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Hi. My name is Lisa.  I feel like I'm losing my mind a little.  I quit smoking 11 years ago, and did not take a single puff until about a 15 months ago when I just went out and bought a pack of cigarettes. Then I turned to vaping, so I wouldn't smoke and got hooked on that for about 5 months.  To quit that, I started chewing gum and got so addicted to that, I was spending up to 300 a month.  That went on for about 9 months.  I finally decided to quit that cold turkey, next thing I know, I was buying cigarrettes again.  Now, I'm on the patch, but it's so stupid because I still smoke here and there (had three this morning, sucks!)  The patch helps, but only to an extent.  At the same time, I'm trying to get over an eating disorder.  Smoking helped with food issues, and now the food issues get worse as I quit smoking.  So, yeah, I'm feeling a little crazy these days.


Thanks for reading.


Welcome to the board, Lisa!  You've been on quite the roller coaster.  Make up your mind that you are never going to smoke again, and make a plan for getting off the NRT.  There is lots of wonderful information and informative videos, here, to help with your quit. Also, there are a lot of successful quitters here to cheer you on.


Hi Lisa


Wow! What a roller coaster you seem to be on. It seems that maybe you should consider getting off the nicotine altogether. Loads of good advice here. Take some time, have a read, pick a date and start quitting. You can do this.

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Welcome aboard Lisa.  There are many good information sources to be found here and a lot of good people willing to answer any questions you may have.  Taking the time to educate yourself about nicotine addiction is the first step towards building a solid quit.  Education will allow you to dispel the myths of nicotine and crush the lies we all told ourselves about why we smoked.


You can quit nicotine forever, I have no doubt about that.  Best wishes.

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Hi and welcome...so glad you have found us...

I agree with the guys above..you have been on a journey...

Maybe cold turkey...one day at a time...one hour at a time...or one minute at a time..

Commit to the daily pledge...it really does help...

We will support you 100 /per cent...you can do this...x

  • Like 1

Welcome Lisa! I smoked with food issues and always was waiting to quit until I resolved the food problem. So, about 30 years went by until I decided to quit smoking, fat or thin, binging eating or not. For me quitting smoking waa the easier of the two issues.


Welcome Lisa!! 


Cold turkey was the way to go for me.  Maybe try getting off the patch and just get through those craves by NOPE.  You have quit before, so you know you can do it!

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