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Its not the triggers, I'm over smoking, its the smell when five people are smoking around you.


Normally one or two people puffing does not bother me, but 4, 5 or 6 people, its like swimming in an ashtray.


Ptuuu,yukk, fptthh:(


The nose knows.  I was at a restaurant yesterday that has an outdoor seating section.  I was talking to a friend and a guy at the next table was smoking.  I caught a whiff and thought: "Damn, what is that guy smoking!"  Then I noticed his pack on the table, they were Marlboro Reds.  Same brand I smoked.  This time last month I was smoking 20 or more of those a-day.  Now the smell is a bit overwhelming.


The good news is: my olfactory system is more fine tuned than it has been in years.  The bad news is: I now understand just how badly I reeked to those around me for all those years.

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I am sure they are all looking at you with secret envy.  I know when I smoked, even though I never talked about, or tried to quit, I would secretly envy the quitters.  They would make me feel uncomfortable 

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