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My weight loss progress

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Hi everyone:


I know I don't post much anymore, but I'm hoping to change that! I've been going through a lot with my health, weight, and life in general lately. I've had a lot of ups and downs and have been battling depression.


In late June, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My testosterone levels are much higher than my estrogen levels, which has caused a lot of problems for me. I will probably need fertility drugs to get pregnant and losing weight will forever be a struggle for me. 


Now for the good news: This week, I stepped on the scales and am down another two pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 75 pounds since the end of October 2014. I still have a long way to go and I don't really notice much a different except I feel wonderful. I am no longer out of breath when I walk upstairs and my ankles don't swell. I have been taking progress pictures and can finally see the difference. I thought I would share one with everyone. :)


Before: November 2014

After: July 2015






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WOWEEE! Leanna! you look STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! Through your eyes I can see your soul, which is amazing!

Our 'outers' are just that! but 75lbs is HUGE!!! I bet you feel wonderful!!!


So sorry about the PCOS :wub:  but your positive outlook is inspiring!!!



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Thank you Ria! :D It's amazing to see the difference. I look so miserable (and felt so miserable) in my before picture. I definitely feel a lot better. I don't feel sluggish anymore; I have much more energy! I exercise and don't get winded quickly. It's an amazing feeling. :)

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You look fabulous Leanna!  It's obvious in the new picture how happy you are.  Try not to put to rely too much on the scale, quite often it lies.  Besides how you feel is what matters the most :)

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You look fabulous Leanna!  It's obvious in the new picture how happy you are.  Try not to put to rely too much on the scale, quite often it lies.  Besides how you feel is what matters the most :)

It's really hard not to focus on the scales sometimes, but I totally agree with you! I have lost inches and have weighed the same, so the scales definitely do lie! 


Thank you! :)

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Thank you everyone! I am still trying to get over how my eyes look. I look a different person in my after picture. 2014 really wasn't a good year, but I definitely feel so much better now and a lot happier!

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You look fabulous Leanna!  It's obvious in the new picture how happy you are.  Try not to put to rely too much on the scale, quite often it lies.  Besides how you feel is what matters the most :)


ABSOLUTELY!!! someone ought to blow scales up!!! LOL!


It's how we feel and how we see ourselves that's the most important thing!!!

Reading numbers on a bright screen and allowing those numbers to dictate our emotions (good, bad, happy, sad) is a HUGE mistake!

IMO! IMO!  let's face it, our clothes will tell us in a day! it's not going to "creep" as some say... unless we wear tents of course!

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Having said all that, it may be an 'age' thing...? come to think of it!  The older I get, the more "in tune" I am to my body... inside and out!

IF that makes sense?


My sister, HAS to weigh! ? I don't get it... then she feels 'disappointed' in herself if she hasn't "lost" or worse, "gained".....


We don't need scales to tell us how to FEEL... that's probably what I mean...


I'll stop there, before I put my feet and hands in my mouth! :rolleyes:

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I put on a pair of pants today that I haven't been able to fit into in two years. I was so ecstatic! I know I want to lose more weight, but am not giving myself a specific number anymore. When I do that, I become easily discouraged and give in quickly if the scales aren't moving.


I'm a member of a group for those on low carb/high fat diets and there was a woman complaining about how her healthy weight is supposed to be 130, yet she already feels wonderful at 150. I told her numbers don't matter as much as how you feel. The index she was referring to is the BMI, which is completely outdated and doesn't take into consideration body type or build.


I say if you feel great at 200, that's awesome! If you feel like you've lost a healthy amount of weight and are happy with where you are, why change that? I'm a big girl who has a long road ahead of her because I know weight is stopping me from certain things (motherhood, for example), but I haven't been as happy as I am now in years. 

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