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Brussels, Ankara, Istanbul

El Bandito

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I'm right behind you stu...violence never solved anything...and never will....

Sure it did! WWII, the Rumble in the Jungle, what to call t-shirts without the little sleeves...


Now senseless violence on the other hand, well, it's right in the name.

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They can TRY, to kill us, TRY to scare and dislocate the societies we live in. It's our choice how to respond; with violence, haat and fear... which will make us point to muslims, in the underground who we stare at thinking 'oh he / she might carry a bomb'.  But THINK how many muslims are there murdered and slaughtered across the European borders, which we condemn, we send them back 'they are dangerious, ALL OF THEM'. HEY wakey wakey, THEY also fled IS. those morons.
Are there morons hiding in the refugees probably does that mean we should 'kill them all' or lock them up without any legal process in Guentanomo Bay?

Let's be bigger then that. Will they probably blow things up in the future in the Netherlands.. I don't doubt. You think you're safe? In Germany? UK? Netherlands?
Oh no it's only Syria / Irac.. in November it was Paris, now it's Brussels.. and I have no doubt it will get worse, on the most least expected moments. Does Europe need to transform intu a Israel like state? Well Israel is (in my eyes) safer then Europe :)

We will cry and shed tears, am not afraid, even knowing this will get worse... every war can end... accept terrorism.. it's a war without rules, boundaries... they fight till the bone break till the West / USA / Europe / Israel is on their knees and guess what?

They can bloody fly in the twin towers, or walk in Bataclan.. blow up the Brussels airport.. there's one thing THEY will never get and that is what terrorist separates us from them. We believe in freedom, love, peace, prayer call it whatever you want; democraty. So as long as we stay a free thinkin, democraty - as mostfully possible... they will never get why all those 'evil' free countries still stand and WILL stand because freedom in your head you can't force you can't kick off Saddam Hussain believing they 'understand freedom and democraty... ts a proces.. we're learned from freaking wars, WW, 

Choose to be free and even if they capture or occupy your country, they can never steal whats in your heart


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