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need to realize and learn that a cigarette offers you nothing at all.  it doesnt fix anything.  doesnt calm you.  doesnt do anything at all for any kind of situation you are in.  Once you know that, it won't matter what situation you get in or find yourself in or what emotions you go through...you will never reach for a cigarette because you will KNOW that it won't do anything at all for you. 

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Juan, when I relapsed last October, I thought that smoking a cigarette would make things better.  Despite all the reading and understanding the lies of nicotine addiction, there was one lie that I still believed; smoking could somehow help me cope with the hell that I was living with.  As it turned out, I learned the hard way that I had left a gaping hole open in my quit and when I lit that first cigarette and the 19 that followed, not one of them made me relax, made me feel better and I got zero pleasure from any of them.  Now, even though I still live in some kind of hell, I have no desire to smoke because I exposed the last lie that I was holding onto.


Also, my relapse didn't just happen as I had been allowing all sorts of junkie thinking to creep in.  It was a mistake and the consequence was blowing a 9 month quit that was going very well.


If you learn from this relapse and take the time to invest in your quit, you will be much stronger for it.


Whatever you do, never stop quitting.  Tomorrow you could wake up and all of sudden know that you'll never smoke again.  Keep striving for this and in the meantime, stop putting weeds in your mouth and lighting them on fire.  We got your back, Juan.  Keep coming here and keep posting. 

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I need to focus on my rugby training that would be the answer


I would suggest that although Rugby Training would be a distraction, that is all it would be, a distraction from wanting to smoke.


distractions do not work for the long term Juan.


the only thing that works is deciding that you don't want to smoke anymore.

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Juan, the ONLY "big problem" that you had today was that you chose to smoke a cigarette.  I don't know who you got into a fight with but you should go get that stripe from the Sarge and hand it over to your opponent with a trophy.  Cause he won the minute you stuck that nasty cigarette in your mouth and decided to take a puff off of it. 


You decided to let him have the last word.  Unfortunately that last word could be the one that causes your untimely death or a lung disease or any of the other numerous things that come along with smoking.


Your gonna have to take responsibility for your own quit.  I have been there so many times.....so and so did this to me, I just cant take it any more and I'm going to have me a cigarette.  But it really doesn't work that way.  People do things to people all the time, things happen.... but it's ALWAYS a choice to smoke. 


I am just now beginning to understand this.  Today, I have been thinking about smoking all day today..... and I get home and my neighbor that I ALWAYS go smoke with texts me asking me to come have a cig with her.  Don't think the thought didn't cross my mind.... "well, I have done good all day today, what's one cigarette tonight?"  But the difference is  I text her back and told her no more smoking for me, I am quit. 


It's not easy, I know this.  Well, unless your The Sarge (but he climbs rock mountains with only a string attached to him).  We aren't The Sarge..... so we have to fight. 


I hope you get serious soon about this. I can tell you from personal experience that every time you give in it knocks your self confidence down.  And I hope for your sake, you don't keep doing that. 


We will always be here for you.  I would just like to see you fight for yourself as much as we are fighting for you.

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Juan, the ONLY "big problem" that you had today was that you chose to smoke a cigarette.  I don't know who you got into a fight with but you should go get that stripe from the Sarge and hand it over to your opponent with a trophy.  Cause he won the minute you stuck that nasty cigarette in your mouth and decided to take a puff off of it. 


You decided to let him have the last word.  Unfortunately that last word could be the one that causes your untimely death or a lung disease or any of the other numerous things that come along with smoking.


Your gonna have to take responsibility for your own quit.  I have been there so many times.....so and so did this to me, I just cant take it any more and I'm going to have me a cigarette.  But it really doesn't work that way.  People do things to people all the time, things happen.... but it's ALWAYS a choice to smoke. 


I am just now beginning to understand this.  Today, I have been thinking about smoking all day today..... and I get home and my neighbor that I ALWAYS go smoke with texts me asking me to come have a cig with her.  Don't think the thought didn't cross my mind.... "well, I have done good all day today, what's one cigarette tonight?"  But the difference is  I text her back and told her no more smoking for me, I am quit. 


It's not easy, I know this.  Well, unless your The Sarge (but he climbs rock mountains with only a string attached to him).  We aren't The Sarge..... so we have to fight. 


