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So hurt, dunno will I ever feel better?


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Can;t go into details but I'm grieving a hhorendious loss and I hurt so bad. I feel so lost, lost a part of me. How do you cope with that. I want to scream and shout, I feel like loosing my mind, my heart burns, a hole in my heart.


I keep my NOPE. NOT ONE PUFF EVER; no matter what!!!


But please, friends be with me, I'm so tired. Can someone just sayI'll be okay... one day?

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Evelyn I'm so sorry things aren't great for you at the moment, life certainly has away of throwing a spanner in the works at times but also it can be brilliant as well. Time is a healer but you also don't have to be strong all the time, we are all here for you to do whatever we can, thing will get better in time.


Last year I quit smoking in January obviously I lose that quit and friend of mines baby died was I looking for an excuse to smoke probably but it was hard.


About a month later my friend took her life to say last year was the worst year I ever had is an understatement BUT things are better now it just takes time big virtual hug coming your way.

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Evelyn I promise you.....everything, and I mean EVERYTHING...good AND bad is temporary.  That's good news for the bad stuff..not so good for the good stuff but remembering it does help to appreciate when it's good...and hang in there when it's bad because it won't last. 


That being said.........I am very sorry for your loss!!

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Don't you dare light up!!  You may be hurting and grasping for relief from that hurt but a fag WILL NOT remove the hurt.  It will not change circumstances.  


You are a strong woman Evelyn.  Think about that rather than thinking about ruining your cleaned out lungs and 8 1/2 months of success.


Stay close and keep posting!!  

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Runfree is right Evelyn....you will only hurt more if you lose your lovely quit...

You have fought so hard for your 8 months...

Putting filthy smoke back in your clean lungs will not change the hurt you have....

Please don't do that to yourself....

Don't smoke

Hugs xxxx

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Evelyn please don't contemplate smoking it will do nothing at all for your situation. It won't make you feel better, it WILL make you feel worst! It's not a magic prop, it will not wave your hurt away. The only thing that will is time.


Remember you live by the NOPE mantra, I have seen you on here telling people their is no reason to smoke and you are right. Squash that thought out of your head, be angry with it, how dare that little bastard try and trick you at a weak moment.


The truth is Evelyn if he has resorted to these tactics then you are the stronger one, you can do this my love because you are you.

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I'm not sure what your particular loss is. I've lost things of sentimental value. I've lost a home. I've lost pets. I've lost family. I've lost friends. None of it is easy. I can understand wanting to find comfort in a smoke. Don't go there. You've come too far. Sending good thoughts & big hugs. I work from home, so, am online throughout the day. You're welcome to pm, if you need to vent or anything. 

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Haven't smoked, pulled through. After my home support nurse said no on my question on a cig I could have easily asked someone ese, i didn't i pulled through.

F it life! F it smokes.




And thanks everyone, I read your words

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You are stronger thaan you know...maybe stronger than you want to be....


You will feel different one day.   Laughter will come, your heart lifitng at the things that bring you comfort and smiles.   It will change and you will feel light again.



(((Love and light to you Evelyn. )))


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Well I am super pleased you didn't smoke, that would've been dreadful!


That said, I am sorry something/one hurt you. xx


Natural lifts for mood??  Yoga, meditation, practising gratitude, inner child work, self love (no bakon!!), nature, scents.... lots of ways to help ourselves sweetie....but even then sometimes a good wallow day is needed...but not smoking, never that.

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Sorry EVelyn that you were in a dark place, unfortunately they come, the most important thing to take with you from this is it came and you pulled through it so when another dark wave hits you have the ammunition of experience to know you can pull through it.


Try and keep yourself distracted when the storms come and vent and post


Be proud today and March on even if feeling off canter, you non smoking warrior!!!


Hugs xxx

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