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6 months....!!


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So tomorrow marks 6 months since I quit smoking. It seems so long ago yet only feels like yesterday. I don't think about smoking when I wake up anymore. Nor every five minutes at work. But it crosses my mind usually once a day at least. Only fleeting. Just a thought. Still it lingers though. Those triggers are funny things. I don't resent them though. Knowing I have rejected each and every thought or trigger only strengthens my quit. I am no longer defined by my need to smoke. I had to sit in someone's home today while they smoked continuously. It didn't bother me too much(though more than I thought but only as it was disgusting and made my chest tighten up) but it stank and so did I when I left the house. And before that I was dealing with a lady who sat outside the whole time, just so she could smoke cigarettes. One after the other. When you see it. When you really see it. Slaves. Slaves to the very thing that's killing you slowly. It's just.......unfathomable (if that's not a word, it is now!)


So I'm celebrating. 6 months clear. I'm super proud of me.

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Congratulations P&P!  Dealing with the slight annoyance created by triggers is well worth the effort to trade slavery for freedom.


"I'm super proud of me."  Celebrate, you earned it.



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Thanks guys. I have to ask though Boo.... Is that a dancing poo? It sure looks like one!


It's meant to be a sausage link and a pancake doing a little dance.  Now that you mention it, that dancing sausage does look like a turd.  And...let's forget that I used the phrase "dancing sausage."  I don't like where that is going.


I didn't intend to drop a deuce in your celebration thread, so I'm gonna back up and take another run at this thing...


Hey you!  Congratulations!  May your day be filled with fresh air, flowers, vanilla, and all things aromatic.

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Way to go HC....


6 months is HUGE...what's really important, is that you can see and comprehend the reality of being imprisond by a nicotine addiction....(as seen by a non smoker)...


Many people have joined the site in an attempt to stop smoking, but you are a testament that support IS a key factor on being successful. You have stuck around and stayed active in conversations , and as a result, have managed to get through some rough spots and hang onto your quit.....Hopefully a newbie or two will use your success as motivation To climb aboard and hang on for a good ride to freedom.


SMOKIN' .......



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Aw, kind words. Thanks Joe. I've not always been a massive contributor but I have stayed around, added to posts where I can and watched and read as much as I can. I credit my quit to the right time, right place and right attitude which I was lucky enough to find pretty quick. But this place was amazing in the first weeks where Smoking is all you can think of and people in real life quickly get sick of hearing your complaints! That's where this place comes in! If seeing our quits helps other people, even in a tiny way, then that's great with me.


Easy peasy.....:)

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It's meant to be a sausage link and a pancake doing a little dance.  Now that you mention it, that dancing sausage does look like a turd.  And...let's forget that I used the phrase "dancing sausage."  I don't like where that is going.


I didn't intend to drop a deuce in your celebration thread, so I'm gonna back up and take another run at this thing...


Hey you!  Congratulations!  May your day be filled with fresh air, flowers, vanilla, and all things aromatic.

Did someone mention a sausage ?
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What a fun celebration thread!!!  Dancing sausages and all!!!


We congratulated P&P, the dancing sausage was a hit, and we all learned something interesting about Doreen.  All-in-all, I'd say this thread was a success.

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Thanks guys. It was a fun thread celebration thread......


Same time next month??


(Boo-I'm expecting something big next time)

(Well, not 'big' big, just like a big gesture....... I 'll stop typing now....<backs away from keyboard>)


I'll give it what I've got.  I can't promise that I will fulfill expectations, but I am enthusiastic.

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