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Getting to know you....


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So it occurs to me that you guys get to meet new people, ask questions and watch them develop so I thought it might be nice to get to know you all a bit better too. I'd love a few intros from the old timers here. I have so many questions for you all.

So, here's a few questions for you all. I'll go first....

Where in the world are you? England, UK

When and how did you quit? 18days ago, cold turkey with the App and this forum.

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? No, except out of breath/wheezy

Has quitting significantly improved things? Not yet but it's early days

What is the last music album you bought? Kasey Musgraves, same trailer different park

Are you a parent? Yes, to two girls

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I can solve a Rubik's cube

What is your current (or your last) job? I'm in bakon's line of work

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So it occurs to me that you guys get to meet new people, ask questions and watch them develop so I thought it might be nice to get to know you all a bit better too. I'd love a few intros from the old timers here. I have so many questions for you all.

So, here's a few questions for you all. I'll go first....

Where in the world are you? England, UK

When and how did you quit? 18days ago, cold turkey with the App and this forum.

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? No, except out of breath/wheezy

Has quitting significantly improved things? Not yet but it's early days

What is the last music album you bought? Kasey Musgraves, same trailer different park

Are you a parent? Yes, to two girls

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I can solve a Rubik's cube

What is your current (or your last) job? I'm in bakon's line of work


Where in the world are you - England, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

When and how did you quit - Which time lol? Winning formula for me was Champix  but I only took it for a week after I quit then switched to cold turkey and some mega dance moves (nope shuffle!). 19 months ish now?

Did smoking affect your health. Yes, It's not even why I quit though which is shameful in a way, I'd recovered.

Has smoking significantly improved things. Yes absolutely! The biggest wins are self esteem and setting a good example to my lil ladies who trust me more!

Last album - Ed Sheeran I think

Parent - yes two girls, Milly is 10 and Bella is 5

An interesting fact about me:~ I am incredibly interesting lol, but I can play London's Burning on the recorder :)

Job now: Holistic healer. last job, carer to toxic mother, before that pub landlady



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Where in the world are you? South West England

When and how did you quit? 30th August 2013 I read Allen Carrs 'Easy way to quit smoking' and used online forums

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Not really thank god

Has quitting significantly improved things? Definitely improved my mood - I'm much more relaxed/happy

What is the last music album you bought? Janet Jackson - Unbreakable

Are you a parent? No

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I actually can't think of anything interesting about me :D ... um I love wine!? :)

What is your current (or your last) job? An Administrator

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Where in the world are you? Indiana USA
When and how did you quit? 01-06-2013 and Nicotine Gum and this (and other :huh: ) Forum

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Not that I know of
Has quitting significantly improved things? Absolutely... I am much more easy going and relaxed.  I have a renewed confidnence and I am not hacking all the time.
What is the last music album you bought? Hmmm.. do people still by albums???  I bought Beastie Boys Anthology last on Spotify.
Are you a parent? Yes.. boy 16 and girl 9
Tell me an interesting fact about you...I just started to meditate?  Is that a good one?
What is your current (or your last) job? Ever seen the movie Office Space... that is me.

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Where in the world are you? England, UK or Ohio USA currently uk

When and how did you quit? 22 Nov 2013 cold turkey and this an other forum

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? No, except out of breath/wheezy - same

Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes more energy and less stress

What is the last music album you bought? Downloads Emili sande onto my kindle

Are you a parent? Yes, to two rescued dogs ;) no to human children but raised one of my nieces

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I have my hgv licence

What is your current (or your last) job? Live in carer

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Where in the world do I live? In South Wales in the uk


When did I quit? About 19 months ago cold turkey and forums.

Did smoking affect my health? Not that I know of.

Has quitting improved my life that would be a understatement, but you will see for yourself.

The last album I brought was some happy hard core mix, can't remember the name.

Are you a parent? Yes to two children my son who's 12 and my daughter is 8.

Interesting fact I quit cannabis the same time as I quit cigarettes.

I work at a steel works as a industrial cleaner and love it

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Where in the world are you? Hampshire, England

When and how did you quit? Almost 25 months ago, Cold Turkey, using an App and forum.

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Yes, decreased fertility, among other things :rolleyes:

Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes, everything in my life is better than it was as a smoker :good:

What is the last music album you bought? Bob Seger & the Siler Bullet Band - Greatest Hits

Are you a parent? Any day now, gender unknown ;)

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I collect old tapes (VHS and even BETA). Expensive hobby, now subsidised with my non-smoking ;)

What is your current job? Office Team Manager for Finance/Technology company.