I hope you get serious soon about this. I can tell you from personal experience that every time you give in it knocks your self confidence down.  And I hope for your sake, you don't keep doing that. 


We will always be here for you.  I would just like to see you fight for yourself as much as we are fighting for you.

Oh, Tiff....I wish I had your talent with words...so proud of you for always paying it forward even as you struggle...

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You are 27 years old, you are a handsome young man and you have your whole life ahead of you...and may it be a healthy one!


I am 50 years old, I smoked for 35 years. I feel good, I am active and don't look or behave my age....BUT chances that I am going to die of a cancer cost by smoking are pretty high! Chances that I will pay the ultimate price....are pretty high!


You .....yes, you young man...you don't want to be in my shoes in 23 year....do you? 


I quit and if I can do it...so can you! You have everything going for you! I promise I will be on your side with love, support and a verbal slap on your head if needed!

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Juan - sorry to hear you smoked but relieved you have owned up to it and posted - please don't put off restarting your quit - we all believe you can do it - now you just need to believe in yourself ! Remember we are here to support you

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I would suggest that although Rugby Training would be a distraction, that is all it would be, a distraction from wanting to smoke.


distractions do not work for the long term Juan.


the only thing that works is deciding that you don't want to smoke anymore.

I agree its just that the more i run and the more a train the less i want to smoke...


I wont give up ill be around ill beat this addiction before it kills me i swear it because i wanna a happy free life i swear to god


im sorry Juan for failing you

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I agree its just that the more i run and the more a train the less i want to smoke...


I wont give up ill be around ill beat this addiction before it kills me i swear it because i wanna a happy free life i swear to god


im sorry Juan for failing you

You only fail when you decide to stop quitting.


You already know what to do Juan.

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Write down on paper. 5 things smoking did for you or helped you with in your relapse.


then, write down 10 things that will benefit you from quitting.




get your mind in the right thinking...... no exceptions... dont be sorry to us, you are the one you are hurting.. all we can do is support your quit, you have to do the work man.....


come back,,,, soon!!!!!!!!

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Agreed with HM.


Juan, it sucks that you relapsed. However, I'm happy you owned up to it here. Now, time to get back to that quit! No excuses. We are here to help you, regardless of what happens. You can do this... you just need to get back into the right mindset.


There is absolutely no benefits to smoking. Did it fix your situation? Most likely not. The guilt of relapse and throwing away an entire week of quit is NOT worth it. 

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Awh no Juan and you just earned your first stripe, gutted for you, bet that felt rubbish handing it back.

You need to get real and serious before another 10 years goes by and you are still smoking.

From age 30 that is when I first started seeing and feeling the damage from smoking, that was when my gum disease started along with other things so you can be just like me in a few years and have gum disease treatment, it's painful oh and my teeth are soo sore and painful all the time, i cant eat chocolate now cos it aches and I was lucky I only lost one tooth near the front, a fine looking fella like yourself doesn't want to be walking around toothless in college,

Come on Juan get your finger out and quit now, or when you wake up, don't let that swine that you fought win,

That stripe looked soooo lovely on you, I miss it allready, do you??

Sue x

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Juan, pleae strongly consider reading this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+chimp+paradox&sprefix=the+chimp%2Cstripbooks%2C428


This book will help you understand what is going on in your mind, why you feel you can't keep to the NOPE. Please strongly consider it Juan, it will allow you to set yourself free, to manage your mind.

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Aw Juan, where was the SOS??  I for one, would have loved to help you deal with that stress. But it's done now, you are done right, I mean climbing back on the horse, today is the new quit day?!


I wish I could convey my strength in my quit, but it has to be yours babe, you must want it for you and your health. Today you can't run as well as you know you could, tomorrow you could get gum disease though, it recedes your gums and suddenly a tooth falls out (I know this I lived this, I don't want it for you)! Doreen faced having a foot amputated, can't run then Juan. Markus sat on an operating table having a heart procedure, he wasn't running far that day! There are many stories here, those are the first ones that came into my head..


You DESERVE more than this life you are giving yourself. You are not a smoker, you are an addict who will be stronger than your addiction. Now believe in yourself, take a breath, puff out your chest and walk forward into you new and better life!!


Pretty please! x

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