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odd doggy question


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To the dog owners of this forum: Does your dog make noise when he/she farts? I only ask this because lady always makes noise when she farts and is the first dog I have ever owned that did that usually they are silent and of course deadly. Hers are both lol and of course she does this while on my lap.

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My german shepherd....... yup, makes noise.... like a fart noise....


she looks at her rump, like, what the heck was that...... then gets up and leaves the room.... true story!!!!!!..... hubby called me the other night and was mad because she does it and leaves the room....i was crackin up, and btw,.,.,.dog farts are terrible.... I KNOW why she leaves the room.... sometimes she looks at us like we did it!!!! silly girl....

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My mums staff didn't make any noise whatsoever. It was like a chemical weapon - no warning, but if it happened and you saw the speed at which the room emptied you would think the house was on fire or something! Never smelt anything as bad as that...

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:lol:  :D yep my dog trumps like an old man I am actually pleased she makes a noise as that 1 second warning makes all the difference to my escape route - plus you cannot be blamed for it if it was silent  :P


but I was shocked when I first heard her  :wacko:

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my boxers--the older one goes "pppppppssssst"  sounds like air leaking from a tire...not as stinky


the little guy..........silent....and clear the room!!  He's the worst one I've had yet!


Lisa, you crack me up

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol: My sides hurt from laughing so much!


When I lived with roommates, their dog used to sit on the hardwood floor and fart. All you'd hear is squeak, squeak, squeak and you'd know she was farting! Worst. Smell. Ever. 

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