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Ticker thing...


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I have read a lot about this ticker thing.

I am not setting mine back.


To me, I did NOT relapse into complete pack a night smoking. I do not believe one puff means you failed in life as an addict.


To me, I look at my ticker and I am proud of what I have done so far.


I will absolutely not set myself back into an entire re do of what I have accomplished.


I think that would be destructive, not constructive. And depressive. For me, that would only lead to anger.

Not that I have anger issues or anything..im just sayin. 


I did mark this day on my calendar though, as a trigger, something I need to watch for and work on.



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Hey Cheri.


Your ticker, your choice. Its the internet.


Your real name might be Dave for all I know.


Quitting is about committing. It is about overcoming the mental addiction, about escaping the prison that we have built for ourselves.


For me, the key to quitting was understanding that cigarettes did NOTHING for me. The key was realising that the cigarette after a meal did not enhance the enjoyment, that it was possible to enjoy a coffee in the morning without a cigarette. There were times when I really wanted to smoke a cigarette. I remember one justifying to myself that I needed one to cope with stress of quitting smoking......




When the illogical craves were winning, I relied on brute force and ignorance...and on that little thing called accountability.


How could I cheer people on here? How could I offer advice and help if I was still smoking a cigarette every Sunday morning?


I lost two 9 month quits over the years. Each time, I did not try again for several years. That's destructive and depressive. Each time that I lost a quit, I did so by


......taking a few drags.


You came here and put your hand up. That takes commitment and guts. Well done you.


Repeat after me...


Not One Puff Ever. Just for Today.


Repeat daily.

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hi Cheri...your ticker is your ticker...not ours.  The reason for a ticker is accountability to yourself...to your smobriety.  Indicating the very last time you put your lips to a cigarette and lit it on fire.


 Honesty to yourself....you deserve no less.



Stick around and do lots of reading...and watching the videos helps too


Back on the train and don't look back!

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Don't deceive yourself, one puff IS a relapse and one puff triggers the addiction so everytime shit / an excuse hits and you puff one you keep relapsing so who are you fooling. Quit and commit fully like many did here and believe me many had crap in their life going on.

I was told kinda the same by Bakon once and h*ll he was right and if I used every shit / excuse to smoke I'd never got 8 months on my ticker...

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Hi Cheri, we are not here to tell you what to do, or judge you in anyway. I completely get what you are saying about the the feeling of having to go back to day one, hell it your quit you do what you want.


This is my issue with what you have said. If you can truly not smoke anymore and this would be the difference between completely losing your quit then keep going. The trouble is this could keep happing! You need to understand that all you are doing by relapsing is feeding your addiction again. Making those cravings stronger to fight again! Regardless of where you see yourself in your quit EVERY time you take a puff you are keeping your addictive side a live.


I really don't want to see you stuck in a never-ending circle and wondering why you can't move on in life, why it still feel's like you have to constantly be on your guard. Wondering will this ever end and eventually craving.


I remember getting to about six months and asking the questions does quitting ever get better, I had a tough one. I was told of course it does, nobody could quit if they had to keep dealing with the craving forever! If you keep having the odd one you are basically going to have to do that!


It's your choice at the end of the day but please don't fall in to the trap of thinking one puff doesn't matter because that will be your down fall!

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I have read a lot about this ticker thing.

I am not setting mine back.


To me, I did NOT relapse into complete pack a night smoking. I do not believe one puff means you failed in life as an addict.


To me, I look at my ticker and I am proud of what I have done so far.


I will absolutely not set myself back into an entire re do of what I have accomplished.


I think that would be destructive, not constructive. And depressive. For me, that would only lead to anger.

Not that I have anger issues or anything..im just sayin. 


I did mark this day on my calendar though, as a trigger, something I need to watch for and work on.





I smoked one pack after being smoke-free for 9 months and reset my ticker.  One puff means you failed to keep your quit.  NOPE!  Not one puff, ever!  Relapsing is depressing but only for as long as you let it.  You took a puff and to be honest with this support group, you should reset your ticker.  I'm not saying that you have to, but in all fairness to the group and those not yet here, you should.  That ticker is actually accountability not only to yourself, but also to others.  When you make a public statement it holds you accountable.  


You're not the only one here who has relapsed.  I could be coming up on 3 years instead of 2 years quit over 20 cigarettes which I didn't even enjoy one single puff from any of them.  It is what it is.  I can look at my ticker and know that I have not taken a single puff in that amount of time.


Should I Reset My Quit Meter?

Video stresses the importance of drawing a clear line in the sand regarding the issue of whether a person should reset their quit meter if they ever take a puff off of a cigarette, or really deliver nicotine via any tobacco product or other nicotine containing device.




You Mean You Haven't Had A Single Puff Of A Cigarette?

This video discusses the danger of other people or former smokers themselves in making an arbitrary distinction between the ingestion of a smaller dosage of nicotine in contrast to some larger amount.



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