs in a just try to mess with me attitude. This is just putting more cops and people in danger! In Texas, the police had a hard time determining if there were more then one shooter or not with every body running around with guns, maybe a few lives could of been saved if they were not allowed to open carry in demonstrations or protests! There should be some kind of amendment in Ohio's open carry law that you can not open carry when you are demonstrating or protesting especially with a group of people. This is just asking for trouble if you ask me! A concealed carry if any in more in line with today's society i think! Don't get me wrong, I believe in the right to bare arms but a lot of people should not even be allowed to bare a paper gun! We do need tougher gun regulations here with more of a intense background check and a psychological assessment. Also it should be like a drivers licence where every four years you need to get a new background check and a new psychological assessment done again. And the type of guns allowed needs to be addressed too. Hand guns for personal protection OK and hunting rifles OK but any kind automatic or military assault type rifle should be banned and if you are caught with one, a minimum of 10 years prison time first offence mandatory unless you have a very special permit. 


But Very happy with Ohio's law that you can go 70mph instead of 65mph on the highways in urban areas! Zoom Zoom!


OK, rant over, Have a good day!


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A thankless job indeed.  I see it play out everyday here in Chattanooga.  People demand an increased police presence in a community in response to crime.  They say the police force has forgotten their neighborhood.  So the force responds with increased patrols and almost immediately the accusations of harassment and intimidation begin.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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My heart hurts everyday over what's happening.  Equal to that is my gratitude for people like Bakon who are on the front line trying to keep us safe and bring peace to our lives.  


Thanks REZ for starting this thread.


Thank you Bakon.  

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So locally some cops bought dinner for a couple who didn't like police and wouldn't sit near them in a restaurant. They made a comment on the bill about being nice and how generous they were with the tip also, how couple should like them cause they are so nice


I would get called in the Chiefs office for harassment if I did same thing.

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Years ago I pushed a car off the highway for a lady while her son sat inside. He had a band aid on his neck and couldn't help. She turned me in for being stone faced. Didn't like my look.


I now keep my tongue hanging out to lick the window at same time. They think I'm touched and feel sorry for me.

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Lady complain about neighbor throwing vegetables from the garden into a hole the utility company dug in a common area. I asked if she wanted to eat it and was mad at waste because it wasn't really litter in dirt hole and biodegradable


Got in trouble for that one too

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Had a thing I called repeat. On way in to station and about to get done I would see a traffic violation and didn't want to write a ticket. Make them go back down street a mile or more and come back a REPEAT. Tell them I would be watching and if they did it again I would mail them two tickets. If they did it right then no tickets would come. They would turn around and I would just leave. Not watch. Just go on station and finish up, go home. Someone got mad they would be late and complained.


I got in trouble for that one too

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Rez and guns- open carry is stupid. Anytime.


I am a criminal, who am I going to hit in head first? The guy who is showing me his gun that I am going to take.


As for carrying, let more people do it and some of this stuff wouldn't happen. People wouldn't give finger driving if they knew the other person would slap them. Nuts shooting people wouldn't do it if they were going to shoot back.


As for protests- quit wasting our time with your yelling. Do something productive. Make a change by doing anything besides making noise.


Political view- registered independent as both sides are so whacked on minor things, stomping feet and pointing fingers. Playing on fears. Have to say I am conservative and believe in earning things, but without help some people will never reach a higher level. So not against help, against gifts without a greater good result.

If giving another country money to do anything but having hunger here makes no sense.


We have many refugees pass through apartments here. People with no furniture or car. Most move out in few years to a house. Some are trouble. Easy to generalize a group from a few troubled people but really not accurate.

Not a easy answer. But I am just a peacemaker, not a problem solver.


Crime in general I this county is a local problem. People fear assault more than the economy stealing from them. So they invest in me. I stop the neighbor kid from speeding, the drug dealer from moving in and the boogie man from visiting.


But pensions are stolen which cost them thousands more. Companies close up and move away to cheaper labor. Stealing careers from our kids. Make more laws they really are just feel good for the current new item. Again our focus is where the news wants it to be until they repeat it so much we think it's our own idea.


Cats lives matter

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Thanks everyone- broke diet and had a donut for this post

Are you for hire as a personal body guard?.... Lol


Some dumb-ass... (Me).... made an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic on Monday, July 18th at 1:30pm with a neurosurgeon about my back issues....


The start of the Republican National Convention is Monday, July 18th....


in Cleveland....


And, The Cleveland Clinic is located in.....Cleveland.....hmmmmm....anyone in their right mind would have looked at a calander first before making an appointment anywhere near that city on that day...or that week ...


I agree with everything you said, Rez, and since my appointment is on the East side(I'm coming in from the West) I don't even have any plans of slowing down until I get to my destination... And 70 mph?...I like the suggested speeds that are posted, (they are just a suggestion....right?) but I am fairly certain I may be going a bit faster in certain areas....lol


On a serious note, I do not envy Law Enforcments job in that city this week....or anywhere for that matter...when the crap starts, it spreads like a wild fire....good luck to all LEO,s and stay safe

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