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Where in the world are you? Knoxville, TN, USA

When and how did you quit? July 7, 2013 using Chantix.  I found forum about 6 weeks into quit.

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Not that I know of, but I am sure I will eventually pay the price of smoking for 40 years.

Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes, I feel better and have become a walkaholic.

What is the last music album you bought?   I don't remember....would have to check Itunes...

Are you a parent? Step Mom to two beautiful girls, one of whom just got married

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I am a twin

What is your current (or your last) job? I work in Financial Services.

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Where in the world are you ? ...Liverpool UK

When and how did you quit ?.. 2 years 2 months using Allen Carr,support forum(s)..

Did smoking effect your health that you know of ? ..Yes...

Faced feet amputation...due to clogged blood flow...

Has quitting significantly improved things ?... Yes...

I still have my two feet..

What is the last music album you bought..too long to remember ..just downloaded Adele .on my I pod..

Are you a parent ?...yes ,a grown up daughter and son...Nana.. to two Sam 10 eveie 7....

Tell me a interesting fact about you...I spent time with a ballet company....

What is your current (or your last ) job...retired...

Worked 37 years in the ford/jaguar car plant....now a full time carer to hubby ..who has end stage emphysema...

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Where in the world are you? Northeastern Massachusetts, USA
When and how did you quit? 2 years, 5 months, 3 days...started w/the patch and Zyban, didn't help, I owe my quit to the forum and it's residents :)
Did smoking affect your health that you know of?  Yes, COPD which has improved tremendously.
Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes, in so many ways....the benefits still amaze me.
What is the last music album you bought? I don't buy music, I do have a monthly subscription to Beats music, I like a variety of music.
Are you a parent? Yes, a son aged 16 going on 8 ;)
Tell me an interesting fact about you...I can roller skate backwards or at least I could back in the 80's.
What is your current (or your last) job?  Currently, I "encourage" people to pay their bills.  

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Where in the world are you? Texas

When and how did you quit? Jan 16, 2014 - Cold turkey and the support of my QT family
Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Yes, I had blockage in my iliac artery. Dr said caused from smoking.
Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes indeed. That and the stent they put in me.
What is the last music album you bought? Beastie Boys ( License To Ill )

Are you a parent? Nope! I can barely take care of myself  :P 
Tell me an interesting fact about you... I'm teaching myself to play electric guitar. My neighbors love me  :)  

What is your current (or your last) job? Astronaut  B) 

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here in the world are you? Wisconson,USA
When and how did you quit? 3 years ago
Did smoking affect your health that you know of? No, except out of breath/wheezy 
Has quitting significantly improved things? yes I can run without hacking up a lung/go up a few flights of stairs without wishing for death to strike me down...in short can do so much more now lol
What is the last music album you bought? I downloaded halestorm
Are you a parent? no was unable to have children sooo I have 3 dogs
Tell me an interesting fact about you...mmmm I am not sure but honestly I am a bit introverted 
What is your current (or your last) job? I am an RN in the OR

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Where in the world are you? near Denver, Colorado (my heart is in San Diego, where I grew up through college).

When and how did you quit? July 9, 2013 - Cold turkey/Allen Carr/Quit Smoking Support Forums.
Did smoking affect your health that you know of? Fo Sho!!!  I had to clear my throat all the time!  Drove me NUTS!!!  It was one of the main reasons I quit. Trying to talk to people, then cough, cough, hack, hack.  Gross!  That may not sound  like a health issue, but smoking was obviously not healthy for my throat. 
Has quitting significantly improved things? Yes, in so many ways.  I save time and money.  I don't stink. I don't feel ashamed.  I have more self-confidence/self-esteem.  I'm not having to clear my throat every 5 seconds.  I feel healthier.
What is the last music album you bought?  The B-52's most recent.  I was a little disappointed. :(  Next on my list is Twenty-One Pilots.  Funny how "album" has a different meaning today. :)

Are you a parent? Yep.  One 13 y/o boy, one 14 y/o girl.  Animal wise, we have three dogs, a new kitten, one chicken, six head of cattle and bees. 

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I'm not that interesting.  Even the farm animals are mostly my husband's thing.  :) 

What is your current (or your last) job?  Full-time Homemaker.  Part-Time I work for a dental equipment manufacturing company that sells all around the U.S., some international and to the military.    

