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Do I need to post my own SOS response


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These are my thoughts.


I am really new at this today is day 7.  I am wondering with my NOPE pledge every day and my VOW to

myself that I will never poison my body again with smoke is there going to be an SOS. 


I need some input. 


Has any one else felt this great, happy and determined for the first week and then had an SOS?


The thought of smoking has not left me- it pops into my head  - after all it was a lifelong addiction.

The smoking neighbor has not deterred me.. it was tempting to have smokes available right there

at no monetary cost but it is my concern for my health and well being that made it easy not to ask

for a cigarette.  At this point I can't even imagine filling my lungs with smoke. 


So my question is will I have an SOS ?  Am I worrying unnecessarily?



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  Am I worrying unnecessarily?


Yes, you are. No SOS's are required in quitting smoking.


Just enjoy each day of your new life and appreciate the gift that you have given yourself.


Keep on going.... your doing an amazing job and your are so close to hell week being over. I am so proud of you.

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You will face a few triggers in your journey but an SOS depends on you and your attitude - your first week says to me no - no you wont but always be on your guard


I am craving right now and facing a trigger of mine but an SOS - allowing myself to get there is not an option but I am on my guard 


YOU are the driver of yourself, what road you go is your choice regardless of the past - I can only speak from my experience Amy but I am a firm believer that its in the mind


mind over matter - to make it easy or hard


keep positive and determined xx

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You are doing great!  Keep enjoying your quit!!!


On occasion, some people who have very positive and easy quits like yours will have a random craving that is difficult.  However, this does not sound like you at all.  It sounds like you have embraced this quit and are thoroughly enjoying it.  


If the need arises, you know we are here.  :) 

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So my question is will I have an SOS ?  Am I worrying unnecessarily?


The Sarge believes the answer to be a rather lound and boisterous "Nope".


You won't need the SOS.


You are a non-smoker.




Easy Peasy

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You may or you may not. But it's good to know the SOS is available just in case. I think I posted an SOS 4 months into my quit. It worked because here I am almost 2 years later. I am sure I wouldn't have smoked any way....but posting that SOS was a way to "tell on myself". I wanted to be accountable.


Posting an SOS doesn't mean a quit is in jeopardy....the opposite is true. Relapsers rarely post SOS's because they already made the decision they were going to smoke.


Doing great Amy!

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I love the idea of posting a response to your own SOS.  I have known too many people who have quit for years and then started smoking again.  I am not saying this will happen to you!  You are doing amazing.  But, I feel this is the perfect time to write one if you are going to.  You are quit and you are ECSTATIC about it!  That's wonderful.  You can just write down all of the wonderful things that are happening to you because you are a non smoker.  If you ever have a weak moment, you can read it.  Or if you are just having a bad day (both smokers and non smokers have them) you can read it just to feel good about yourself.  Can't hurt!

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Amy, firstly you are doing GREAT!


And no, you may not ever need to post an SOS.  I have posted a few 'I am worried aboutt his weekend' but I don't think I ever posted an actual SOS.  I've never wanted to smoke enough to do that.  Everyone is different, so just take it as it comes.


Congratulatins on a week!!!!!!

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So basically I am or may not need it- but if I needed it and it wasn't there then I am out of luck so maybe later today or tomorrow I will post my SOS response to myself.


I made a decision Thanks for the help!

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Hi Amy,


Sorry I did not understand your question then.  Yes, I have still registered my own SOS response, just in case.  Even if I never need it, it is good to have (and to reinforce your quit too)

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I haven't used a SOS and doubt I ever will....but I came close twice....I went for long walks instead.


I felt exactly like you. It was easy, a few obstacles now and then, but nothing dramatic. One really bad day in week 3, but it wasn't dramatic either.


I consider myself a non-smoker, but I know I am still traveling...my journey hasn't ended! That's why I responded to my own SOS - just in case. I like to be prepared -if possible!

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These are my thoughts.


I am really new at this today is day 7.  I am wondering with my NOPE pledge every day and my VOW to

myself that I will never poison my body again with smoke is there going to be an SOS. 


I need some input. 


Has any one else felt this great, happy and determined for the first week and then had an SOS?


The thought of smoking has not left me- it pops into my head  - after all it was a lifelong addiction.

The smoking neighbor has not deterred me.. it was tempting to have smokes available right there

at no monetary cost but it is my concern for my health and well being that made it easy not to ask

for a cigarette.  At this point I can't even imagine filling my lungs with smoke. 


So my question is will I have an SOS ?  Am I worrying unnecessarily?


good question, I like your logic.  and that is what my quit is based upon, logic and reasoning, and science to back up the technical stuff lol.


Yes I was euphoric about not smoking, I entertained my extended family for Xmas dinner whilst in peak withdrawal lol :-)


I have never used an SOS, however I have responded to them, and I have seen others respond too, trying desperately to find the words that will hit home with the person in distress.


No one knows you like you know yourself, this is why I recommend that you write some personal words to yourself that will really hit home should you need to remind yourself of why you quit.


I have life insurance, but I don't plan on dying anytime soon.  it's kinda like that I guess.


also some people on their quit journey go into a stage that was called no man's land by some.  it's a period between the excitement of the early quit, and the settled calmness of the long term quit.  some people in that stage can lose focus and need reminders.

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