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Day 2!


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Hey Sarah,


You are exactly where you should be, and crying is really good - cry to your hearts content! 


So yeah, day 2 can be a toughie... but it is not impossible.  You already did day 1, which is by far the hardest.


Now that you are a non-smoker, you have to work on staying a non-smoker.


We have a thread here where you can prerespond to your own SOS - http://www.quittrain.com/topic/259-pre-respond-to-your-own-sos/ - basically post here exactly what you would say to yourself to stop you smoking in a moment of weakness.  I think it would be really helpful to you also if you read what others have said... you will see that we are all completely different in approach, but with the same goal.


Just so I know, do you like tough love or a softer approach?  I want to help in anyway that I can :)



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Hey Sarah!


Fantastic work! Well done getting to Day 2.


Cry your eyes out. Crying is the bodies natural way of releasing tension.


The way that you are feeling is completely normal. I know that I had a couple of 'something in my eye' moments.


The feeling that you have is


Temporary. It does get loads better - and soon. 


You can beat this - hell you did yesterday.


'Atta girl!

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Fantastic!!  You've proven you can get through day 1.  Now you know you can get through the rest.  One day at a time!  


Good for you!  Everything bad happening is just the poison leaving your system.  It's temporary!

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Hi Sarah, brilliant news at being on day 2. Crying releases tension, you need to cry then cry. I did some punching pillows which I hadn't done since I was an angry teen, whatever works! 


Did you answer where in the UK you were?  Are you using any nrt or going cold turkey? Is there any support you need or want and like Action said, how would you see that being?  My advice for what it's worth is to keep posting and reading up on the addiction side of nicotine in these early days. I think keeping contact helps and we love to hear from you, you can't post too often here. xx

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I'm in Bristol. Just gone cold turkey.


I know smoking is bad for you and stopping is good and I know it will be hard.


Just sticking with it. Looks like i save around £5 each day. So I'm going to buy myself something nice worth £50 on day 10!

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Hi Sarah fantastic great to see you got through day one the hardest day of all, and you did it, well done, you will never have to repeat it again, crying is good it releases pent up frustration, you will go through so many emotions, quitting smoking is a roller coaster, so as Ladyb would say buckle up and enjoy the ride, its amazing and you will learn so much about yourself. we are all here to suppt you as much as you need, keep going you can do this x

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Sarah did you know your blood sugars may drop, might cause tiredness with the nicotine leaving your body over the first 72 hours. Get some fruit juice and drink it every 2/3 hours, tip given to me and made a MASSIVE difference to my ability to cope, we are all far worse tired. Any juice will work and I couldn't stomach it but Cranberry extracts nicotine the quickest, something to do with acid levels just as a good to know, still yuk,  did tropical fruit juice.


I know nothing of Bristol, what's it like to live there?


The treat thing is a good plan, line them treats up for yourself with the money you will save! Also another good idea is to write a list of all the reasons you want to not smoke anymore. That list is good to look at when the craves hit. xx

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remember that education on quitting and on the nature of the addiction to smoking/tobacco is one of the most important things in a successful quit.


Create and use support...................this forum is available 24/7, just like cigarettes are......................chose the forum.........it leads to Freedom!!


You can do this..............

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Sarah, Marti had a great idea there - write up a list of all of theose great things you want to buy yourself, and then if you feel tempted to smoke, look at the list - would you rather all of those wonderful treats, or a stinky cigarette?  I have a wish list on Amazon, and I pretty much buy myself something every few days - sometimes small things that only cost a couple of quid each, sometimes bigger things if I haven't bought anything for a while... You have reminded me to go look at my list - I think I deserve a treat ;)

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Crying is ok, smoking is not.


I cried unexpectedly for months!  Were all different but most of us feel completely out of sorts for a bit.


You are doing wonderfully!  I'm so glad you're here with us.

We're a new quit site but we have lots of experience here with quitting.


How did you find us!?  I am excited to think that our advertising methods may be working!

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I thought only the boys in UK cried. I know they wear skirts.



Day 2 and Cold Turkey. Love it. Best way. Fight it out. Go get yourself a treat for making it this far. Stick to NOPE and don't let go. HARDCORE

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I thought only the boys in UK cried. I know they wear skirts.



Day 2 and Cold Turkey. Love it. Best way. Fight it out. Go get yourself a treat for making it this far. Stick to NOPE and don't let go. HARDCORE

Missed you Bakon....

Tears of joy all over my skirt...


How ya doin' Sarah? (thats me trying 'English' Bakon)

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Oh, Sarah....I cried a river, I am certain!  And I screamed at the top of my lungs a lot, too.  But I did not smoke and neither will you!  Be sure to reward yourself with little things as you make your way to a prize on Day 10...it really does help.  So glad you are here.

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Sarah, before we get to far...lift your skirt...do you have a dangler?  if yes, please use name Sam.  If no, take a picture for me....


Day 2 is still hard, but we did it and we are no better than any other turd out there. YOu will live, just keep busy and stay away for regular hot spots.

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I wear skirts too!


I'm in horfield, next door to the prison!



I used to live on Romney Avenue - Go down Muller Road towards Eastville - and Romney Avenue is at the lights going upto Lockleaze.


Horfield's nice (or was last time I was there!)

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Hi Sarah!


Welcome!  So happy to hear you have quit smoking!!  What an awesome thing to do for yourself! 


Keep fighting.  Don't give in.  We promise that you will fee better soon!  


Post as often as you need.  Drink lots of water.  Stay as close as you can here.  



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Clifton is very special. The air force paid most of my fees bless 'em.


Treats can take all sorts of forms:


Treat foods - why not.

Worried about weight? Why not go across to the Avon Gorge - have a walk around the downs and the village. Good exercise, fresh air - what's not to like?

New clothes? - nice.

Swish makeup?

New hair do?


Loads of things that you will suddenly have cash for. And load of things you will have time and energy for....

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