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Dealing with lung cancer, throat cancer, and a lot of other cancers


Recovering from your chemotherapy treatments


Living without a hand or leg or other body parts


Hiding your missing or brown teeth with your hand when you smile


Dealing with gum disease and heart disease


Keeping that oxygen bottle next to you where ever you go


Sneaking a smoke at work when smoking is not allowed and then getting fired when caught


Trying to find a new job but companies don't like smokers


Being alienated from people and an outcast in society


The panic of looking for cigarettes when the stores are closed and you have none


Looking in to the eyes of loved ones watching you cough for 5 minuets


Being poor as you spend your money on cigarettes and health insurance


Trying to take a deep breath because your lungs are not working correctly


Fighting off colds and feeling sick all the time


Dealing with a sore throat every day even in the summer


Clearing your throat every couple of minuets every hour every day


Hiding that chimney smell from others that don't smoke


Dealing with you looking older then you are


Freezing your butt off to go outside to light up


Making excesses for not getting it up


Buying cloths to replace the ones with burn holes in them


Making extra trips to the dentist for one thing or another


Trying to find hotels that allow smoking


Being confined to a wheel chair or bed


Trying to find products to help whiten your teeth that are left


Being scared to go anywhere that doesn't allow smoking


Not being invited to go places with friends who don't smoke


Not wanted around friends with children


Missing out on a lot of things life has to offer


Dying before your time





Quitting smoking is not as hard as .......................



  • Like 11

Quitting Smoking is not as hard as......


Learning to juggle

Solving a Rubin's cube


I jest but seriously.....

Being ashamed of yourself every single day

Suffering from ever lower self esteem

Thinking every new ache/pain/twinge is a sign of cancer

Feeling guilty for smoking near your children

Wondering if seeing you smoke will set your children up for the same torment

Trying to take up running and realising that you can't breathe with seconds

Laying awake at night hating yourself for not quitting

  • Like 7

Quitting smoking is not as hard as....

Having someone shower and dress you ....take you to the bathroom.....because you carnt breath

Spending weeks...even months in hospital with pneumonia.

Watching your grown up daughter crying...and begging you to quit...

Lying to the people you love the most....

Carrying a oxygen tank on your back...having to sleep hooked up to a oxygen machine..

Being housebound...because you carnt walk...

Being told you WILL lose limbs.if you don't quit...

  • Like 6

Quitting smoking is not as hard as.....


Having to completely spring clean your mom's house every 3 months


And I mean wash everything yuk so gross!!

  • Like 3

quitting smoking is not as hard as........





remorse,                                    self loathing,


modeling illness creating & coping (vs thriving) behaviors,


lying to ourselves & those dear to us continuously

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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