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Addicts have their own way of asking for and receiving help.


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Now that my house is clear..

I will start this by saying, IF I offend you with my language, or perversions, or any damn thing I say, I will apologize.

Not for what I make you feel, as I have no control over your feelings. If I had that, I’d be god.

But for what I say. Maybe. I cant control the context in what you take it.


Lets get one thing right about what an addiction board should be.

First priority: the addict.

Second priority: their feelings.

Third priority: not being judgemental or corrective, nor making them feel as if they are being punished for their feelings or words. That’s most likely how they got here in the first ******* place. (sorry said ****)


I get no one likes to hear “bad words every other word”.

However, some of us were brought up that way. In that environment, and if you actually took the time to read what said addict is trying to say, instead of nit picking every other ******* (sorry said ****) word, you would remember where you were then.


I actually post weird shit, as I feel like smoking.

It isn’t an SOS. It is what is MAKING ME FEEL LIKE SMOKING. IM GETTING IT THE **** OUT (sorry said ****)

And (gonna say ****)  **** you or anyone for telling me NOT TO FEEL, like swearing, because it isn’t what you are used to or like to hear..


There is no worse person on earth with their judgemental bullshit…than an ex anything.



Will not be there or be that stereotype.


And I do hope, actually, others follow and become their own person.

Their own NON ADDICTED person. In any way they can.


Express yourself. 

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 I will apologize.

Not for what I make you feel, as I have no control over your feelings. If I had that, I’d be god.

But for what I say. Maybe. I cant control the context in what you take it.



see .....your own words.


Read them back to yourself


absorb what it says



If you were offended by anything that any one said about you being offensive...I do apologize.  Not for how it made you feel....because I can't control that right?


lol....it is funny how the world is just a mirror image of ourselves.  I love that!




we are used to this type of ranting from a newbie...and we sure don't take offense.  I certainly am not offended by your ******* stars....and I didn't get any ******* reports from any one else as far as i can ******* tell.  Use the ******* stars if it makes you feel better.  Post away with your ******* thoughts and express your ******* self.  Go to town.  Have at it.


Just don't ******* smoke or find an excuse to ******* smoke either

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Now that my house is clear..

I will start this by saying, IF I offend you with my language, or perversions, or any damn thing I say, I will apologize.

Not for what I make you feel, as I have no control over your feelings. If I had that, I’d be god.

But for what I say. Maybe. I cant control the context in what you take it.


Lets get one thing right about what an addiction board should be.

First priority: the addict.

Second priority: their feelings.

Third priority: not being judgemental or corrective, nor making them feel as if they are being punished for their feelings or words. That’s most likely how they got here in the first ******* place. (sorry said ****)


I get no one likes to hear “bad words every other word”.

However, some of us were brought up that way. In that environment, and if you actually took the time to read what said addict is trying to say, instead of nit picking every other ******* (sorry said ****) word, you would remember where you were then.


I actually post weird shit, as I feel like smoking.

It isn’t an SOS. It is what is MAKING ME FEEL LIKE SMOKING. IM GETTING IT THE **** OUT (sorry said ****)

And (gonna say ****)  **** you or anyone for telling me NOT TO FEEL, like swearing, because it isn’t what you are used to or like to hear..


There is no worse person on earth with their judgemental bullshit…than an ex anything.



Will not be there or be that stereotype.


And I do hope, actually, others follow and become their own person.

Their own NON ADDICTED person. In any way they can.


Express yourself. 

Hey, I know I made you mad...but you started the etiquette topic...and I agree with Babs...read it back!

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Trust people can be their own person cheri, hell i can and that's a miracle, bakon can be himself that a mircacle ;)


It's okay to be you, I've have a hard time spelling lately but no one is picking on me 'you f*cking can't spell right whats that about'?


No theirs value is everones process and being.


Crap I'm a gonna be wise here?

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Ok ma,ladies....I have found there is a perfect place in the basement for one to curse as much as they would care too...

This way... on lookers,newbies and oldies can visit when ever the urge takes them...

Every one is happy as tiketyboo....

I have learned some great words of marti...Liverpool and etiquette...not normally seen in the same sentence lol.....

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Cheri, Baby you can follow in my swearing footsteps......


When the mood takes me I can make a sailor blush...nah seriously! I make up whole new words using a collection of swears and string them together. Some I have co joined part and part to make an entire new word. I like to show my creative side in all endeavors :)  So I get swearing. Absolutely, bought up around it, doesn't cause me any grief to say it or hear it.


So imagine my surprise when my (now ex, but still lovely) mother in law ABHORED swearing. In an effort to conform, I stuttered over half my sentences lol. Then I had girls, daughters...and actually, I think I would be taken aback to hear them swear how I do. I mean it is debateable whether my 1st borns first word actually was "stuck"... Yikes! Made me think about it you know, like some people are having their space invaded by me (I'm not known for talking quietly) and it really does get on my tits when people invade my personal space with their smoke etc. Hmm, food for thought I said to myself.


So now I like that we have a section devoted to swearing. cause what if some proper holier then thou smoker comes to the board and I turned them off getting support cause I swear like a navvy? I would actually be gutted, I hang here to help people who find themselves where I was. And yes, I too have been known to get a little bit batshizzle, especially early quit as everything was settling and I was having to adjust to some harsh realities without hiding under the fog of "taking 5 minutes" which really was code for "complete avoidance"!  Talk to me anytime chick, swears an all :)  But take from my thoughts what you will. No offence intended, cause I promise there's no doubt if I try and offend someone haha.  


I think you're doing great by the way. Good job on having a circle around you, standing strong and embracing every part of who you are to do this journey :)


Much love. xx

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