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How many years and how many cigs smoked?


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I was just thinking this might help any guests to join in and quit if they saw someone who smoked for the same amount of time, age and cigs smoked as them, maybe one of us is the exact same as anyone lurking and you might see you can do it just like your twin here so worth a shot.


I am 35 years young, smoked for 21 years and smoked 20 a day and I am soo happy to be free, is my twin out there?? Feel free to join and pm me if you have the same or similar stats, I would love to help you on the road to recovery,

Anybody else want to try.

Sue xxxx

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I am 43 I had smoked for 29 years, started at age 14 thinking I was grown up and clever I was also a rebel! I smoked between 15-20 per day until 2 months before quit and I cut down to 10 per day


My whole family smokes 


I would love to support you in quitting smoking


Tracey xxxx

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I am 48 years young, smoked since I was 14 OMG 34 years I smoked, at least a pack a day up to about a year ago when I cut down to 10 a day if anyone is hovering out there and wants to join and matches me please PM would be more than happy to help anyway I can.

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I am 38 years old and tried my first cigarette when I was 8 :huh:   I started smoking regularly at age 13 and quit at 37.  My amount smoked was anywhere from 1.5 ppd to 3 packs ppd, yikes!  When I quit, I was smoking 2.5 ppd.  

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I started smoking when I was 13. I smoked between one and a half to two packs a day. I was slowly creeping up to 3 packs. If I was stressed, it was nothing for me to smoke 3 packs in one day. Then I would be sick the next day and would "cut down" to my one and a half packs for a day or two.


My mother is who got me started. And then when she quit, she wanted me to. But I was in my early 20's then and still thought I was invincible. I never tried to quit until one day, my son's teacher showed him a picture of a smokers lung. He came home and asked me to quit. I told him I wasn't like that, I could quit anytime. He asked me to prove it then. I told him no, I liked to smoke. And when I looked up, he had tears in his eyes. I started my first quit the next day.


And it hasn't been an easy ride, but with everyone here being sooooo patient with me, I'm doing it. I hate cigarettes now. I never thought I would ever feel that way. But I do.

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I am 43 I had smoked for 29 years, started at age 14 thinking I was grown up and clever I was also a rebel! I smoked between 15-20 per day until 2 months before quit and I cut down to 10 per day


My whole family smokes 


I would love to support you in quitting smoking


Tracey xxxx

Holy, Tracey.....we could be twins. My story is the same. Im 43, started at 14.....smoked 15-20 a day


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Okay- I am a new non smoker.  I am 48 years old started at 13 I was up to 1 pack and a half or more per day.  Bad Smokers cough and pressure on my chest. I had no plans to quit but I came upon the board and picked a date. 5 days I am amazed.  I new I had to quit but the frame of mind just wasn't there. All of the literature

and all of the positive support has been a great.  For the board you must know I would not have done this otherwise. :)

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I am 26, 27 in a few months. I started smoking in 2006 and quit in 2012, so I smoked for 6 years. I smoked a ppd until 2011, sometimes more. When I visited my parents (who are/were both chain smokers), I smoked anywhere between 1.5 and 2 packs a day. 50 cigarettes A DAY. Yeesh. 

I quit in August 2012.

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I'm 45.  I started smoking around 13-14.  I smoked about 1/2 ppd a day - a bit more in my early 20's.  I have always been kind of a closet smoker.  I was so ashamed of smoking that I hid it from a lot of people, which helped me smoke less.  


I had a boyfriend in college, and he didn't know I smoked.  He wanted me to go to Nassau with him for vacation, and I made a bunch of excuses as to why I couldn't go (lack of any money at all in my bank account did not seem to matter at that time).  The two primary reasons I didn't go:  1) how would I smoke and 2) how would I poop both without him knowing?  LOL    Is that TMI???  hahaha - you know how hotel rooms are - the running shower only masks so much.  :)

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I am 26, 27 in a few months. I started smoking in 2006 and quit in 2012, so I smoked for 6 years. I smoked a ppd until 2011, sometimes more. When I visited my parents (who are/were both chain smokers), I smoked anywhere between 1.5 and 2 packs a day. 50 cigarettes A DAY. Yeesh. 

I quit in August 2012.



im 27 i smoked since i was 16 stopped for 1 year when i was 23 ( THE BEST HEALTH YEAR OF MY LIFE)



I am 31 years young, smoked for 15 years, between 10-15 a day (depending on the day lol).


Is MY twin out there?!


I love seeing young quitters!!!  What an awesome thing you are doing for your health!!!!  Your young lives will improve so much so quickly!!!  :)

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I am almost 48 started smoking when I was15. I smoked about 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day. Never tried quitting smoking before, was to afraid to, but so glad I did.


My dad was the one that got me started by betting my sister and I a dollar that we could not smoked a whole cigarettes. I got my dollar but I caused me more. 

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im 50 started smoking at  13   quit twice  once for 6 years and started again and 1 year once this is my third and final quit   im 50 now so i smoked aprox 30 years a pack a day sometimes 2   so glad i quit and if i can help others quit and stay quit im alll in  lets ride this train togeter  yea quitters  love you all   :D  :wub:

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