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Today I went in a shop I used to buy tobacco from. I haven't been in there since I quit. My EA sent me a 'don't forget to buy tobacco' memo as soon as I turned toward the counter. I smiled indulgently and marvelled at how true it is that we must face every routine before we're clear. The brain truly is a marvellous thing.


Tonight, I'm wearing fluffy white slipper socks. What's so special about that you say? Well, it's raining outside and these fluffy lined thick slipper socks do not fit in any of my shoes. And I'm not facing the dilemma of a) hang out door to smoke whilst letting heat out of home and get shouted at by dear partner b) take off slippers and put on shoes each time I want to smoke c) tip toe the few steps until under shelter to smoke hoping I don't get slipper socks wet or dirty.


So I've been wearing them a while and they're still dry and clean.


And now I'm going to bed to read a good book. And I can actually stay in bed until I go to sleep. Because I don't need 'a last smoke'.


I love not smoking. Xx

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Today I went in a shop I used to buy tobacco from. I haven't been in there since I quit. My EA sent me a 'don't forget to buy tobacco' memo as soon as I turned toward the counter. I smiled indulgently and marvelled at how true it is that we must face every routine before we're clear. The brain truly is a marvellous thing.


Tonight, I'm wearing fluffy white slipper socks. What's so special about that you say? Well, it's raining outside and these fluffy lined thick slipper socks do not fit in any of my shoes. And I'm not facing the dilemma of a) hang out door to smoke whilst letting heat out of home and get shouted at by dear partner B) take off slippers and put on shoes each time I want to smoke c) tip toe the few steps until under shelter to smoke hoping I don't get slipper socks wet or dirty.


So I've been wearing them a while and they're still dry and clean.


And now I'm going to bed to read a good book. And I can actually stay in bed until I go to sleep. Because I don't need 'a last smoke'.


I love not smoking. Xx

So proud and happy for you!  It is wonderful that you are recognizing and enjoying the benefits...it will just keep getting better and better!


And now I'm going to bed to read a good book. And I can actually stay in bed until I go to sleep. Because I don't need 'a last smoke'.


I love not smoking. Xx


This was great to read. Not just because of how well you're doing, but it reminded me that I love that too. Thx cakes!

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4 weeks is a brilliant quit....and yes the beniefts just keep coming....sometimes....

It's just the little things .....

Treat yourself to something nice....you so well deserve it....

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