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Watching others smoke


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Hi! A week from now I will have a small gathering of friends where I know there will be at least 3 or 4 smokers. Any advice on how to watch others smoke without having huge cravings?

I can think calmly now that I don´t want to be a smoker but I don´t know if I´ll be able to think straight while watching people smoke. Advice? Tips?



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I thought that I would have a problem with this. Surprisingly, even early on in the quit, the smell of smoke and smokers nauseated me. remember Natalie they aren't "lucky" they are addicts and you are breaking that addiction.

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I remember facing this. What really made a difference for me was to watch them. but focus on the ENTIRE experience of smoking, not the fantasy. Listen to the sublte wheeze or involuntary hacking cough even as a smoker lights another one. Wince in empathy as errant smoke gets into someone's eyeball, and remember how much that hurt. Read the expression on their face as they evaluate their dwindling cigarette and debate taking another pull before they burn the filter. Smell them.


I think you'll be alright. Just don't get hammered.

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For me watching smokers made me so much more happy that I wasn't caught in that trap anymore.  You can get sucked into the romance of it, but really watching them was like what Duck was saying.  

Watch the ugliness,

the hotness of the lighter on your eyes and face as you light up,

the burning on your lips,

the nasty taste in your mouth,

the burning as the smoke goes down your throat,

the tightness in your lungs,

the sick feeling in your gut,

the relief when you blow all the smoke out of your body then,

the stink that envelopes you,

the cough that follows,

the wish that you weren't addicted to this nasty evil substance.  


One drag from a smoke and ALL of that and even more nastiness occurs.


No flucking thank you!!!    


Check out the hot guy eating chips & guac instead.  Yum!  Romanticize about that instead - even better if he is your spouse or significant other. ;)


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I remember starting out after my quit quarantine (3 weeks), I would watch with envy and feel excluded from an exclusive club and as the night wore on that thinking lead to a whole lot of pain and a constant battle


Through a lot of nail biting, clinging on by a thread I realised my mind was my worst enemy


Looking back it was all unnecessary and I was lucky to come through it!


Have a social plan:


Enjoy but don't drink too much, drink lots of water, have a bottle with you at all times

Have gum, sweets or anything else handy

Stay away from the smokers

Just smell them when they come back in (yuk)

Remember the words "don't envy but pity"

Remember this is the new you

If it gets too hard, escape, get the heck out of there


Each social event will get easier


Be determined before you go out, read lots here and write down anything that has really helped you and have it to hand and read during the night if you need to


You can do this Nat now go have a good time x

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Even if they say nothing....nats....they will be so envious of you...deep down they will wish they were you..

Even after all this time...I can still remember very clear...

Lighting up those last few cigarettes.. Crying through every drag..scared stiff...was I enjoying that ?

No it was a addict ,feeling hopeless... Knowing the addiction was killing me...

Envy smokers...no....pity nats.....they are still caught up in this horrible addiction...

Your free...and its a wonderful place to be...

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Is it at your house?  Make them go outside.  I tried in the beginning to stay away from the smokers if I could.  I suggest that when you look at them, don't think they are having something yummy and fun; they are not. I remember being at a bar early n my quit and there was a table of somers laughing and drinking.  I envied them thinking they were having a good time and why couldn't I? Of course this was just romancing the smoking. I actually got on Facebook and whined a little and I few words from my friends helped.  Like the Sarge said, I craved but I got through it.  

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Congratulations on a week...if you can do a week you can do forever.


You just have to deal with it really. You've quit, not abstaining, so you just rise above the crave and suck it up. The good news is, in time, you will see people smoke and think yuck, just why, how horrid. That will come in time so while you wait just ride the waves...eyes on the prize.

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Hi! A week from now I will have a small gathering of friends where I know there will be at least 3 or 4 smokers. Any advice on how to watch others smoke without having huge cravings?

I can think calmly now that I don´t want to be a smoker but I don´t know if I´ll be able to think straight while watching people smoke. Advice? Tips?




Watching Others Smoke

Video discussing how to watch others smoke and to use such occasions to reinforce your desire to stay smoke free.



Related articles:

-The Palmolive Bottle Demonstration


-Another slant on how to watch people smoke



Related video:

-The Palmolive Bottle Demonstration


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Hiya, I had to deal with smokers in the house when I first quit and thanks to some solid advice, I used it to my advantage and you can too.


Manage your booze, it lowers inhibitions when you drink so no getting drunk as a skunk.

Then just watch them! What you imagine changes incredibly quickly when you watch. They breath it in and just wait for the catch, when they sound like they are about to lose a lung. Or when they laugh and end up in a coughing fit! Quite apart from most being envious of you in a way but still rooted in the denial that you were strong enough to see. 


You will know if you're paying attention Nat because you will feel sorry for them. 


Also trust yourself. You don't want to smoke - you always have the choice, really believe in yourself and know that "this too will pass" if yu do have a moment.



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