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Day 6 & feeling okay!

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Hello and thanks for the replies I got to S.O.S board last night, such a helpful site, last night was a huge hurdle but one I crossed, I've been fine all day as I knew I would be, it's the evenings I struggle with.


Anyway, I'm Tina and have been a smoker for 25 years starting at the tender age of 13, when I was ten years old I told my dad I would smoke when I'm older as I loved the smell on his hands, he is and always has been a social smoker, if dad was smoking that usually meant he was having a drink which in turn meant we were having a social gathering of some sort, therefore i guess it had a positive linked to it.


I have decided to be a non-smoker mainly for me and my daughters sake, I want what every mother does, to be there for her for as long as I can, I have hidden it from her so far (although she probably knew) and I can't stand the thought of hiding behind a hedge for part of our family holiday hiding or waiting til she goes to bed as too uncomfortable, I look forward to getting to know you all more and already can't thank you enough for the support given.



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Hi Tina,


Great job on the SOS. That's exactly how we make it through when our strength wavers!  Sos as often as you need to, there is no judgement or number of times to use it. I say that now as some others asked once.


Aside from that I want to say as a fellow Mum, you are doing the best possible thing for you but also for your daughter. they are so incredibly precious and they watch and learn from us, the good the bad and the ugly! I can't speak for you but for me, the thought of my girls smoking is so awful it willed me on so use that power for yourself. I think there comes a time when we can no longer kid ourselves. On all levels actually, we are setting a bad example, we are damaging our choice to time with them, we are telling them that this is ok for adults to do....


Great choice :)  And Welcome. xx

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I don't want to post as feel like a pest but your all so welcoming!


Had a super workout tonight, refuelled with a super healthy dinner, salmon & veg, lovely BUT the wine went well with it too,

wine is my major trigger, they go hand in hand, ok Tina so don't drink the wine, but I enjoy it and would like to enjoy a glass of wine

without the association of a cig to go with it, Allen Carr suggests we should just do as we normally do!.


The difference between last night and tonight is I came very close to having a puff last night, tonight is also challenging but I know I'm

not going to have one, hence I'm on here, yes, to be honest, I want one....but I don't need it! Another early night for me tonight.


Got a great day in store tom, brunch with the girls, gym & table tennis with little one, that'll keep me busy. Had my daughters friend over to play tonight to watch the classic 'the railway children' may sound meaningless but I watched it with them without any interruptions!


One day at a time, camping season coming up, bit worried!

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Hello again, Tina xox


"he/she who worries too soon, worries too much"... try NOT to worry or even imagine the future.. tonight, tomorrow etc will arrive in it's

own good time, with or without our concern, y'know?


I also quit mostly for the money, but also, like you, the "secrecy" of it all!!! After my major Quit 10 years ago, hardly anyone KNEW that I smoked.. I lied to and sneaked around family to smoke.. so I ROOLY understand! and ADMIRE your strength!!


This site is great for "letting it all out" good or bad....


a week coming up!!! YAYYYY!! :lol:

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Wow, your film choices are great, we are always watching minions or frozen lol. Isn't it fabulous the first time you don't use them being engrossed in a film as an opportunity to sneak away!!  massive victory for you and your child. I am honestly a lot more bonded with my girls now as they can rely on me to finish things, I wouldn't have believed it but it does make a difference. So you are right to spot it and identify it as amazing.


Re the wine. I have been known to like a tipple myself :)  My advice is don't get wasted, that brings on the triggers and a lot of people have fallen off (myself included in years gone by) with subdued senses. I carried on with the wine in an evening though, a glass or two is fine for triggers but find your own limits. You need to be in control for a little while, until you and your brain together reset to your "new normal". Which sounds weird but is actually wonderful.


So do keep talking. The reassurance is wonderful at times and everyone here is here because they choose to be. If they don't want to answer, they won't. Maybe a blog would give you some outlet as well. I documented my entire journey and it was cathartic and helped me see how far I'd come. I did it because another guy here and other people elsewhere had done that and said it helped them. People who didn't seem to regret not doing it. So if you don't mind typing/writing, that's a thought for sure.


Other than that I'm super excited for you. It's a journey that feels tough in places and euphoric with the wins in others. I don't think a never smoker could understand the elation of a day quit, a week quit and so on. Which reminds me...MASSIVE CONGRATS ON ONE WEEK SMOKE FREE!!!  freaking awesome work. xx

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Tina!!! a vapourizer is NOT a cigi!!!!


I've got one of those... NO NICOTINE, and it's purrfick for times such as you've described!!! JUST the "wish I smoked" times... which I can assure you, get less and less!!!!

Mine's Menthol, which was pushed aside after I "started the disgusting smelly fags" again, with that "just one" idiotic thing!


Now, it's there IF I need the 'urge' to  inhale on something... but don't fret over a puffer!!! that's NOT smoking!!!


How CAN it be??? One of my flavours is Lemon Meringue Pie and it's GORGEOUS!!!! LOL! 

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Hi Tina - welcome again :-). I don't know anything about cigs so I can't comment there - but I will say - please don't fret about being a pest and posting too much - that is what this board is for !! I for one can't wait to hear more about you smoke free life so post away and remember we are here for support if you need it. :-)

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A lot of people need a crutch and I think as long as there's an end game plan, that's your way which makes it right for you. Wouldn't work for me or another person but quit is unique and should be protected at all costs in the early days.  As a word of advice when I had to do something, I used a cut straw and sucked air through it, I used that technique for about a month (suggested by someone else to me) so maybe that might help you too?  


After that I'd put "new habits" in place for the stressful times so that whilst I thought about smoking, I could then choose NOPE and do another better plan.


How are you feeling about things today? Evenings seem to be your "trigger point" don't they, could we maybe come up with some new habits for you to do at the points where you start to really associate smoking?



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Hi Marti,


Today is a very good day thank you for asking, I don't get home til 8pm on a Monday so although I usually look forward to coming home and enjoying a couple of cigs, I barely thought about it, how great is that! By the time I'd eaten, watched a program I wanted to see, tidied up it was time for bed, ok so I wouldn't usually be in bed as early as this but I can't smoke here!!


I told my Mum today, I really wanted to wait a bit longer until I had a few weeks under my belt but couldn't help myself, she looked at me as if she knew I meant it this time (she has heard me say I was gonna quit on many occasions). A proud moment, I'd hate to tell her I started again, but that's not going to happen.


Evenings are definitely a trigger but I realise distraction is the key, perhaps I should write a list of distractions, with the schools breaking up for summer this week it means my daughter will be up later so I'll plan some nice things to do with her, that'll help. First camping trip in 2 weeks but am going with a non-smoker, I'll still need my vapour though, not sure why but I usually smoke loads whilst camping. Although I am thinking positive and besides, that's 2 weeks away, still taking it day by day at the moment.



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Each to their own, Tina.. and it's working BRILLIANTLY for me this time!


Emotional Triggers, eh? who needs 'em?...



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