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I did it and no ones cares


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Just don't see two weeks as big deal for you.


Maybe a new quiter but the old saying is there is no special snowflakes in quiting. It's hard on all. You included. But not harder.



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I understand your logic porky. Just I fell and I can't prove more then what I'm doing now. Getting back on the train.

I'm not gonna try explain how complicated my life is but I DID get up. And I made it 2 weeks. Bakon you've got this fantasy idea of me being this sup human well. I have posted a view struggles and they ARE real. You think it's crap. You find emotions psyche are shit. Well not to me.

And shit on me, for some people the world is not the way you see it.

I quit here and now but do not judge my life until you walked my shoes.

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Evelyn -


As I've told you before: I'm with you in solidarity when it comes to being someone who suffers (deeply) from moods AND is trying to beat this addiction.


I'm up and down and all around...BPD....cry, cry, cry.  Howl, wail, and take no prisoners.  FREAKshow.  Trust me.  That's why I've always failed at my quits in the past.  Too much crying - frankly, too embarrassing.  Now, at work, I'm just like: "yah, I quit smoking, I cry."  What else can I do?  This quit is too important to give-up because of my lack of humility.


Your struggles have inspired me and given me the courage to march-on with my own quit.  The details of your life which you're willing to share, I can not tell you how much I appreciate them.  We all need to hear every experience to know we're not alone.  Your success will be a great beacon for others who suffer from mental illness.


The self-harm component to smoking (which nobody seems to adequately explain)!!!!! Well, it's a big part of smoking that we miss.  After all, without cigarettes, "HOW CAN WE ACTIVELY AND WILLFULLY HARM OUR BODIES AND COMMIT OUR SLOW SUICIDE???????"  This is a void for us.  This is why our brain struggles to find creative new ways to hurt ourselves (ruin something beautiful about ourselves, cut an arm/leg, scream way too loudly for way too long, over exercise to a point of injury or slam head into wall).  Or we can, of course, go back to inhaling noxious smoke.  Most people will take one look at us and be like, "Wow, just smoke already!!!!!!!" Because most people don't understand how central this accomplishment is.  These outsiders can't see how we won't be able to secure other successes until we secure THIS success. 


So do it Evelyn.  Doubters be damned.  If you have to start your own celebration thread for 10 months - - WHO FREAKING CARES?  This is yours to accomplish.  We're doing this thing to act as survivors & fighters - - - not victims.



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Evelyn. I wouldn't shit on you or anyone. Two weeks is great for the quitter and I guess I don't see you as a new quiter. I see you as 10 months and two weeks.


As for your struggles. Quit putting shoes on first and the pants wil be easier to pull up. Your no different than us for quiting smoking. No special snowflakes here. We all had it hard. And if we did it you can too cupcake.

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Thanks, for the support. The kicks the hugs. Am I realy worth saying 10 months and 5 days? Maybe I am... I don't FEEL being back to square 1. I ****** up big time 2 weeks ago, smokes and yes cuts. There's no snowflakes in that just feeling I should punish myself for my failure so maybe looking it the other way and say ók i ****** up but I did not throw away my 10 months is a conquer OVER that 3 screwed days. I wish I knew how to anticipate BEFORE. Oh I am so angry for &*^$


I can't undo it, I can only look forward and anticipate differently NEXT time.


Honestly should I set my ticker to 10 months?

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Maybe you might consider throwing away the ticker, stop counting anything other than the day you woke up to.  Do a "for today I will not take one puff".  Keep it simple.



First.....good job of climbing back on... Like Bakon, I don't look at you as a new quitter...you have been here before....you were not celebrating every week when you were 10 months in, so for me, I wasn't sure you wanted to be reminded that you have that mountain in front of you to climb again....


I have faith in you Evelyn, and know you can do this....as do most people here...now, .....you just have to DO IT!!


And I agree with Janet.... One day at a time....almost 2 years ago, I quit for one day......then the next day I quit for that day....(repeat).....and here I am 24 months later quitting for today. The only real difference now, is "not smoking" comes natural...I don't have to think so much about it...but my guard is forever up!


If I would throw this quit away, I would rather someone kick my @ss than congratulate me on "re-quitting" for 2 weeks... The nicotine is out of my system and I am educated about it... Now, for me....no excuses..

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Maybe I'm to hard of a bitch to myself. I did smoke. I feel cheating. I may no be new quiter but i do have to start from zero. So then don't congratulate me if I again have 3 weeks or 5 months. I'm not gonna lie to myself.

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Celebrate a year in two months, its your choice. I don't think starting at zero is helping you.


Do you deserve to say you quit for 10 months now? I don't see a problem with it. Maybe someone will say otherwise, but I couldn't have three days of stupid and not count my 10 months before it. Sorry, I just wouldn't say anything. Who is the official time keeper? Who decides what is a quit, a slip, a screw up, who ?? you.


So if you want make it 10 months and put yourself on probation...no slip ups for next two months and you can honestly say "I quit for a year. I tried it once for a few smokes at 10 months, but didn't like it, and stayed quit. " Probation will be over....


Again your decision, is it a lie to say the above, NOPE. Its the truth, You quit for 10 months, lit up, didn't like it and stayed quit.  


I probably would be so hurt and disappointed in myself I wouldn't have said anything...But you guys all know I am the quiet type and don't like a lot of attention.....

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