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Where in the world are you? Alaska, USA

When and how did you quit?  10 months ago.  8 days on a patch, then with support from the QT gurus

Did smoking affect your health that you know of?  Lots of minor things, breathing, wrinkles, etc.; too soon to know about long term effects.

Has quitting significantly improved things?  Yes.  I'm happier.  

What is the last music album you bought?   Not an album but a few songs of Amos Lee's

Are you a parent?  Ahh, it's complicated.  I helped raise a couple of boys.

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I was on a volunteer wilderness medical team and we helped save a man's life.

What is your current (or your last) job?  A minion in the Oil & Gas industry

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Where in the world are you? The west coast of Canada.

When and how did you quit?  April 15 2012. Switched to snus for three weeks, but I didn't taper off or anything so I consider it cold turkey.

Did smoking affect your health that you know of? My mental health for sure. I also think I gave myself a small hernia from coughing. I hope that's it.

Has quitting significantly improved things? My mental health for sure. My stamina went through the roof, my nose works better, I don't see stars from standing up anymore, my sleep is sublime, my heart doesn't skip beats...   

What is the last music album you bought? I raided a thrift store about 6 months ago and bought actual record albums, the one on the top of the pile is the Doobie Brothers "Minute by Minute", so I'll say that one was last.

Are you a parent? Not that I know of.   <_< 

Tell me an interesting fact about you... I once jumped off a cliff just because all my friends did. Also it was the only way off the mountain.

What is your current (or your last) job?  Almost all my jobs have been government related, one way or another.

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Wow. I'm thoroughly enjoying reading all these. So many interesting and different people literally on the other side of the world and some on my doorstep!

Marti: our kids are nearly the same age. I have 2 girls, 9 and 5 yrs. I'm glad you no longer look after your toxic mother. Xx

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Sunnyside- well done for quitting cannabis too. I see so many people with mental health issues in my job and I swear cannabis is a contributing factor.

Action- how exciting, a dad in mere days. Enjoy your last few worry free days. And buckle up, you're in for one hell of a ride. Ps: any VHS or specific ones? I got a few stuffed in a cabinet somewhere!

Doreen: I follow your posts and updates because I was so convinced I would be you. I wholeheartedly believed I wouldn't be able to quit. I am so pleased you beat this. I'm sorry your husband hasn't beaten these demons (I think I saw you post somewhere that he still smokes?)

Coleen-COPD? You look so young in your pic!! Did it get a whole lot better when you quit? How long did you smoke?

Bat-I always wanted to go to the moon

Frez- RN in an OR sounds pretty interesting to me. I'm guessing you see more on a quiet day than some see in their lives. An honourable job that you do.

Petra-that throat clearing thing is exactly me! I'm always doing it. Even now. How long did it take to clear? I'm looking forward to a clear throat!

Run- were you a runner before you quit? I can't run at all. I feel like I'm going to collapse because I can't breathe!

Bumble-in my mind, you are now a top secret FBI undercover agent. Do not shatter this illusion.

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Tracey - you move between USA and UK? And I love the thought of you driving an HGV. Perhaps it should be the "Quit Lorry", not the QT!

Another interesting fact is I am in a relationship with rez from here we met on the forum and every few months i go and see him and get him in shape for a few months ;)


I confess I haven't drove a lorry since leaving the mob but it's handy to have in case I get the yorkie bar urge :) so far I have not lol

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Run- were you a runner before you quit? I can't run at all. I feel like I'm going to collapse because I can't breathe!


Yea, I was a runner (who smoked :wacko: ).  I had to stop a couple years ago and it's likely I never will again.  But I like to think I might and would be free of restrictions!  A girl can dream. 

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Thank you PP....

Glad you found us too....

Hubby has quit now....only because his body is that frail....he carnt physically smoke anymore...

He smoked ..until he couldn't smoke ...dam shame....

They won't give you oxygen if your still a smoker...he had no choice....

If anyone reading these has any doubts about quitting....this could be yourself in the future....

It would be better to quit now..rather than wait for ? ....to happen....

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FBI is US thing ...Canadians got the "mounties" 



in my line of work? in England..so no gun? or do you mean the "Village Idiot" title...


I cant copy and paste so in my best I live in the Football Capitol of the World, I got two grown window lickers, I quit cold turkey three years ago, and my job is "Referee of Life" I call it like I see it and break up the fights.Music- Sirus subscriber on all my cars and motorcycle so I buy all the music every month, I just don't play country or rap. 

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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